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3/21/2019 11:30:52 PM

Are you happy with the announced changes regarding Enhancement Cores next season?





It's a start, but needs more work


Feel free to give reasons for your feelings in the comments. Please keep it constructive and relevant to how you play/experience the game.

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  • Edited by nerf police: 3/22/2019 9:36:25 AM
    Bungie must really despise their community, at least that’s the feeling I get from them. I’m also tired of going over my experience with cores, if bungie don’t know how I feel now, me wasting my time writing paragraphs of text yet again isn’t going to change anything.

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  • Change is much needed. Shame it's 9 weeks away.

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  • Didn't choose because I don't care. It's already easy to manage and they are adding more more ways to get them. That being said they should just remove them from infusion, enough people don't want them.

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    2 Replies
    • Hell no im not happy. The whole change to master work cores should have never happened in the first place. To get the best powerful gear we need to do challenging activities like raids, etc. Personally when i do these activities i want to use the armor and weapons that have the best perks for me to be as effective as possible. With the lack of cores i cannot do this because I don't want to use them until I hit max lvl, and for me that is just frustrating. Decisions like this and the drip fed content is pushing me away from Destiny. I have 3000+ hours(lol alot of grinding which i used to enjoy) put into D1 and D2 and used to love this game, but i am finding harder and harder to log in. I Personally think if bungie put more effort into strikes, stories, etc. And less into all the ever verse crap it may help.

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    • No. They explained their logic of why they are rare but we are all telling them it’s ruining our game experience. They don’t have the world’s GDP to balance so why not let us wear and upgrade gear we like? It’s mad how much people play but basically no one masterworks armour and can only just afford to masterwork a few select weapons.

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    • My only problem with cores is that you need them both for infusion and to masterwork items. To masterwork one item you need .... 17 cores? About that I think. I can't bother masterwork weapons anymore I just do my primary so I can do a decent amount of orbs. Adding more ways to get them not gonna solve the problem. I wish they could lower the number of core you need to masterwork an item, like 5 thats a decent number.

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    • While I had a good stash of cores and pretty much have all I want masterworked I wouldn’t like to have to grind for them, the drop rate is a bit light. As to the changes I would say suck it and see, except that’s it’s a bit of a wait to try the changes, essentially you are losing a random chance of bounties for a guaranteed method, which is good but why do we have to wait so long?

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    • Nope. Shortest I can go without going on a full fledged rant at this point

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    • It's a joke, they remove a way to get enhancement cores to had a way to get enhancement cores, this is a freaking joke, bungie isn't respecting us.

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    • Edited by CozMcKilljoy: 3/22/2019 5:57:55 AM
      I accidentally cracked my phone screen with the zeal with which I pressed “No.”

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    • Edited by SolarReaper: 3/22/2019 5:40:40 AM
      For me the enhancement core thing just highlights the lack of armor set variety in game. Ive accepted Ill be running around looking like a clown until im 700 due to core scarcity. The thing that gets me is that once I am 700 Ill just infuse my old 650 gear (which was also the gear I used before the previous cap raise and the cap raise previous to that) because theres nothing to replace it with. Gambit prime armors are just reskins of old sets and not any of the good looking old sets either. New sets all go to Eververse but even there you cant actually get them with any useful perks unless you spend several hundred (or thousand) dollars gambling.

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    • I am. I've put quite a lot of hours in though and as a result have hundreds of cores and thousands of other materials. What would be a better system though is for me to be a casual player and instead of having to work hard for stuff, simply complained and complained and complained until someone gave me it. Which appears to be the case in point here! The level of entitlement in society has now reached new heights.

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    • hey idiot, what are the changes. kind of important to your subject yes? yea either you are a moron or yes it matters. lame posts dont help fool

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      2 Replies
      • The kids nowadays just wants everything handed to them without putting in any gametime. It’s no surprise that the voting is so leaned towards no.

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        3 Replies
        • Edited by CookieNiki: 3/22/2019 12:29:55 AM
          Happy? No way! Replacing one bad thing for a mediocre thing is just as effective to correct the infusion economy as when they changed the name from masterwork cores to enhancement cores. They are always playing with words trying to elude players because they think we are all dumb. First they said cores were necessary to force us to make "meaningful choices" but when confronted by the community that those "meaningful choices" are only logical to be made when masterworking and not when infusing, now they changed that to cores being needed in the infusion system to create (on the player) "an impactful feeling of progression". [quote]The goal of the infusion system is to create an impactful feeling of progression when you increase the Power of an item you enjoy using. An infusion system with no scarcity around the materials would diminish this impact. To that end, we tapped into a material with inherent scarceness, Enhancement Cores, to use as one of the keystone materials for this process.[/quote] I don't know about other players but I'm yet to experience any form of impactful experience after infusing any gear. If anything, what I feel after infusing any gear is a sense of relief for not having to waste more time in death boring activities just to get ONE core from each. Until next infusion, at least.

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          4 Replies
          • [quote]Feel free to give reasons for your feelings in the comments. Please keep it constructive and relevant to how you play/experience the game.[/quote] I want to know what drugs they use, how much it costs, and where I can find some. Only someone out of this universe high like they clearly are, would make a decision like this. Must be on some transcendent level shit.

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            3 Replies
            • They’re removing one bounty source and replacing it with another. That changes nothing. Idk if it’s just incompetence or being stubborn on bungies part. Seems to me if a big streamer wanted them removed it would have been done.

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              2 Replies
              • Community: Remove enhancement cores from infusion. It's stupid. Bungie: We'll remove this way to obtain enhancement cores and add this way to get them. Bungie is most certainly tone deaf to the community.

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              • The 9% that voted Yes are from the Bungie development team.

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              • They are doing the [b][i][u]EXACT[/u][/i][/b] same thing they did last time they addressed infusion cores; “increase the source of infusion cores”. You would think that after they already tried that once...and there was a [b]resounding[/b] “No that is not what we said, your system is still broken heres how to fix it”... that [i]maybe[/i] they would just listen. Just once. [i]just one time Bungie listen to the people paying your bills[/i]

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              • how many people actually use them to masterwork stuff because i dont since the change i have not masterworked anything they all get used to infuse gear.

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              • I'm in no way happy about bungies decision to not remove the cores it just shows that they have no respect for our time and effort spent in the game it truly feels like they're flipping us off and its just the status quo for bungie. They can't afford to lose anymore players the pve player count as of yesterday was 620.0k but if you divide that by 3 it's not pretty (206.666 for the three platforms) and i'll bet the pvp number are even worse according to guardian gg the pvp numbers 319.303 but divided by 3 its 106.434. Its ridiculous how blind bungie are to all the feedback saying that the enhancement cores for infusion it an obnoxious and tedious chore.

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              • I vehemently disagree with the dev's premise. The LL progress is made by completing activities and obtaining weapons and armor that increase your level. They've piled on top of that this asinine idea of making it a painful experience to upgrade your weapons and armor to keep up with your natural LL progression. They are fools to think that people enjoy farming for cores whether they are vendor bounties or not, because they force your to farm ghost shell frags to pay for the bounties. People don't do it because they like it. They do it because they have no choice if they want to keep up with progression. I've stopped playing shortly after this current season started, which is a first for me since vanilla release. These stubborn jack ass devs have sucked all the fun out of playing the game for me.

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              • Edited by Tofu: 3/22/2019 4:13:41 AM
                Infusion doesn’t add anything meaningful to the experience. It just wastes the time of players who aren’t sitting on vast mountains of cores. For those players who claim that “you should just play the game,” you’re right. I should play the game. Using the gear that I want. The endgame is not infusion, or at least it shouldn’t be. Having cores and not using any of the gear that you want to use for a month doesn’t make you better, it makes you look like you woke up in a dumpster. People should be able to use the gear they have. Let the end game be what it is: getting the cool gear. Instead of infusion setting you apart from the “casual” player base, let it be your Mountaintop or masterworked Sleeper Simulant or guided games Last Wish encounters emblem. [spoiler]urghhhhhhhhhhhhh[/spoiler]

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              • Agree with a lot of what is said so far in this thread but I also believe that we shouldn't pass ultimate judgement until the changes are actually put into place and we see how they work. And also, get rid of enhancement cores for power leveling. Playing the damn game should be how you level, no matter what you play. Sometimes its not a matter of statistics as much as its a matter of human behavior and a lot of humans become hardheaded when you try to pigeonhole them into doing what you decree that they should do. If anyone doesn't think so just look at Bungie. They do the same thing that they tell us they don't want us to do. Kind of weird the way this stuff works.

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              • I feel like I’m missing something here because running low or out of enhancement cores really isn’t easy to do. Also where tf is the “I don’t care” option

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