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originally posted in: Your patch notes are a joke
3/11/2019 11:42:02 AM
thank you. because of your feedback - in the Patch Note update:, - Two Tail Fox and Wardcliff coil will get a Nerf to carry only 3 x Max Ammo and a Range Nerf on Pulse Rifles. - Bows will Now Drop with Rapid Fire. - The Bumblebee Shader will automatically Delete itself and give you 1 glimmer. - One Thousand Voices gets a range nerf of 1000 feet. - Hunters Dodge ability will kill you when accidentally dodging into walls, caves, rocks, or any other solid object. - Kephris Horn will get an additional Horn for No Reason what so ever. - Changed the Color of the Bullet tips on Lucky Pants. - Savathun Song Strike will sometimes play in reverse, when this happens - Lore will drop pertaining to the Darkness. - Buffed Warlock Nova Bomb Damage (applicable to Shanks only). Patch Note 1/2._exe - Changed the Font to Italic. - increased the volume slider by 3. - Added Hieroglyphs as a subtitle and language option. - Nerfed Fusion rifle range to compete with shotguns, but decreased their charge time and doubled the damage. - Nerfed Submachine Range for no reason. - Increased Sniper Rifle Range with 12x Scopes. - fixed an issue in comp matchmaking where a stack team of 4, was unfairly stacked against 1 player. Killing that 1 player will now distribute the kills evenly amongst team mates. - Fixed an issue where a single players quitting games against 4 stacks, were not being penalized properly. - fixed an issue with Lunas howl where magnificent howl wasn't refreshing after a single kill, every kill while Magnifent howl is active will reset the timer back to 3, increasing its duration. (same applies to Not Forgotten) - Nerfed Service Revolver Range and Damage. Patch Notes_WH0_C4.R35 V1.10.1.69 - Slightly increased Shader size. - Changed Ikelos SG to Slugshot and reduced the Range by 30% and Rpm to 15. - Increased all sparrow speeds to 400 and reduced Sparrow Health by 50% to compensate for speed. - You can now grab a shank and throw it like a snowball. - Introducing burst fire on SMG;s. - Increased damage to all hipfire grip sniper rifles by 40%. - Increased magazine size for all Drop mag sniper rifles by 60%. - Linear Fusion rifles can now drop with Rapid Fire frame at the cost of charge rate. - Charge rate of rapid fire frame linear fusion rifles increased to 940.

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