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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
Edited by Ratz: 3/23/2019 9:18:58 AM

Here is the thing Bungie...

Something that my man Aztecross said about Anthem, really resonated with me about Destiny. "When you hear criticism, you still have a player base, hoping for the better. When you hear crickets, they have given up" Realize that. You have some people who have been with you for years, myself included. And you have tons of feed back good and bad. That's good. But what's not good is when you have an army of people telling you what they don't like and ideas to fix it, and you don't at least listen. Hell. "Meaningful progression" isn't what got us into this mess. The top 10 threads on the feedback page are about enhancement cores, some of them coming up on 1000 upvotes. And hundreds of comments. We can sit here and argue all day about lack of loot, or weapons, or crucible, or RNG and we will see a lot of mixed opinions and different ideas, but the second enhancement cores come up, 90% of you player base will agree that something needs to be done immediately. [spoiler]Listen to the people that play the game![/spoiler] Hate to break it to you, but YOU do not create the community and the love of a game. WE do. I have heard a million conversations about half a million things, but always, at some point in those conversations, cores are brought up. You've been around for a while, and given me a game that I love. And I thank you for that, but there is a lot that still needs to be worked on. RNG needs to be toned down and removed from a lot of things, Comp and crucible need some love, you need more convenient, grind content, NOT RNG content, more variation, more loot, more stuff. But, you need to do something about those cores, people should not be penalized for grinding out a weapon they love and getting the exact role on an armor piece, or looking good, for the sake of "meaningful progression". Love you Bungo, but jeez you need to sit down and listen up.

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