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Edited by HUNTSPOINT20: 6/13/2019 6:01:12 PM

Reckoning Not Fun since Super Exotics Got Huge Nerf a bit to hard now

just how i feel maybe some agree maybe some dont

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  • Edited by Divine_Majin93: 6/16/2019 10:37:31 PM
    It never was fun. Got a decent roll in a Gnawing Hunger once. That's about all the fun I've ever had with it. Edit: Reckoning was the 2nd best thing about JW. The Xur quests were best. But -blam!- Gambit and Gambit Prime and the horse it all rode in on.

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  • I care not for what the elitists think, Reckoning is definitely in need of some tuning.

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  • You mean a small bridge, where you have to defend a small point 6 times while being chased by endless thrall, sniped from each side, and either being pushed off by phalanxes or stomped by knights all in like 30 seconds, isn’t fun?

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    • Skull is crap and starts to diminish super return by half after the first kill, and after that it scales even more.

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    • [quote]just how i feel maybe some agree maybe some dont[/quote] I'd love to Grind reckoning for the auto rifle but it's a massive pain in the ass, respawn timers take too long and as soon as 2 people are dead others start dropping out, plus no one stays after a single fail, everyone just bails 🤷

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    • Orpheus Rigs are still use-able... but Skull is absolutely useless now.

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    • Reckoning was an awful concept from the start. Menagerie is so much better. Menagerie has multiple different encounters so if you suck at one you can makeup for it in another. Menagerie allows for more variety in loadouts and doesn’t require the same 3 weapons. You can GUARANTEE what drop you want in a much more fun activity while reckoning is near -blam!-ing impossible with certain modifiers and only has a chance to drop A gun, it could be something you don’t want or shit roles. Reckoning is horrible and I’m so glad menagerie exists because it’s actually worth doing.

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    • Edited by mercuryserver: 6/14/2019 12:21:40 PM
      Reckoning sucks as a whole. The entire concept sucks. You can't design an activity and make certain characters MANDATORY (Warlock Well, Warlock Nova, Hunter Tether) and then, go ahead and proceed with nerfing ALL of these mandatory roles to the ground. Also, from my experience, in 10 runs, I ended up in 6-8 times in already running (and lost) Games that could not be won anymore. People are joining and leaving without end. Trying to find a group of randoms that do more than one match together is not an easy task. If I try to go to Reckoning with a Hunter, I have a failure rate of 60-70%. When I go as Titan, it comes to 80-90% and as a bonus, some people leave when they see a Titan lol. The only char I can do do some matches with is my bloody Warlock where I am forced to go in with a well or else I do not have zero chance. It's not only the chars, it's the enemies. I only play Reckoning when the Knights are not there and when there is no Blackout Debuff. I wonder who of the Developpers thought it's fun to get one hit by everything in a run? I am a collector and wanted to gather all the armor for all three chars. But that's not going to happen. Not the way the Reckoning is designed and not after most recent nerfs. From all matchmaking activities (Blind Well, Escalation Protocoll, Menagerie), Reckoning is by far the worst and I feel pity for everybody who bought the season pass late because they will have a real hard time to get anything from there because nobody plays it anymore.

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      • 4
        Was reckoning ever “fun”

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        • Edited by dramund3: 6/15/2019 11:39:45 AM
          All I have to say is boss stomp can go kill its self.

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        • Reckoning was fun if you played a role you liked. And Destiny is worse as a whole with the nerfs.

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        • [b] [/b]

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        • Once you completed the triumph of Invader, collector, reaper, sentry with a full set of +3 gear then whats the point of playing. If you want the get the power engram then play tier 1 or 2. You may play more matches but it will get done with little or no stress

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          • Try using the Nova Bomb with Phoenix Protocol and a friend using Well of Radiance. There is a new way to play Warlock. Skull of Dire Ahamkara can be dismantled now. There is no use for it anymore. Use Nezarecs Sin with void weapons.

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            • This is really completely fictional. Went in the other day and played exactly how I used to. A well lock and a tether hunter and insert any other super, we were using defender titan and another tether. Gen'd plenty of orbs, not as much as it used to be but enough to always have well and bubble. It has always been super unforgiving, even when it was super ez mode you could still get knocked off the bridge and fail

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              • You better face it. All the nerfs, timers, timegate on infusion, endgame timers and literally [b]everything[/b] they’re about to do are a big middle finger to “Johnny Two Sticks from Walmart”. They’ve gone all-in on streamers and elitists. On the surface, they’ll make it look like they want the game to have more depth, but in the trenches, they’ll just be making it less accessible. It’s just going to get worse.

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                9 Replies
                • [quote]just how i feel maybe some agree maybe some dont[/quote] My warlock Skull of Dire Ahamkara is pointless now. What used to give me a super recharge doesn’t even get 20%. Might as well not wear it, no benefit. Taken all the fun out of running the nova. Please reverse the nerf!

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                  • The extra challenge is kind of fun. There were too many times we just breezed by that bridge.

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                  • Edited by BraddyBo: 6/15/2019 3:35:39 AM
                    Its the same difficulty with the right team

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                    The reckoning is hit or miss it seems with team composition, supers, dingus blueberries, and such.. It can be a nightmare if people are not running the right supers, and as long as supers are being used then you get the supers back rather quick. Iv not had too much issue with the rigs, there are plenty of adds.. biggest issue Iv had is that a well-lock is a must to have, and no one seems to want to play the support role. Lots of hugs to those warlocks who play well of radiance, thanks so much for being a team player.

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                  • I found the Reckoning no fun even prior to all the nerfs. It's just so tedious...

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                  • Edited by draycole: 6/14/2019 11:13:28 PM
                    Anyone here tried out lord of wolves? They buffed the ever loving shit out of it. Its straight up godly in pvp

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                    • Recking sucked even before they got nerfed. It could take 2 hours to try and beat just one Tier 3, and when you think about all that time you just wasted, it wasn't even worth it. Reckoning rewards suck and all you get most of the time is a blue. It's too unrewarding for how annoying and difficult it is.

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                      • If everyone is casting their supers you still have plenty of supers going around. Reckoning takes more teamwork now.

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                      • It’s called master worked weapons, I rock all masterwork guns. Popping orbs out a lot.

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                      • It’s incredibly easy IMO. I had actually never even attempted tier 3 reckoning until after the nerf and even with a group of randoms we completed it without any complications.

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