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3/22/2019 12:07:40 AM
Bungie is missing something fundamental in their analysis. It looks like they are snooping into everyone's characters and concluding that there is no "core crisis" because many players have a significant amount of cores. But they need a basic economics lesson. Because of the scarcity in the current core economy, players HOARD them. They take so much boring chore grinding to get that players don't want to be caught without an ample supply. And due to the constant increases in power level, players definitely don't feel the need to level up much of their gear to max power since the "goal line" will get moved back in a few weeks. This is why many players just run with one set of armor while the rest sits in the vault.

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  • [quote]Because of the scarcity in the current core economy, players HOARD them.[/quote] Nailed it. I have been trying to explain that to players who get on and claim they have hundreds saved up and it's not an issue for them. Ok, why do you have hundreds though? Clearly you aren't using them and just holding onto them because of how scarce they are. You are afraid to run out. It's baffling they can't at least think about that for a second.

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  • That’s correct. I have 150 enhancement cores because I don’t even bother master-working anything or infusing. I use the Dreaming City armour because I can run those bounties and infuse those pieces for 5,000 glimmer if I even bother to do that. I think my Titan is max level 672 right now but I just keep using my 650 weapons because it doesn’t matter what light level I am when I’m stuck playing mostly the same content I have been for the last year. I usually play about 8 hours a week at this point and only when my friends are playing.

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  • This is Bungie's analysis. They just want to turn down the level of anger and frustation so that we keep PECKING at the food dispenser while not realizing that it stopped dispensing any food weeks ago.

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  • Sorry to break it to you, but your core-scarcity fantasy is nowhere near true. Poor decision-making does not = broken economy. The game doesn’t need to spoonfeed you for your lack of playtime or poor decisions. I know, not feeling entitled to everything is a hard concept. 😂

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  • And three weapons.

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  • Nail on head dude. Hope this is fed through to bungie and sinks in. I'm sat at 350+ cores and I have not masterworked a single piece of armour since forsaken dropped having deleted all year 1 armour for cores. Weapons wise, still to masterwork a good number of weapons I want to use, but because they don't gen orbs I don't bother using them and they're sat in the vault

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  • Thank you for explaining the overarching purpose of enhancement cores. They are there to encourage well thought-out decisions when it comes to infusion, aka using your brain. And by what you describe as hoarding, it seems like the system has been successful. Players are not wasting their cores on useless infusions, and as a result many have an ample supply. Infusions by design are supposed to take place only for very strategic weapons and maybe exotic armor, not every time your power level goes up by 1-2.

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  • You are a laboratory pigeon in Bungie's Skinner Box. They have successfully conditioned you to play a game that promises rewards, but doesn't actually deliver on them. Congratulations.

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  • Wow. You are as tone deaf as bungie.

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  • Have to agree.

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  • [quote]Thank you for explaining the overarching purpose of enhancement cores. They are there to encourage well thought-out decisions when it comes to infusion, aka using your brain. And by what you describe as hoarding, it seems like the system has been successful. Players are not wasting their cores on useless infusions, and as a result many have an ample supply. Infusions by design are supposed to take place only for very strategic weapons and maybe exotic armor, not every time your power level goes up by 1-2.[/quote] Ugh. Not what I said at all. Seems like your one of those fellas who thinks they can dictate to others how they can play and enjoy the game. Everyone needs to use cores like you or they are doing it wrong.

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  • Agreed.

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  • "Everyone needs to use cores like you or they are doing it wrong." I would say so. This issue is actually very black and white, as opposed to the gray that you are trying to paint. Wasting cores on worthless infusions is just as "doing it wrong" as continuously dying to thralls.

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  • Noone wants to either A have S### gear on until they've reached the "absolute perfect point to start Meaningfully infusing their gear" or B have a whole bunch of S### blues and purples they Do Not Want sitting around in their inventory and/or vault

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  • What’s wrong with using “sht” gear? For all intents and purposes, they are adequate for most activities like nightfalls and raids. You used greens and blues while going through the red war, is that a problem too? Should endgame gear just be handed to you when you start the game because “OMGGG I don’t wanna use sht gear I’m gonna get PTSD!!!!” What’s so hard to understand about the fact that “good” gear, aka endgame gear, is solely reserved for the endgame. When you’re not at the max power, you’re not at endgame. Therefore it absolutely makes sense that there are limitations to your access to those weapons and armor.

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  • Bingo. I got some....Cause I use none.

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