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3/21/2019 11:30:52 PM

Are you happy with the announced changes regarding Enhancement Cores next season?





It's a start, but needs more work


Feel free to give reasons for your feelings in the comments. Please keep it constructive and relevant to how you play/experience the game.

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  • Edited by Teejaeche: 3/22/2019 1:14:25 PM
    Bungie said they didn't want to "diminish" the "impactful choice" that is (not really) infusion. However, it's clear to me that enhancement cores have done [i]precisely[/i] that. They have diminished our "choice" by being a scarce resource, and because that resource is scarce, it overwhelmingly influences us to view infusion as being wasteful and not worth doing. How is [i]that[/i] an impactful decision, I ask? It isn't. It's just more robbery of player agency.

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  • [b] Months Ago:[/b] BNG Community Mngr: I’m calling an emergency Dev Team meeting! Dev Team: What’s Up? Community Mngr: The players are in an uproar about Masterwork Cores!!! Somethings got to be done! Dev Team: I know let’s change the name to “Enhancement Cores!” Community Mngr: I don’t thing tha DevTeam Leader: ([i]interrupts Mngr[/i]) Brilliant! [b]Present Day[/b] BNG Community Mngr:I’m calling and emergency Dev Team meeting! Dev Team: What now???? Community Mngr: The players are in uproar over “enhancement cores” and Infusion! Dev Team: I know, let’s change the name of scrapper bounties to Gunsmith Bounties and charge them those rare Gunsmith materials they use to buy weapon mods!and make them wait an entire season to do so! That’ll teach them to bother us while we’re playing Apex Legends! Community Mngr: I don’t think tha DevTeam: Another Brilliant Fix! Our job is done!!! Community Mngr: says to himself walking out of meeting room... This job fckng sucks! Spins it in a TWAB they best they can. Community loses its collective [i]sh!t[/i]! And tells Community mngr not to worry. There won’t even be a community manager position for much longer. Community Manager is actually relieved of Bungie’s impending doom.... Disclaimer* The story you just read was real! The names weren’t changed because no one is innocent!!!

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  • They basically removed a bounty for 1 MW core and replaced it with....a bounty for 1 MW core

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  • Edited by D2_Dahaka_PAL: 3/22/2019 10:12:22 AM
    Not happy, we don’t want that shit in the game at all Bungo. #FcukEnhancementCores

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    2 Replies
    • #coresremovechoice

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    • Bungie are just plain incompetent at this point, you may be better off directing your feedback to someone like Unkown player or Datto or the likes. Maybe just slip in a D2 feedback request amongst the video replies for example ;)

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    • Option 4 = completely indifferent as I don’t see an issue 🤷‍♂️

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    • Poll needs "I don't care" as an option. I'm not happy, nor am I unhappy. I feel neither way about enhancement cores being a resource. Sometimes it's annoying, sometimes it isn't. It doesn't really make me angry, though. I'm just like, "eh, I'll get around to masterworking/infusing eventually." Or I'm like "holy crap I have a ton after grinding a thing. Time to masterwork a scout rifle I'm never going to use."

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      1 Reply
      • No. #LeaveAloneEnhancementCores

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      • It’s lazy on their part. All they did was give us more grind, no change to the infusion whatsoever. Just another example of them trying to polish a turd.

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      • Replace meh system with same system

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      • One thing I've suggested on other posts and other guardians have suggested also in similar fashion, is add +3 cores to primes, 2 cores for weeklies, and 1 for dailies. This alone would've alleviated a lot of hostilities, you would have the cores if you wanted to infuse or save them for a masterwork and you would earn them by playing the game. A simple solution and we get this, and have to wait 2 months on top of it all. To be honest, I really think your going to see numbers decline even further and I wouldn't be surprised if there's a last minute change because of this. In hinde sight Sols, in your previous post about them "listening", they are listening but just at topic bodies and nothing more. This TWaB just proved it and might be the nail in the coffin for a lot of fellow guardians.

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        1 Reply
        • They're making the Gunsmith relevant, like many have asked, so that's cool. It will also allow me to use my weapon parts for something other than spamming Ada for mod components. As long as the bounties are very generic, and are things that can be done simultaneously with other challenges or triumphs (e.g., Kill 50 Fallen enemies, Get 25 precision kills, Complete a strike, Collect 10 planetary materials from any destination, etc.), then that's fine. Basically, don't knock this idea til we try it. If we try it next season, and hate it, then by all means knock it.

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        • La penis poll

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        • I am currently sitting on 141 cores. That's mostly because of the dawning event last seasion. I am at 669 light but I got gear that would take me to 685. I refused to infuse with cores this season and the only items I infused are identical item on the same slot and dupe exotics. I cant do Tier 2 now because I refuse to infuse with cores. And honestly I cant be bothered to do reckoning anyway for a "chance" at a weapon and some gear that only works in Prime and looks like shit anyway. Ill get to 700 with same item infusions or exotics eventually and I will masterwork some weapons/armor this season. This is my meaningful choice, not playing the new content. The cores have no place in infusion and I refuse to look like shit and rock 2 sidearms and a sword or play Farmville instead of shooting aliens. They got rid of some bounties and replaced them with other bounties. I fail to comprehend the logic behind this, we didnt want more bounties. We wanted them removed or dropping by playing regular activities like strikes/gambit/crucible maches etc.

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        • It's bad. They are taking the free, frequent, lenient, and simple bounties that give us cores, and throwing them in the trash. Only to make room for another set of bounties, that will have a cost of materials we already use for many other things,, expire daily or weekly, and their difficulty is yet to be known. For the same rewards. The only way this makes any sense is that they will be constant daily grind, as opposed to the random nature of Scrapper bounties. I'm swimming in cores, so this doesn't necessarily hurt me. I've been grinding for these yellow P.o.S. materials since they were first introduced. I've run countless raids, throwing the drops in a blender to harvest the Masterworked nuggets within. I've spent hours exchanging one material for another to hand in to another vendor to get materials and roll the dice for cores. I've waited for HVT's, only a handful of times because it is even more mind numbingly boring than mashing X over and over to exchange mats. I've completed almost every Scrapper bounties I've ever received. I've done everything Bungie wants us to do, and have been "rewarded" for it. But every time they needlessly expand our levels, I grimace, watching my stockpile shrink slowly but surely because inevitably, the majority of new gear is no better than my old tried and true kit. Just like Bungie's spaghetti code, the problems in game are intertwined. Unnecessary level increases. Mediocre gear. Random rolls. Incessant nerfs and "balance" patches. Core availability (or lack thereof) during regular play. Tedium and inconvenience of bounties. Economy, economy, economy. Never has the economy in this series been in a good place. Look back at the loops we used to make for Relic Iron. Or the hours we spent in the story mission farming glimmer because of the asinine cap. The weapon part droughts. HoW giving us a new mat to farm so we could use all our gear only to be forced to throw it all back in the trash a few short months later. So on and so forth... Cores are just an easy and obvious target for our frustrations. Not that we can't get them. Not that there aren't ways to save. Just that it is yet one more barrier to entry, chore, or tax on a game we just want to have fun in and enjoy. Their insistence on "We're right, you're wrong" with these half hearted efforts and conversations regarding cores are yet more symptoms of the bigger problems with the game right now. Trials, anyone? Every trials player I've ever known, spoken to, played with, or watched, has said simply- Give us 3v3 elim. But no, Daddy bungo knows best and thinks that isn't enough for the changing landscape of PvP. How many times and in how many different ways can we give them DIRECT feedback of what we want, like, or dislike in the game, only to have it thrown in our faces and hear that we don't know what we want, or are talking about? I fully appreciate that this is their game, and they are free to do what they wish when it comes to changes. But this stick in the mud, and "oh it's your fault because some streamers asked for it", attitude does nothing but breed malcontent in the community and hurt the goddamn game. You know, back in D1, I felt betrayed when all their promises and senseless changes turned the game into a shell of what it was sold to us as. I left for almost a year. It was like a mourning period for me. When I inevitably came back for the gameplay, I had learned to accept the game for what it was, and cling to nothing, care for nothing, ignore most of the BS and just play. If I try to apply that to now, there's plenty of good stuff out there. Tons to do. But their insistence on grind and extending the play time has made it a grueling experience. Even to play casually, you have to jump through their hoops. Every day, hour, minute you don't play, you fall further and further behind. I feel that returning apathy as I go through the motions, flicking these moronic cores, one at a time, on top of my pile. It seems like this is the game now. Not cool loot. Not experiences with friends. Not a challenge to overcome. Just the never ending loop of garbage currencies. Currencies that have chased my friends away. Currencies that have made it harder to get a group together to get more currencies, I mean [u]cool loot and experiences[/u]. I want my cool loot and experiences back, Bungie. You telling us what is meaningful, doesn't make it mean a damn to us. I wish I could say I was mad, or cry out in sadness. But I've seen this all before. I'm used to it. Thanks for making so many of us not care anymore, it makes these bitter pills really easy to swallow.

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          3 Replies
          • Check out my Feedback for EC!

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          • They should do something this season as it just started. I would rather go back to early d1 where you had to use the gun to upgrade it and get rid of cores

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          • I really don’t have an issue playing a game as it’s designed. Learning the mechanics, farming for mats upgrading my gear. This is all part of destinys design. This game has real issues and gear upgrades seem to be the least of them. Why can’t you just play another game? If bungie sucks and destiny sucks than why not play a game that doesn’t suck to you. Doing the same things over and over and expecting a different outcome..that’s what’s going on here. Flood your local politicians mail box for a cost of living increase. Ask them to move to more sustainable resource that can be used without depleting earths resources. Ask them to use your tax dollars to feed the starving instead of funding more wars. Play the game change the world.

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            13 Replies
            • [I’m glad that bungie is increasing how you guys get cores, and they shouldn’t have removed scrapper bounties. But, the fact that people are complaining about gunsmith bounties costing gunsmith materials only tells me that you’re bad at saving materials, meaning it’s a you issue with cores and gunsmith materials.]

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              • Edited by Fishyb: 3/22/2019 11:43:08 AM
                I expect scrappers to be removed and gunsmith bounties to cost 1000 hun parts plus 10,0000 glimmer each. It’s the bungie way.

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              • Nice. Penis poll achieved

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              • At this point I really just don't care. People on both sides of this argument frustrate me. If they don't change, so what? If they do, less time I have to spend on cores.

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              • Edited by REVIVE PHARMER: 3/22/2019 11:57:15 AM
                I've already moved on to different games for now. I don't have time for the excessive grind in D2. Maybe I'll come back when they fix enhancement cores, un-nerf everything, and reduce the ridiculous amount/length of steps in their exotic and pinnacle weapon quests. I don't have time to live in their game. They need to stop acting like everyone does. We can't all be no life streamers.

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              • I have 190 cores. But i agree the way the cores work drives players away, hurting player pool. Also drives everyone into patrol mode which leaves me soloing everything. Which is a fun challenge for most things. Until you need teammates who are not potatos for gambit prime and reconing teir 2 and 3. Then that is annoying solo. Forget raiding all my raiders are on patrol mode waiting for a hvt. Alot of my good raiding friends have long gone.

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                • Edited by nerf police: 3/22/2019 9:36:25 AM
                  Bungie must really despise their community, at least that’s the feeling I get from them. I’m also tired of going over my experience with cores, if bungie don’t know how I feel now, me wasting my time writing paragraphs of text yet again isn’t going to change anything.

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