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4/10/2019 5:01:41 AM

Severe menu/loading lag post patch

Has anyone else been experiencing severe menu lag or load times through the roof after the most recent "Arc Week" patch? I've never had any lag issue like this in the past up until went live. Menus take 10-20 seconds to completely load now. Previews for items take a similar amount of time to load properly, as does previewing shaders. This goes for vendor menus as well. I've also had to sit in the loading screen just to get into the tower for at minimum 3 minutes at a time today as well. =\

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  • Hi there. Appreciate your report. You may want to perform a [url=]scan and repair[/url] in the app to see if that may help with your issue. If that doesn't work, delete the following local cache/settings directories: [quote] [quote][b]– %APPDATA%\Bungie\DestinyPC[/b][/quote] [i]More information[/i]: [spoiler][b]*WARNING* Deleting these will cause you to lose persisted settings, such as logged in users, keybinds and graphics settings in Destiny, etc.[/b] [i]The directory names above are actual paths that can be used in Windows Explorer. For example, if you enter "%PROGRAMDATA%" in the Windows Explorer address bar, it will automatically take you to C:\ProgramData (default), which is a hidden directory.[/i][/spoiler][/quote]

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