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5/8/2019 2:35:35 AM

Into the Void Part 1: Plan of Action

Rezyl clapped his hands a single time. Rezyl: Okay kids, it's time for a geography lesson. Graviton: But about the void. Doggo: Since we are agents of the void, we know much more than you guys do. This is going to keep you alive if we run into any problems. Rezyl held his hand up to Graviton, signaling him to speak. Graviton: We are going to be exploring the outer area of the void, the part that is always expanding. Of course, if I were going to explain to you the entirety of the void now, it would take ages. Here's the short and sweet description. The outer void is always expanding. It takes things that are lost and adds it into the void. This happens every millisecond, so it would be impossible to explore all of it. Rezyl: I know of a place in the void where we can find void-imbued weapons, but it is hidden deep inside of the void. It will take some work to find it. Toaster raised his hand. Rezyl: Toaster? Do you have a question? Toaster: Are there any enemies? Anything to kill? Doggo: There are, in fact, creatures called the Lost. They are under control by any high level void wielders, like Graviton and higher. Rezyl: There will also be bandits. Lots and lots of bandits. Lee: When can we go into the void? Rezyl: First, we need three teams. An assault team, an infiltration team, and Graviton's team, which will try and find the cavern the void weapons are. After working things out, they found out the three teams. Rezyl's team (infiltration): Nighthawk Kronos Ronin Wraith-3 Doggo's team (assault): Kaid Toaster Ultron Graviton's team (discovery/dealing with whatever comes at them): Lee ben11howard Rasputin Wookie The three void wielders gathered. Rezyl: We leave at midnight. Graviton: Sure. Hopefully my team doesn't run into to any problems. Doggo: You shouldn't. We balanced out the power. Rezyl got Ronin, I got Toaster, and you got Lee. The most powerful trio in OffTopic. Rezyl: Not counting us, of course. They laughed. Graviton: Get some rest for now, guys. We need our strength for tomorrow. Rezyl: Agreed. Can't fight while half asleep. Rezyl sighed. Rezyl: I hope that the others have dealt with Zhaitan. That guy's army almost killed me. Graviton: I trust them. They're powerful; Ring and Bop are with them. But as for matters at hand, once we enter the void... we need a plan of action.

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