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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
Edited by TheArtist: 5/17/2019 12:16:47 PM

Cozmo, dmg.....we need to talk.......

I can see that the array of nerfs that were announced in last night's TWAB are going over **about** as I expected they would. I've really got to ask you---your devs really---a very simple question: [i]Do You Really WANT To Be Making a Loot-Based Game With Destiny?[/i] I ask this because at every turn for the last 6 months I see you guys doing things that show that you either don't UNDERSTAND these kinds of games, and what motivates people to play them......or you don't RESPECT those reasons why.....or both. People play games like Destiny in PVE for one simple reason: POWER. The power to do things in the game that they can't do in real life. They GRIND for more power, so that the game gets EASIER as they progress in the game. BECAUSE THAT SENSE OF POWER IS THE ONLY THING THE GAME HAS TO OFFER. Yet for the last 8 months, you're devs just keep SABOTAGING the game. At every turn you are either REFUSING to give the player power....or taking BACK power that has already been given...and yet you seem confused as to why player are angry...and why they are getting frustrated and going to play other games. This game has one of the most broken progression systems I've ever seen in a loot game. At every turn its designed to limit what power (loot) the player can get from the game, and pry out of his hands (cores) what power he does have. The other half of the problem is the sandbox. You are asking people to grind inordinate amounts of time for rewards THAT ARE NOT POWERFUL, AND DON'T MAKE THE PLAYER FEEL POWERFUL. We grind for "pinnacle" weapons that are basically nothing more than god-rolled Legendaries from D1. You have an entire ARMORY of exotics that are basically USELESS. You have legendary heavy weapons that are almost laughably underpowered. IOW..... [b][i]NONE of the items that got nerfed are "broken" or overpowered from a PVE persprective. IF YOU GO BACK AND PLAY DESTINY 1, ALL YOU GOING TO SEE IS THAT THESE EXOTIC ARMOR PIECES SIMPLY GIVE YOU YOUR SUPER BACK ON ABOUT THE SAME RHYTHM THAT YOU GOT IT IN DESTINY 1 IF YOU HAD A HIGH INTELLECT BUILD.[/i][/b] The reason why people only use those exotics is because they are the only one's in the sandbox that make you feel powerful....and the only ones what actually CHANGE how the game is played in a meaningful way. ...and now you want to take that power Away....AGAIN. ...AND YOU WONDER why people are mad. They are mad becasue you are breaking the fundamental contract that lay at the root of every good loot game. [b] That player effort will be rewarded with power..[/b]..and people are getting angry and frustrated because at every turn you want people to play your game, while you refuse to reward them with new power...and TAKE AWAY power that has already been granted. To the point where Whisper of the Worm has been given the EXACT same treatment that Black Hammer did. We LITERALLY have gone in a big circle with that weapon. I assume the next move is that it too will be removed from the game..... It is LONG past time your devs stopped hiding in their offices, and actually FACE this community and get to know them....and understand WHY it is they play this game. Otherwise they are going to keep doing TONE DEAF things like this.... ...and they are eventually going to lose this game...and lose its players to OTHER games that understand them, and reward them.

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  • I actually think Bungie’s explanation was perfectly well explained. The only issue people can legitimately grip about is not having enough testing/foresight of their own roadmap to see it coming before hand and therefore prevent from having to nerf in the first place... But... here is the issue that I don’t believe is actually solvable: Pinnacle gear of any kind, by its name, means it is “better” than anything else. It’s the only reason anyone would be willing to commit the time to acquire it. This means that over time every new piece of gear becomes the only reasonable item to use to be most effective. So when the next update comes along it has to be created with the last pinnacle gear in mind, which makes other gear even MORE less useful, which leads to the next pinnacle gear being even better. This is the power creep they’ve discussed over and over again. This in turn leads to the inevitable nerf to the best gear to rectify the universe for a little while longer. Bungie basically has to snap their fingers with the Infinity Gauntlet once in a while to reset the universe. This has always been so and will always be so. Every new “awesome and powerful” item must eventually be brought back to norm or they end up artificially adjusting content like bosses to have to account for every pinnacle weapon or armor in existence. The only reasonable answer to this is to dumb down the “specialness” options of everything so they could guarantee it wouldn’t break any future content, and that would be major handcuffs to the creative designers. It’d be like having to constrain every new Star Trek series to the canon of the previous series. At some point you break the timeline, add a time travel or alternate reality episode and viola, you have a new series that has no handcuffs and they can get back to good stories and content again. They may not be perfect at this, but Bungie is trying their best to keep a franchise we all love going so I, for one, won’t begrudge them doing this from time to time.

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