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3/28/2019 1:58:21 PM
Where were all these hunters when they nerfed Nova Warp? Most of you hunter mains didn't say a damn thing when it got butchered. Now your crutch is on the chopping block, and you wanna cry? Awwwww poor babies. This is what happens when you celebrate another subclass getting nerfed into ground. They will eventually come for you next. I have no sympathy for any hunter main who cheered when NW got tossed into the dumpster. I hope your precious SB becomes as useless as NW is right now. I hope your Spectral gets Golden Gun armour, Stormcaller's speed, with Nova Warp's duration. Then maybe you'll stop crying for nerfs for other classes. I'm not talking to all hunter mains. Only those that cheered the destruction of NW, and have the nerve to claim that NW is in a good place right now.

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