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3/21/2019 10:28:22 PM

Enhancement Core Discussion

Hey all, In [url=]today's TWAB[/url], we brought some info from the team concerning Enhancement Cores, their role in Destiny 2, and what plans we're looking at for the future. If you haven't read through, I've quoted the information below. Please sound off with your thoughts and feedback! [quote][b]Strengthen Your Core[/b] As you make progress in Season of the Drifter, you’ll be making choices about which weapons and armor you want to power up first. We’ve been following the conversation around the use of Enhancement Cores for infusion. As a response, the Destiny Dev Team have some changes lined up that they want to share. [quote][b]Destiny Dev Team: [/b]The goal of the infusion system is to create an impactful feeling of progression when you increase the Power of an item you enjoy using. An infusion system with no scarcity around the materials would diminish this impact. To that end, we tapped into a material with inherent scarceness, Enhancement Cores, to use as one of the keystone materials for this process. That is the goal the infusion system, but if the overall system is causing a negative experience, we want to work to improve it. We’re constantly monitoring the infusion economy to see what kind of impact it has on gear usage. We keep a close eye on the amount of infusion materials being earned versus how many are being used and will continue to make adjustments as needed. To that end, we’ll be making a change in Season of Opulence with the goal of providing more access to Enhancement Cores. Scrapper Bounties previously dropped randomly when dismantling gear. There was no reliable way to earn Enhancement Cores using these bounties, and we didn’t feel they were providing enough materials. We will be deprecating these bounties at the start of Season 7. (Note that any unfinished Scrapper Bounties still in your inventory when the new season begins can still be completed before their natural expiration.) In their place, the Gunsmith will now offer a selection of daily and weekly bounties that can be purchased for Gunsmith Materials. As with the Scrapper Bounties, each of these will include, among other things, an Enhancement Core as a reward when completed. Our hope is that this increased access and control over Enhancement Core acquisition will help improve the balance of materials being earned vs. materials being used. As always, we’ll be continuously monitoring this item economy, along with your feedback to assess its effectiveness.[/quote][/quote]

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  • My usual re-link to a poll on the core issue subject, give it a vote and a bump. [spoiler][i]IF YOU DONT, YOURE A POOPOOBUM [/i][/spoiler]

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  • Hmmmm..... [b]How important is it really, to know the truth about anything?[/b] A Maxim in Roman Law: Let him who wishes to be deceived, be decived. If you have a rope and you are going to ship a heavy box. You take the rope and wrap it around the box and it shoud be sufficient but if you are going to take that Rope of the edge a 10 story building and you are going to hang your body off that building on that rope; now you better check the integrity of that rope because now you are hanging your life on it. Consequently, If you owned a two story building and you are planning to put a lot of heavy weight on that floor Logic alone would tell you, you should go downstairs to the first floor get on a latter and pull the ceiling tiles away and check the foundations of the floor to see if the weight is going to be too much for the floor. What you are doing is standing under the foundation. This is where we get the concept of the word Understanding. In order to truly understand something you need to stand under it and see what it is really based on before it all falls down on you and collapses. [b]Again i ask you. How important is it really, to know the truth about anything?[/b] Answer the following question to your fullest: [b]What is the Net value gained to the experience in Destiny to tell a player: no Joey you can not infuse that Badlander Shotgun. that should be a decision you make later. you should not infuse the Badlander. why?[/b]

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  • Edited by GRAVEL: 4/10/2019 1:29:00 PM
    Hi. So I made the impactful decision last week to infuse my ward cliff coil. It seemed like a smart decision at the time. I needed to work on its catslyst, arc-week was coming, everyone says coil is great, and I never really gave it a chance. So I invested my highest light into my gun and went to bed knowing, 'all was right'. Woke-up in the morning to realise something was wrong. My impactful decision was only yielding 75% returns!!! I had made a mistake and trusted bungie who now pulled the rug-out from under me. My playtime over the last week had been lessened by a stealth nerf on arc week... of all things. So, you bungie, trumped (and I do mean Trumped) and negated [i]my[/i] [b]impactful decision[/b] In hindsight, I probably would/should have stuck with Thunderlord, but too late now... cores have been spent. Boy this game is fun. Yet another reason why cores shouldn't be part of the infusion process. If you are going to 'muck about' in my toybox and impactful decisions are going on... [i]how about a tap, "heads up?"[/i] Finally, Impactful Decision, would make a better heavy weapon name-- than be any part of the infusion process. I would imagine, impactful decision (the gun), would be the hardest hitting gun in the game but the yielder would also be caught in the blast radius... So each time you pull the trigger... It's an impactful decision! See how easy designing a game is?

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    4 Replies
    • This dev silence has to stop. Players have been contributing pages of legitimate, meaningful feedback, and Bungie does nothing. It is downright unacceptable to ignore the community in this fashion. It is downright unacceptable to react so slowly, and so poorly, to issues in the game. Nonsense rhetoric about making infusion “meaningful” is not a real justification; it’s a load of garbage that player testimonial has conclusively shown is inconsistent with the gameplay realities. I also want to emphasize, Bungie announced the infusion system change basically last minute before deploying the 2.0 patch that prepped for Forsaken. That means the change was forced on a lot of players who preordered the expansion in good faith that Bungie was doing good work. Consequently, a lot of us didn’t really get to “vote with our dollars” as to whether or not we were willing to buy into the game under these infusion conditions. We trusted Bungie, and we got burned. It’s 7 months later, and Bungie hasn’t made it right. There has been no practical accountability of Bungie to their consumers. Just so it’s said, quite plainly: I WOULD NOT HAVE PURCHASED FORSAKEN, OR THE ANNUAL PASS, WITH KNOWLEDGE OF THE INFUSION SYSTEM CHANGES. It would 100% have been a dealbreaker for me. The way Bungie has handled Year 1 gear (by not updating it to year 2 standards, especially the Solstice of Heroes gear) would also have been dealbreaking. I would not have bothered playing the game and grinding for that gear knowing how quickly it would be pushed into obsolescence. Bungie without question has abused player Trust, Patience, and Time. They need to start making right on that. Now. End the silence. Remove infusion cores.

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      15 Replies
      • was grinding for 19 hours to get mountain top and right when i launch for the tower i get a alert saying pinnicale weapons are disabled . . . thanks bungo . . . ive bought this game with both DLC's twice across two platforms and this is how my love for the game is repaid feels good bungo keep up the great work

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        3 Replies
        • Just sad I missed out on my chance for infinite cores. Maybe now Bungo will finally acknowledge that cores in infusion were and still are a bad idea, considering how a game-breaking exploit had to be used to get more in the 1st place.

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          • Dylan, Tell your higher ups at Bungie = REMOVE THE #$%* CORES FROM THE GAME. I'll keep shouting it until you guys make the change. This isn't going to go away. It's now affected the game economy to the point it's keeping people from legit picking up their pinnacle weapons (I can't pick up my Oxygen SR3 now)...and it made the Core economy essentially obsolete for those who exploited the bug now have 1,000s of the damn things. Those who didn't do it, or didn't know it was happening are still stuck with their meager stockpile they have to hoard season to season...just to level up again. Remove Cores from the game. REMOVE THEM. The line "We're listening and we hear you" isn't cutting the bread (looking at you Dylan). Solution: Guns/Armor/Gear should be masterworked over time by simply wearing/using those pieces while doing activities. Make the change today. It should've happened months ago. Silver, out.

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          • Edited by nonchalantone: 4/10/2019 9:12:04 AM
            Ok....totally confused here... You guys lock the threads about enhancement cores like they aren't an issue..... Seeming to ignore the pleas for changing enhancement cores, other than that BS you came up with for a future "patch"....... But THEN you rush and DISABLE the option to pick up Pennicle weapons like an ATM is spitting out money????????? WHAT GIVES??? So because players found a way around your core issue, you cant have that huh?? If this isn't a sign that this is all "intentional" by YOU as far as the core economy and grinding....I don't know what is. This is all BS, and the shit has gotten old fast.

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            • Whoah woah woah. Hold up here for a moment. I thought Cores were not a game breaking issue???!? Funny how it gets instantly jumped on as soon as an exploit is discovered that allows players to get hundreds of these non game breaking cores......

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              11 Replies
              • dmg04.. Explain me this: If cores aren't an issue. Then why immediately fix something which is giving players an additional way of getting cores by locking out pinnacle rewards? From my point of view, this only proves further how horrible your system is and a soon as players find a way to make their life easier when it comes to these goddamn cores, you shut it down. The fact that you could get pinnacle weapons as drops is not intended, so yes, that should be patched. But usually pacthes roll out quite slowly, sometimes taking weeks or months. But now that cores get involved, you can jump on it immediately. This shows that you want to throttle and control the way we play and want to limit getting cores, drip feeding the economy so player time gets artificially extended. Just come clean allready and admit it. The evidence is stacked up against you and you are loosing face, you're loosing the community's respect, you're loosing active players and you're loosing customers. Bungie should bow it's head in shame by now over this cores in infusion BS and remove them with the fix for pinnacle weapon drops.

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                12 Replies
                • 4100 comments and a Bungie's ain't one.

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                • Oh look, pinnacle weapons unobtainable due to CORES exploit. I love how so much is broken in d2, and is just left that way..but the moment CORES factor into the equation, Bungle jumps straight on it..

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                • Edited by Peaches Pan Tao: 4/10/2019 5:46:49 AM
                  I've never understood why infusing a legendary helmet I dont want to wear, into a legendary helmet I want to wear, needs to feel "impactful". Work impactfulness into other areas of the game. I do think cores have a meaningful place in the game when infusing exotics or masterworking legendary guns and armor. But for everyday infusion meant simply to level up, and wear the gear we think looks good, I don't see why cores are necessary. There is nothing "impactful" to me about having to run around in a motley assortment of armor that makes me feel like a space hobo, just to maintain a higher light level. And before someone chimes in about having enough cores, you need to remember: not everyone has been playing since day 1 and now have 10,000 legendary shards and a fifth as many cores. For those who started playing during forsaken or later, infusion can be a real headache.

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                  • Meaningful is masterworking my favorite gear, not infusion

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                  • I'll throw one on here. I'm perfectly fine with Cores being used for Masterworking gear, but I'm of the opinion that they should not be required for infusion on top of the other required materials. This should incentivize players to chose which gear to masterwork(meaningful decision) and not limit there ability to use the gear they want for high level activities or restrict build variety.

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                  • Edited by Magoose: 4/10/2019 6:26:51 AM

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                    • Do you guys even play your own game? And no, I don’t mean testing it. Do you Devs have your own character? Played through the campaign? Play Gambit? Play Crucible? Play Dreaming City stuff? [b]No?[/b] Then get rid of enhancement cores. If you knew what it was like to play even you guys would change it. [spoiler]Bungie, get the stick out of your ass and stop finding lazy ways to drag out content. There is no point for enhancement cores [b]in infusion[/b]. I’m fine with them being Masterwork Cores again. But not Infusion Cores. [/spoiler]

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                    • What's Bungies definition of "Discussion"? I'm curious now

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                      • So we have a majority of players that took advantage of this pinnacle weapon exploit, and are now sitting on thousands of masterwork cores, and here I am doing scrapper bounties so I can infuse my gun to 700. (Nevermind trying to MW my gear, that's just a pipe dream with this current economy) This is totally unfair and unacceptable, something needs done about this. Either take cores completely out of the game or create a completely new currency for infusion.

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                      • Edited by Magoose: 4/10/2019 6:20:50 PM
                        Want to know everyone's opinion Personally I will still play destiny regardless but I am so tired of throwing my favourite gear to the side just to feel powerful because I can't invest enough time to obtain masterwork cores. I really do understand what Ehancemenct cores represent within the infusion system but like a lot of people believe that it needs to be changed. Enhancement cores require time to obtain which is a luxury not all of us have. I am not saying that people with a substantial amount need to be pointed out as no lifers because that's not the case, some people invest a big portion of their daily lives playing Destiny 2 and that is absolutely fine and there's nothing wrong with that. Some of us just don't have the time to invest and likewise, there's nothing wrong with that. The impactfull feeling of advancing gear just isn't present mainly because people either have a vast amount of cores allowing them to advance gear as they please which removes the impact all together or people have next to no cores and no enough time to obtain them that advancing gear becomes just a tiresome drag on the fun we have playing this great game. I don't want to spend a majority of my time aquiring cores in the small amount of time in have to play. I want to be able to enjoy doing the activities I love with the gear that I love and I can't do that and it takes away from the experience. What it it feels like I'm playing is a game where my loadout and appearance is decided by the loot system, I only use what ever the game gives me adhering to the power level of the respective gear. I simply just don't have time to obtain 50+ cores to keep using my favourite gear. Activities are a lot harder when you can only use the a randomly selected set of gear. I Want to be able to load my self out for the activity but I just have to use whatever I can and it makes a horrible experience. The infusion system needs Ehancement cores severely overhauled to bring back that impacful experience of gear. I want be able to enjoy the gear that I have. Please bungie remove the cores I want to be able to enjoy this game again.

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                      • Meh, nerf Fusion rifles

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                      • Wow. No respect need on all this negative feedback about the hatred of Cores. But when People realise you can get many real fast because your game has an issue... Fixed immediately.

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                      • I just want cores removed. Because it doesn't block u from being high light it just makes me hold gear I don't want . Or makes me put on crap gear .it's stupid. Remove it

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                      • Edited by ChibiNinja: 4/10/2019 2:07:01 AM
                        I said this a while back and i'll say it now. This whole debacle would be resolved if you would just KEEP SPIDER'S PRICE FOR CORES AT 10 SHARDS EACH!!!

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                        12 Replies
                        • Swapping enhancement cores for cats

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