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3/22/2019 2:51:45 AM
No, they just moved them from being an RNG drop to now costing us more mats.. this is no different than picking up Spider Bounties. The reason they keep throwing out is so flawed its crazy how they either just ignore it or are ignorant to it. All gear is essentially the same aside from the burn or "feel" of the weapon. So you find a gun you love, you invest in it and mod it.. now you have to keep bumping it up so its relevent. Do that 9 times over for a proper all around loadout. Now armor... its all the same.. just looks different. Now add in that only like 6 world sets drop with current perk rolls and most are straight up hideous. Never mind all the armor we left behind that we invested in already. Its a complete circle jerk designed to keep you running in circles. Its not a fun little loop, its not enjoying. It completely disrespects our play time, investment and $$ spent supporting Bungie. I started with Marathon on Apple.. yes I am old. This isn't that Bungie.. This is just straight up arrogance at the highest level.

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