From the Dev Team:
[quote]Hey Everyone, World Systems Team here to give you a quick update.
Today (3/5/19 - 2:15 PM Pacific), we've deployed a change to Destiny 2 that will re-tune the amount of Glory Rank points gained and lost in the competitive crucible playlist. Compared to previous seasons, Glory gains and losses have been effectively doubled.
Our goal in this change is to make the ranked playlist more inviting to a larger amount of players. This means more access to pinnacle weapons, higher ranks, and more people to compete against at those higher ranks.
As always, we’ll be monitoring feedback over this change.
Thank you![/quote]
....maybe i'm the oddball. and i'm certainly not a top tier pvp play but comp is the a COMPETITIVE playlist it's not suppose to be a trophy just for showing up mode guys you want the rewards put in the time to improve you skills i play comp and i win fewer matches than i win more than not you guys are whining because they won't give you a toy that you want so you scream that it's unfair, guess what you guys that are good got that way devoting the time to do so if you don't like losing points don't play comp but for love of all things holy stop whining because you can't win or get the rewards for skill that i've seen many of you post about after all this is about being a skilled player not a casual one.
How about if you lose a match no glory awarded instead of the negative. It'll get more players to go to comp. And be fair to all players investing there time.
Hey! As a solo play I was not thrilled about this grind. Yet there I was, 15 wins in trying to get to Recluse when suddenly I get white screened. Team lost, streak gone, penalized, and now I can't get it going again. Moral of the story, don't penalize people for your trash errors. P.S. FIX SPODER JERKEY QUEST. IT'S NOT THAT HARD, WE ARE $200+ INTO THIS GAME.
I'm surprised people haven't learned yet that Bungie just doesn't give a shit. Their whole point is to artificially extend the amount of time people play the game. Its not to challenge people or to make people "work hard" for pinnacle weapons they are painful enough to get. They simply don't want the majority of players to get anywhere, that way they have to keep playing endlessly. To be honest I believe Bungie is part of the groups selling "Guaranteed Glory max rank" so they can keep making more money or at the very least they are receiving kickbacks from those groups. Why else have they not banned those players? Here's the bottom line, STOP playing competitive or stop playing the game and don't order Destiny 3 (which is what they are focused on right now NOT Destiny 2) Activision has already bailed on Bungie and when the game dries up so do they. They just need to be taught a lesson. Ohh, I DARE BUNGIE TO TRY AND RESPOND TO MY POST, ILL BET THEY WONT SINCE THEY DON'T EVEN MONITOR THESE ROOMS.
give every f***ing body the pinnacle weapons or make a glory point rumble matches where top 3 players get glory points respective to their place. stop making solo players into group players. im telling you i dont know how many controllers i have snapped in half after getting into lagging 2g cell phone matches. I refuse to go with your group play herding. maybe some fuc***** people dont want to make friends online and just want to have fun playing a game. make all sticky grenades a kill on attachment so solo players can go off on their own. what fun is a game where you are forced into playing 1 certain way. at least in destiny 1 you could get 2 or three kills solo consistently without using super. also special ammo limits are bull, should at least have 4 special shots. heavy grenade launchers should kill on hit or in blast radius. also, when perk activates on warlock greaves that allow temporary unlimited solar grenades. grenades don't do as much damage during perk. whats the point of activating it then? if ps4 systems cant handle your game with smooth gameplay and matchmaking on all matches then don't release the game on console period. make matchmaking connection based only or get rid of glory points. people aren't good just because they live close to a server. I find it ironic that in almost all crucible games there are 2 top kill players on one team and the other team gets mowed over. this has to do with unequal connection speeds. there should be consistency in every lobby. boot the trash connections or match them with each other and let them enjoy shit. everytime you all tweak the game, im talking about even from d1, you have -blam!-ed up the game more and more and more. ban me I don't care dummies
Since there are a lot of laggers and hackers and people that just get out of the match u need to change the system to win = points lose u get zero there are a lot of solo players out there who don’t have a chance no matter what k/d they hv
14 pages of hate, and this is Bungie's own forum, wow.
What I can’t stand is trying so damn hard to climb the comp glory point system and to feel that I’m in a winning streak and to find out that one of the four team mates drops out at the first round and then it’s a one sided battle for the rest of the match. It’s happened well over a dozen times this week and it’s so utterly frustrating. There is a serious problem the YOU devs at Bungie can help curb on the programming side to prevent this. Just a thought 1. Any player that drops out gets a penalty that doubles with each dropped match afterwards up to the weekly reset. Same thing that you make everyone agree to for guided raids and nightfalls 2. You IMMEDIATELY stop the whole match and give all the remainding contestants a radom rare “blue” item or some crucible tokens. No one team should climb the wall of skill on the backs of others if someone drops. This is a fundamental issue. It’s horrible to feel that the loss of points that is not your fault but the fault of someone else. Skill should be rewarded for skill, not handicaps.
Hello why we can't get a triple points twice a month for 24 hours only to gave people the edge! The pace we act now not to good
Edited by coda-jj: 3/25/2019 11:50:14 PMit’s still bad. 1400 hours in this game. I’ve now deleted your game. I would of played more. I would have thrown all my money at you. You refuse to listen to us. You continue to allow solos to get pub stomped, even though thoe population is very very low. Not anymore for me. I even paid you an extra $100 by accident because I loved this game. No more money from me ever!!! Sincerely A once dedicated/diehard destiny gamer.
Edited by greendevi: 3/8/2019 3:22:08 AMU need to make a skill based match making where if a person has reached a certain rank in a season those are the people u play only , if uve never reachesd fabled U shouldn’t be playing against anyone who has or higher , once U have reached fabled ur only playing against people who’ve reached fabled and up but for those who have reached legend there not aloud to play against anyone but people who have reached legend period , so u can grow with the rank instead of just getting destroyed
Doubling them is not more inviting. The average to below average player is now going to lose points faster. This was a terrible fix.
Bungie , please remove points penalty in competitive 😢😢 Having a win streak or winning a game by the skin of the teeth !! Just to have your effort go completely to waste next game you match up because its a silly 3v4 or 2v4 i cannot tell you how many time thoses situations happened to me. Very frustrating to lose points just because of that. Why im getting penalized for it ? Its not my fault 😢 Please adjust this, its obvious the problem is there. Come on !
Edited by xPvtJoker21: 3/7/2019 10:44:59 PMI cant be the only one who isnt noticing a difference whatsoever. Played a few last night and had a loss when I was at 427, so I dropped down obviously. Then I won the next one putting me back up to 437. That's identical to what it was before the "patch". That and the matchmaking is still a wretched as it was before as well. Does anything ACTUALLY change?? I want to play but this makes me not want to.
We’ve got laggers, cheaters, quitters, players afk, lag switching, DDOS’ing, shitty hit registration, forced fireteam fetish, paid carries and the worst matchmaking in gaming history. Your community has posted hundreds if not thousands of complaints and offered solutions. You do not acknowledge these issues nor are you working on solutions. Gee, I wonder why the comp player base has grown thin.... Must be the scoring mechanism....let’s double it. Bungie logic 😂👍🏻
Right from the start of season 3 I've been calling for ranked rumble that offers pinnacle rewards. No more issues with fireteams or quitters, even account recoveries can no longer stack up in teams. Individual skill is finally rewarded fairly, and solo players finally have a place to go and a reason to play! Even if you want to keep the team comp playlist and offer the same rewards there, please for the love of God introduce ranked rumble as was done in Halo years ago. The ranking and points system also need to make sense. If you can't create a system where players compete against players of their own rank at least offer bigger gains and smaller losses when competing against players of a higher rank (as happens in street fighter for instance). This would go a very long to alleviating player frustration and create a much more fair system. If you feel like none of this can be done, perhaps due to player population or whatever the case may be, please leave a reply.
So I read the entirety of this thread - not one post agrees with the decision to double up on losses. Most rightly recognise that this makes comp less not more attractive. It’s plain common sense. Why’s not just stay where you are if you lose? With the player base seemingly opposed en masse to the changes made, will you have the balls to act like any other dev, acknowledge the error and make glory reduction on loss zero or half of glory increase on win?
So still no fix for going into matches with an incomplete team (3v4, 2v4) and receiving a loss as if we played a sweaty 4v4 balanced game? What about those kids causing people to DC creating again, an uneven game. Here's a recommendation: create a solo only competitive playlist. Here's another one: base matchmaking on something like ELO or actual player skill. Here's the best one: rank players based on their ACTUAL skill, so you could still go up if you played well but lost, or go down if you played terrible and still won?!?!
Double the glory for wins but keep the loss the same. It’ll allow individual players who win 50-60% of their games to still advance. This only benefits the top tier players.
Edited by Janaquim: 3/6/2019 8:53:18 PMHey dmg, and World Systems Team, First off, thank you for letting us know about this change and for giving us a place to give you feedback. It's also great to see that you're also working on ways to keep the competitive playlist interesting and more appealing to drive engagement. Now, I have some feedback on this change but will try to expose you to it by taking in consideration the goals you set out to achieve with them. Keep in mind that I don't have access to your data and numbers, so some of my comments will be based on educated guesses as a PVP player myself, and because of what I've seen in comp over the last three seasons. I'm also gonna leave some feedback to help you achieve your goals. Let's begin: [b]1. Make the ranked playlist more inviting to a larger amount of players. [/b] Although the change you made will work wonders for those who are on winning streaks, this change will not do losing streaks and solo players any favors - in fact they will be harder on them. It's hard for anyone inside of the comp playlist that is not a competent, good, very good, or awesome player to keep a winning streak going. These types of players are usually the ones that tend to populate the comp playlist the most. So by doing this, I feel that you're going to scare off even more people from giving the comp playlist a go. The thing with losing points is that it makes people consider if it's worth going into the comp playlist, given that when they lose, they effectively waste their time. This change will make this even more apparent, and will make going to comp a hard sell. It's also a question of optics. Seeing a progress bar go down aggressively, doesn't work towards motivating anyone to stay or keep playing. I play solo mostly, and have been able to reach around 1500 points without much effort. However, only twice was I able to keep a winning streak going that went beyond 2 or 3 wins, and I've been on the receiving end of more losing streaks than winning streaks over the last three seasons. This change will not bring new people in, and will effectively discourage players who were thinking about giving comp a go, to take the plunge. In fact, I planned on giving comp a real try this season, but after I read this change, I considering hanging the boots for now and wait for comp to be in a better place in terms of incentives to play. I don't want to waste my time on this current point system. Another thing this won't do is discourage players from quitting matches in progress. Players who are prone to doing this will have two answers to this: keep doing the same old thing or quit the comp playlist. Both have an affect you aren't looking for. If they quit matches, this will just make it apparent to the guys who are about to lose a ton of points, that staying in comp might be a waste of time because of how penalized they are for losing - and people quitting happens a ton. If those quitters leave comp all together, they do the opposite of what you want, and the playlist gets even thinner. What we want to do is find ways to keep those type of players in comp as well. If you want to make this a more inviting environment, drop the penalties from losing. These penalties work as a double penalty in that you not only don't win points when you lose (1st penalty), but you also lose some points you won before (2nd penalty). I feel like this is the main reason why there aren't as many people in comp as it could. So either do this and tune the amount of points one wins to go in line with this change, or do something along these lines: [b]2. This means more access to pinnacle weapons, higher ranks, and more people to compete against at those higher ranks.[/b] I don't think so. I think that it just means that the same people who already have a good to great chance of getting these guns will get them with more ease, while things stay the same or get worst for everyone else. And as the amount of points you win/lose as you get to higher tiers of glory gets solely dependent on winning streaks to be able to reach higher Glory ranks, the issue persists: a huge, stressful grind to get anywhere, and losing hurts twice as bad. Those who decide to go all in on this will do the same old: get the guns, forgo going for NF, and get out of the playlist. By removing point penalties, or reducing them significantly, you create an environment in comp where people want to stay in comp. If you win, you make progress. If you don't, you stay where you were. Difficulty level becomes the teams you face [i]and not[/i] the point system you guys implemented, creating a real competitive environment. There's also an incentive to getting better, because you'll know that you're not going any further because all the other teams are better than yours. I feel like this change would also enable teams who are practicing their team play and trying different loadouts, to stay in comp without being afraid of losing points because they are practicing or trying something different. In turn, this would make it so QP wouldn't be the training grounds for these teams. This would, hopefully, reduce the amount of comp teams in QP that tend to totally destroy a bunch of randoms that just want to have fun. Another reason why people are abandoning PVP and QP. But that's a talk for another day. Again, I feel like this would actually work towards having people creating even stronger teams that would in time work towards getting to Legend. Having to face the best teams in the game is already challenging enough at those higher ranks, let alone having to also deal with not making any progress (and losing a ton of progress) if you're not winning consecutive matches. This combination makes it almost impossible for normal teams to ever think it's worth even trying - especially when you have teams with Not Forgottens running the higher ranks. [b]3. Incentives & Chase[/b] I don't feel like this change will make comp more inviting, and I really hope you guys re-think the way you're motivating people to stay in comp. Being punished even more isn't inviting for the type of players you want to bring to comp or want to keep in comp to work towards Legend. Fixing comp is extremely important, because if you do so, you make QP a way more healthier place in the process, and with that, keep way more people in the game and in PVP than you do right now. PVP is excellent and I love it to bits, but it has issues I feel could be fixed with a few adjustments to the glory ranking system and to the bounty system. I've spoken to length about the ranking system, so I'm just gonna leave a few ideas for the bounty system: - Create a Bounty system like Ada's but for PVP; - Every week have two-four guns to each crucible playlist: rumble, QP, and comp. - All guns from PVP, Banshee, and World drops should be used for this bounty system. Vanguard weapons would also be great for this as well. This would make PVP way more enticing for PVP and PVE players alike. Ada's bounty system is the way to go when it comes to Destiny and grinding out weapons. This would also help shake the "meta" a bit each week in each playlist, since people would be grinding different types of weapons in each playlist. - You should also rework the daily bounties to entice players to not use exotics and use certain branches within their subclasses, by giving out mods/components, cores and legendary shards for completing these bounties. This would also work towards giving incentives to play differently - real incentives since mods and cores are so rare. Hope this helps out, and sorry for the long message. Take care, and keep up the great work! :) Janaquim (PS4)
Edited by katsotas: 3/14/2019 4:42:01 PMQuick math (please correct me if I am wrong) for an average player that has a 50% win ratio. Win 1 = 60 Lose 1 = -52 So if we go by (not including win streaks) a win/loss/win/loss pattern after every 2 games you would end up with 8 points (50% win/loss ratio) To get to fabled you need 2100. Divide this by the 8 points and you get 262.5. Double this as it requires a win and a loss to get 8 points so the number is 525. So a player that has a 50% win/lose ratio would need to play 525 games before reaching fabled. Don't know why everyone is moaning, this sounds completely fair. Before the update you would have had to play 1050 games. LOL All Bungie have done is made the grind half the work and that is it really and only to the decent players that can get to fabled in the first place. Players that struggled before are still going to struggle and seeing the double point loss hits you even harder and mentally stops you from playing. It is a tiny step in the right direction but far away from what they were trying to do by appealing to a wider audience.
Edited by indo: 3/13/2019 7:45:45 PMCompetitive Double points is only good for the elite players who get a lot of streaks easy. For the normal to good players it doesn’t help at all. Maybe to the Luna. After that when you have to win 2 or 3 out of 4 matches it will only work against you. Points system 1. Points system different. Now you get double points which helps people get a Luna faster. After that when points gained will be less than you win. This system is bad. Alternative can be the old iron banner gold coin system which makes it less punishing and frustrating for everybody. You regain some of your points to a max of 5 coins. 2. Players points should keep going up after 5500 points. Better ranked matchmaking possible then when people stay at 5500. 3. When you reach a milestone your points should never go below that milestone. 4. Bluberries leaving or lagging out should not make the team with less players lose points. Matchmaking 1. First of all what everybody says. Solo players should not match full teams. 2. Resetting every season is bad. It makes competitive almost unplayable the first weeks. This system makes a lot of players run away from the game. 3. Do not show the counting because 4 stacks leave at the moment they see it go from 4 to 8. 4. People who already have a NF should never be in the same pool as players who already have a NF. Same with Luna’s. 5. Connection should be a part of the matchmaking 6. Elo should be part of the matchmaking Recovs/cheaters/laggers 1. Need anti-cheat in this game 2. One of the greatest frustrations is recovs. If someones average in a game suddenly goes up significantly than his normal average this player should get a timeout/ban. 3. Eastern Europe should not match up with western Europe. Don’t know how this is in other parts of the world. 4. Laggers. Need dedicated servers or connection based matchmaking
Personally, as a mostly solo comp person I dislike the double points on losses. Course, it'll be fine for the wins, but if I don't have a decent team going in. It will be almost harder to obtain. Just my two cents from a below average player. Thanks again for listening. LoneStar
So now the paid carries can get done in half the time. Way to look out for your player base. Why don't you just sell the Luna in evercurse for 10 bucks, that would shut down the paid carries. That might cause people to get mad and cause bad press. But then again the decisions you've made lately proves you don't care much about that.
Edited by coda-jj: 3/11/2019 12:14:50 AMI looked at this Saturday’s player base. On the peak day after a dlc/season rolled out, there were 600k playing both pve and pvp. There was 1mil-1.2mil playing at the beginning of black armory and hovered around 6-800k in January 2019. How is this adjustment going to bring in more people to play competitive and you announce it on a forum? People who have left are not looking at your forums. It’s already below what you last had in January. You tied the gun to something that is getting harder and harder to achieve and you only made it easier for 4 stacks, carries and elite. I’m ok with tying the gun to comp but it should of been tied to something else because you’re match making that is broke and is tied directly to glory. Correction: there have been 700k so far today. Still low for a release week of a dlc. Time to move on it sounds like :(
Excuse me, Tower Corp Employees? Everyone? A minute please? I've got good news and [u]more[/u] good news. The good news is that we will be doubling your hourly salary! As of now you're all going up by ten bucks an hour! Congratulation, people - you've earned it. The [u]more[/u] good news is that HR has come up with a way to incentivise you to greatness. If you're not yet a top 1% executive, you're going to be penalized ten bucks an hour. I think we can all of us, regular employee and top 1% executive, can appreciate the amazing boost this will give to our competitiveness. Go out there and get 'em, Guardians.