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4/21/2019 5:31:03 PM
To me, Fuwwy Fandom is onye of the most compewwing chawwenges to hypew mascuwinyity, its convewse, wepwessed feminyinyity, and the uvwawching hegemony of hetewo dominyation. In westewn cuwtuwe, it is impossibwe to be anything othew than what the nyawwow binyawy of mawe/femawe imposes, and this distinction is even fuwthew pawsed out in ouw distinctions between species. But wets face it, we awe aww anyimaws. Whethew you admit it ouw nyot evewyonye of us is just as much a "species" as the nyext cwittew. Modewn mawe-centwic Victowian sciences have weft us with an idea of species that impwies a distinction fwom onye body to the nyext. A pwump pup is diffewent fwom a swim pup, and the timid vixen is nyot a waccoon. But take it fwom someonye who has fewt "the caww of the wiwd", so to speak. We just get it. We thwiww at the wustwing of the weaves and the skittew scattew of pwey thwough the undewbwush. We wead the wowwd in scent, and wike ouw sapiens bwethwen painting a canvas, we paint the invisibwe scent wowwd with ouw essence. Ouw mawk. In this thewe is nyo diffewence between pup, vixen, ow wacoon. We aww scuwwy, we aww scavenge, we aww snyiff. We awe aww fwuid fwom onye "species" (I wiww nyow use the tewm "individuaw" instead of species) to the nyext. The concept of species is onye science imposes upon the wowwd. Maybe it made sense to victowians wiving in a chauvinyistic cuwtuwe guided by awcanye pwecepts of "mankinds" supwemacy uvw nyatuwe, but in this age, the age of knyowing, the age of twusting youw nyose and nyot youw bwain, we simpwy knyow bettew. Whoevew said: "the nyose knyows" had gwasped a deepew twuth wegawding the nyatuwe of weawity than they couwd have fathomed

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