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Discuss all things Destiny 2.
Edited by TheArtist: 5/17/2019 12:16:47 PM

Cozmo, dmg.....we need to talk.......

I can see that the array of nerfs that were announced in last night's TWAB are going over **about** as I expected they would. I've really got to ask you---your devs really---a very simple question: [i]Do You Really WANT To Be Making a Loot-Based Game With Destiny?[/i] I ask this because at every turn for the last 6 months I see you guys doing things that show that you either don't UNDERSTAND these kinds of games, and what motivates people to play them......or you don't RESPECT those reasons why.....or both. People play games like Destiny in PVE for one simple reason: POWER. The power to do things in the game that they can't do in real life. They GRIND for more power, so that the game gets EASIER as they progress in the game. BECAUSE THAT SENSE OF POWER IS THE ONLY THING THE GAME HAS TO OFFER. Yet for the last 8 months, you're devs just keep SABOTAGING the game. At every turn you are either REFUSING to give the player power....or taking BACK power that has already been given...and yet you seem confused as to why player are angry...and why they are getting frustrated and going to play other games. This game has one of the most broken progression systems I've ever seen in a loot game. At every turn its designed to limit what power (loot) the player can get from the game, and pry out of his hands (cores) what power he does have. The other half of the problem is the sandbox. You are asking people to grind inordinate amounts of time for rewards THAT ARE NOT POWERFUL, AND DON'T MAKE THE PLAYER FEEL POWERFUL. We grind for "pinnacle" weapons that are basically nothing more than god-rolled Legendaries from D1. You have an entire ARMORY of exotics that are basically USELESS. You have legendary heavy weapons that are almost laughably underpowered. IOW..... [b][i]NONE of the items that got nerfed are "broken" or overpowered from a PVE persprective. IF YOU GO BACK AND PLAY DESTINY 1, ALL YOU GOING TO SEE IS THAT THESE EXOTIC ARMOR PIECES SIMPLY GIVE YOU YOUR SUPER BACK ON ABOUT THE SAME RHYTHM THAT YOU GOT IT IN DESTINY 1 IF YOU HAD A HIGH INTELLECT BUILD.[/i][/b] The reason why people only use those exotics is because they are the only one's in the sandbox that make you feel powerful....and the only ones what actually CHANGE how the game is played in a meaningful way. ...and now you want to take that power Away....AGAIN. ...AND YOU WONDER why people are mad. They are mad becasue you are breaking the fundamental contract that lay at the root of every good loot game. [b] That player effort will be rewarded with power..[/b]..and people are getting angry and frustrated because at every turn you want people to play your game, while you refuse to reward them with new power...and TAKE AWAY power that has already been granted. To the point where Whisper of the Worm has been given the EXACT same treatment that Black Hammer did. We LITERALLY have gone in a big circle with that weapon. I assume the next move is that it too will be removed from the game..... It is LONG past time your devs stopped hiding in their offices, and actually FACE this community and get to know them....and understand WHY it is they play this game. Otherwise they are going to keep doing TONE DEAF things like this.... ...and they are eventually going to lose this game...and lose its players to OTHER games that understand them, and reward them.

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  • Remember D1Y1: Gjallarhorn or Vex Mythoclast or SUROS or Red Death or Thorn, or Fatebringer or Praedyth’s Revenge or Felwinter’s Lie or ANY OF THE [b]DOZENS OF WEAPONS THAT MADE THE GRIND WORTH IT?[/b] what a shitshow

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    • bump

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    • I've come to the conclusion that Bungie not only wants me to skip penumbra and stay on FFXIV but also not come back after the Shadowbringers expansion launches , cause every other week brings something that pisses me off more than the previous thing that pissed me off.

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    • Just over a year ago they said 'in the past, when things stuck out like nails, we would hammer them down - we won't be doing that anymore'. That's not verbatim but you get my point, either they forgot what they said, or they're liars.

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      • Well to be fair to bungie they dont actually nerf items they DESTROY THEM! There's a difference.

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        2 Replies
        • I knew it would get worse, but I couldn’t think how. It’s a good thing I got a lot done this season, but artificial difficulty is just ridiculous. I’ll be sure to get some the seal and look to forward to wash my hands of this weirdness

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        • With arc week they wanted us to feel powerful.... but only for a week. After that- nerrrrf

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          • This is why me and my clan don’t play as much as we used to.

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            3 Replies
            • Actually I played pve for loot initially then for fun and not power. However the loot in pve is meh at best so.

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              • Firstly, agree with you OP. I for one cannot get my head around the reasons given for these nerfs. It just makes the game dull and if its anything like CoO, like then I went AWOL for 3-4 months. So IMO, my conclusion is that Bungie have decided to end this game, because I'm dam sure these announced changes DO NOT inspire a lot of us gamers to want to be involved with it and it feels that is the way Bungie have intended.... Just a complete bunch of nonsense Bungie!

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                • The nerf to the whisper and sleeper are a joke. I wanted the catalyst for both but not going to bother with either as I doubt I’ll be using either weapon. Or playing the game.

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                • Edited by ryebar: 5/18/2019 5:58:10 PM
                  Bungie Devs need to step up their game big time. Since Forsaken the only things that could be classified as great Dev work have been Zero Hour and the raid Lair. The majority of the annual pass has been meh. Reckoning is simply a hoard mode. We already have that with Blind Well so really nothing special. This new Lair/Raid coming out is obviously more of the same as the nerfs to super regeneration from killing multiple enemies are all targeting the players ability to get their super back faster. Basically the content that’s coming is weak. In order for it to present a challenge these nerfs to super regen needed to occur. That points directly at poor game development. Plain and simple. Don’t even have to play it to see what’s coming. Nerf the powerful items to artificially make the game harder.

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                • This is the most truthful article out there

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                • Hi, my name is OLDSCRATCH. I'm a video game addict. I've been clean of Destiny for two months. [spoiler]We rarely agree, and I find you too full of yourself more than should be healthy. But with posts like this...I will always have your back![/spoiler]

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                • Well said Kellygreen2. Everything I wanted to say. Perfectly said.

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                • I remember our early exchanges where u were so i denial about the sate of the game and defending it blindly. I would laugh and think wow... how in denial can someone be? and I was an obsessive d1 fan, with its warts n all. Now Its like the penny has dropped and you, as a loyal fan, have realised you deserve more and that this franchise could easily be so much more, if it wasnt for silly errors of judgement or Bungie refusing to listen to its players. The fact 2 die hards fans f the franchise now almost mock the devs kinda speaks volumes. The fact D2 was sold as an improved game where PVP and PVE could be treated differently, yet things feel weak in PVE or PVP because an item gets nerfed in the other, is exactly why your right and the game just isnt rewarding. Id rather have BL3 OP weapons in PVE anyday. Destiny has so much promise but the way Bungie insists on setting the game out its like your never feel powerful or even want to grind a powerful weapon, knowing they will get nerfed or removed soon due to pve/pvp balance issues. I hate coffee but Im glad you woke up and smelt yours. I also think just cos your not patting em on the back like before, your feedback is even more important now.

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                  • Welcome back kellygreen where have you been?

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                  • I was once a totally loyal player. Today I'm no longer like that. I joined a different game and it's community. This is a thing I never thought would happen. But it did. To give more context: My loyalty to specific games I love is nearly unbroken. I loved GTA Online til it got ruined by the OP-Shit like hoverbikes armed with rockets and such stuff. I loved Halo 4 Multiplayer on my xbox 360 til I had to carry on to the next gen because of D1 and D2. I love the Mass Effect games (and still play them sometimes) because they are good (even Andromeda, but that depends on the expectations). I love the Destiny Universe and never felt more in love with a gaming franchise... But the current path the devs are following is driving me (a hardcore player) away like a black hole is consuming light through its gravity... I never wanted to think about the day Destiny will be over and I will be still there. But I think, this day is near.

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                    • I don't know if it's a coincidence or not, but I stopped playing about 6 months ago.

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                    • They're actually sending me back to Destiny 1. Bunch of morons. They make this stuff bad because they want you to use the new guns that are coming soon in the next update. Activision left because of how incompetent these monkeys are.

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                      • I agree with you 100%!!

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                      • Edited by A Broken Record: 5/18/2019 4:51:21 PM
                        They should put Kelly in charge of everything in destiny 2 and don't be surprised if you see a lot of amazing changes under his/her guidance. You make some valid points and i agree that eververse must be removed from this game but, Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta'aurc. From what I can gather, he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank just outside of Rubicon. He's well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold

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                        7 Replies
                        • Pretty soon they’re gonna make you pay to un-nerf weapons and gear

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                          2 Replies
                          • This game already lost me at black armory the grind itself was just bad causal players like me don’t have time to play this game 24/7 just to get up a couple levels this game is already dead to me.

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                            3 Replies
                            • Bungie Destiny 1 year 1 -> We don't ever want to disrespect our players playtime ever again! Every update for Destiny games since -> Disrespect players play time as much as we can!

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                              • Watch dmg Cozmo and the ninjas silently make these threads invisible after a few days. Guaranteed.

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