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3/21/2019 11:30:52 PM

Are you happy with the announced changes regarding Enhancement Cores next season?





It's a start, but needs more work


Feel free to give reasons for your feelings in the comments. Please keep it constructive and relevant to how you play/experience the game.

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  • Overall, no. I want to be able to use more gear, more loadouts. The enhancement core and infusion costs just stand in the way of that. For me end game is using things I hadn't had time to use while grinding gear or ranks, not infusing gear. I want to be able to use the gear I obtain. The whole infusion thing and excessive power level grind is really burdening the fun potential of this game.

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  • Edited by Jet Set Willy: 3/22/2019 2:04:51 PM
    I voted No. This is just yet another example of Bungie ignoring the actual problem and engineering an overly complex solution that does not fix the real issue. Bungie have made it crystal clear that they will not fix this so playing while giving feedback in hope that they will resolve it is a waste of time. The only useful and effective thing people can do if they are unhappy is to stop playing. That is soemthing that Bungie [b][u]might[/u][/b] take some note of, if enough people do it.

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  • Tone Deaf Bungie

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  • I don't understand why the Devs are so concerned with me having an "impactful feeling" when I upgrade the gear I like but are so unconcerned with the generally irritated feeling I have over having to save up cores and pick and choose which gear I can afford to use my precious cores on ... Especially when I know that in a couple of months they'll up the power level again and I'll be right back where I was -except with probably less cores. Which feeling do they think forms a bigger part of my perception of the game, the let's say 5% "impactful feeling" or the 95% annoyance?! Putting it simply, I enjoy this game very much and personally I'll probably stick with it but I've watched 3 of my clans now melt away and I can't in good conscience recommend the game to other players when the fun throttle is so much in effect. We want to feel powerful, we want the freedom to play however we like and change how we play whenever it suits us. What we don't want is these continued strategies of limiting the fun factor. Also, I already have a full time job, Destiny is supposed to be an enjoyable hobby for me - down with Enhancement Chores (not a typo).

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    3 Replies
    • Must watch

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    • Edited by Reclaimer: 3/22/2019 3:01:36 PM
      These changes make me feel so iNvEsTeD in my gear! Good thing the iNvEsTmEnT tEaM is on the job! [spoiler]The alternating caps serve as a means of conveyance for an implied mental deficiency.[/spoiler]

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    • My issue with scrapper bounties is that only I receive them, and not my fireteam. Since I play almost exclusively with at least one other guardian in my fireteam, this makes doing scrapper bounties feel pretty selfish. The new system should resolve this since everyone can get the same bounties. Hopefully the new bounties will rely on activities we already do, so we can get cores just for playing how we want to play.

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    • Edited by Cinderchar: 3/22/2019 2:17:12 PM
      I can't make a definitive decision yet. We don't know what the bounties are. On the face of it, they clearly are still missing the point -- or just don't plan to accept it because I don't think this company is that stupid -- they are just stubborn. If the new bounties allow you to complete them along side of what you actually want to do in the game, it's at least a better system than scrapper bounties. If they still just have you go and do random things, they really aren't any different. Maybe they need a daily log in bonus? Maybe every time you get a powerful engram you get two cores with it to at least be able to infuse that one item? That way we would have to option to roll with one set of armor/weapons freely, and if you want multiple sets you then go farm for cores or just continue to save those added cores if you want to wait until you are max power and there is nothing left to do anyways. Giving players the option to progress with at least one set of armor and weapons freely seems like a pretty good compromise in my opinion. Exotics would just require you to come up with that third core on your own.

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    • NO. NO. NO. Did I mention NO? More grinding is just an unacceptable solution to the problem. That's not even counting the fact that we don't know how much the bounties will cost. Additionally instead of grinding less, we grind (still) not only for cores, but gunsmith materials as well. Yeah I have a lot (~3k) but there is no telling how long that will last come season 7.

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    • 11
      This is absolutely upsetting to say the least. If it ain't enough that they just won't listen to what we want removed. This impacts my way of leveling with the gear I want my guardian to wear. I do not want to be running around like a clown. I like to match with full armor set from head to toe. I want to choose what I want to level up and if I want to masterwork a set or weapon of my choosing let it be done with cores but only to masterwork and not infuse to power up my guardian. This is not how I envision this progress would be. Of course the streamers will have the time to farm cores completely because this is their living. I've always said this game caters to them and it is a streamers paradise.

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    • Bungie is missing something fundamental in their analysis. It looks like they are snooping into everyone's characters and concluding that there is no "core crisis" because many players have a significant amount of cores. But they need a basic economics lesson. Because of the scarcity in the current core economy, players HOARD them. They take so much boring chore grinding to get that players don't want to be caught without an ample supply. And due to the constant increases in power level, players definitely don't feel the need to level up much of their gear to max power since the "goal line" will get moved back in a few weeks. This is why many players just run with one set of armor while the rest sits in the vault.

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      16 Replies
      • Honestly they must be doing something right if enhancement codes are the only thing people are complaining about

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      • Simply put- so far I'm only infusing for the cost of glimmer (infusing items of same kind), until I reach 700. So my cores supply is slowly growing (up from 20 to over 100 now). But when I hit 700, since I want the gear that I use to be max light, I will be burning through cores. Therefore, I'll be back on the Spider-Vance grind several times a week. This involves me seeing that Spider is selling simulation seeds, and blocking out time to do the core grind. This instead of playing the game and having fun. So in essence, Bungie has created a system where I have to do homework rather than play a game. Working as intended?

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      • Man I was simply grinding some milestones playing some Reckoning talking happily with my best friend. Then the TWAB came. Oh look more terrible looking Iron Banner stuff yay. Skip. Oh look a thing to boost your light so you can play that insane game mode. They must've fixed cores. Ah here we go cores. Wait... none of this makes any sense. More worthless pointless bounties that add to the problem rather than help it? Who's idea was this? 80-90% Of your playerbase tells you that they extremely hate enhancement cores in infusion, and we get fed a BS excuse for keeping them and another pain involving them in the NEXT SEASON? Welp that led to me finishing a losing match of Reckoning tier-2 with a terrible team my salt was high. Closed the game walked away and went right back to Division 2 since I got that yesterday. A smile returned to my face. In the sea of mess that Anthem and Destiny 2 are there is at least one light.

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        4 Replies
        • I'm not coming back until they are removed from infusion.

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        • Edited by Random Hero 53: 3/22/2019 3:43:27 AM
          [quote]Feel free to give reasons for your feelings in the comments. Please keep it constructive and relevant to how you play/experience the game.[/quote] Cores held me back, plain and simple. I grinded my ass off as a neckbeard in D1 and [i]still[/i] never hit cap. I shaved my neck, got 2 jobs, became an adult, and when D2 came around, I was super casual. Never once did I worry about having to farm materials with the old infusion system. I just [b][i]played the game, and [u]enjoyed[/u] it too.[/i][/b] When Forsaken came out, I had PTSD flashbacks to D1 grinding. I don't have the time to farm cores. So that meant that to [b]save cores[/b], I did what a lot of the tryhardest and neckbeards all said; [b][i]I played with what was dropped.[/i][/b] For a good portion of my Forsaken experience, I played with an SMG, sidearm, and sword, because those [b][i]were my highest level weapons[/i][/b]. I'm not solid snake, and I'm no CQC expert. I ran armor that granted extra orbs/heavy ammo on rocket kills, shotgun kills, that granted extra stability for snipers, [b][i]all perks [u]that didn't help me in any way.[/u][/i][/b] That ment I'm running NF's/Strikes/anything challenging [b]with that setup.[/b] I like to play with scouts and HC's. I like to stay back and play support. [b][i]I was unable to play [u]how I wanted[/u][/i][/b] because my setup disallowed me to, [b][i]all because RNG blows and I barely earned cores, and [u]didn't have very many cores to infuse gear I actually used.[/u][/i][/b] If that doesn't sound like fun to you, I can promise you, [b]it was a [i]miserable[/i] experience for me.[/b] That is the [b][i][u]result of cores for infusion[/u][/i][/b] for me. I noped outta D2 and haven't regretted it.

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          • #RemoveCores

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          • We had this exact issue in Destiny 1, can't remember which DLC that was. But, looks like once again, no lessons learned.

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            1 Reply
            • I think it comes down to what teams they have working on destiny 2 vs teams working on destiny 3. I think most of there resources are being pulled into making destiny 3 and only small teams are left to take care of destiny 2. I dont think they want to pull the resouces from d3 to go back and change the economy in d2. Instead they made the simplest solution. I also think this is why we have to wait so long for certain updates. Idk I'm not a programmer and idk how hard it is to remove aspects of a game or change it. But the solution bungie chose is not the right one with the community and they will lose players over there choice. I for one am not happy with this and it's time to play other games until they actually do something.

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            • I'll say yes and see how it goes from here. The real determiner will be if I ever choose to masterwork a gun. I've done some armor pieces that dropped at 4, but investing 20 cores is a different thing altogether.

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            • I am enjoying the fact that Bungie is playing the troll. As long as cores remain a hot topic, everything else is ignored. Not a bad tactic if you think about it.

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              1 Reply
              • So everyone is mad that they are removing the scrapper bounties and giving you gunsmith dailies and weeklies?? Every bounty will give you enhancement cores and other stuff. So every day there will probably be about 4 daily bounties, or 4 cores. Weekly will probably give more. That's my 2 cents. Everyone here will complain about this change but in 2 weeks after season of opulence drops you will have a stack of cores and wonder what to do with them.

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                5 Replies
                • What about the Enhancement cores are fine option?

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                  2 Replies
                  • I’ll be honest here, I [i]would[/i] prefer they just remove cores from infusion, fullstop. But if they are going to insist that cores remain in infusion, I can settle for cores being less excruciatingly painful to obtain. But based on current information I believe it’s not quite enough. At this point the manner of getting cores revolves around weekly spider bounties, scrapper bounties, dismantling sufficiently masterworked legendaries and, if I understand correctly, specific teir rankup/s in crucible (and gambit? does that have the same mechanic?). Spider’s weekly headhunter bounties are at least a reliable way to obtain cores, but 18 cores across three characters isn’t enough for the overall effort and time expenditure of getting those bounties done. Scrapper bounties and scrapping sufficiently masterworked legendaries share the same issue of reliability. I’ve completed a scrapper bounty and then gone for more than 50 items scrapped before getting another, oh wait, it’s the crucible one that I just leave until it expires because I hate crucible and having it still there means the next one will be one of the other two. As for the legendaries, you need to be lucky enough to get one sufficiently masterworked, about 98% of the legendary drops I get are level 3 or less. As for the tier one, I don’t know if it’s an every time you reset your rank or a one-time-only deal, but it’s only any good if you play crucible (and/or gambit?). I specifically didn’t mention buying cores direct from spider because that is one part I don’t think needs adjustment, especially as it’s so in keeping with his character. Reading the TWAB it seems they’re replacing an unreliable source with a reliable one in the form of daily and weekly bounties from Banshee, which looks good on paper, but one thing I read makes me wonder if it’ll hold up with playtime. That was that the bounties from Banshee would award, amongst other things, [b]an enhancement core[/b]. This seems to imply the bounties will award only one core wether they’re a daily or a weekly, and I think that’s a mistake. If they’re going to take this path they need to make sure the rewards are relative to the time and effort put in. My suggestions in this case: For Banshee’s bounties the dailies award 1 core and the weeklies award 3. (Using a 4+2 or 5+1 system) For Spider’s bounties the highest Lost Sector targets award 2 cores and the HVT’s award 4. Add a tiered ranking system for Vanguard activities (strikes, nightfalls) similar to the Glory, Valor and Infamy systems found in Crucible and Gambit. With this setup I think the EC economy would be much more managable, and much less of a sore point for the players.

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                  • I honestly don't want to be negative. Nevertheless, It is hard to interpret this most recent TWAB and the further defense of enhancement cores in infusion as anything other than tone deafness. Bungie lives in a world that is detached from reality.

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                  • Edited by Teejaeche: 3/22/2019 1:14:25 PM
                    Bungie said they didn't want to "diminish" the "impactful choice" that is (not really) infusion. However, it's clear to me that enhancement cores have done [i]precisely[/i] that. They have diminished our "choice" by being a scarce resource, and because that resource is scarce, it overwhelmingly influences us to view infusion as being wasteful and not worth doing. How is [i]that[/i] an impactful decision, I ask? It isn't. It's just more robbery of player agency.

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