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Edited by Humanitas: 1/28/2019 3:15:45 PM

Logs of an Extremely Handsome Hunter Log. 2 [FanFiction]

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Post-Red War Ok, Ghost, lets get this over with. Oh, come on Erun! I thought you liked these You think I like spilling my guts to random people? Well no, but peo- No, No, No, your not using that again Ok, how about this. Do it so that Sarah can know about when you first found her. Wow, just wow. Guilt trip me, why don't you? You know I have a soft spot for Sarah I learned from the best Ok, I'll do it, but this is the LAST time. do you hear me? The LAST time. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"These Cabal are relentless!" My Ghost tells me "Wow I didn't realize that Ghost, thanks for hint!" I say sarcastically My Ghost says sadly "Hey,I was just trying to help" "Sorry, I'm just really on edge, these guys haven't given me a break, because there relentless, like you said" I said, trying to consul my Ghost, because that's the last thing you want,a Ghost that's mad at you. Because they might just leave you dead for a little bit to let you think. Speaking of thinking, do these Red Legion ever think? They keep trying to kill me, with no avail, and when they do manage to kill me, I just get resurrected and return the favor. "Erun! I found some civilians nearby, they need your help!" My Ghost shouts "On it!" I reply, as I quickly take care of a nearby Legionary. I change my pace to a sprint, trying to find the civilians. As I run I hear screams. Guess that's where the civilians are. I sprint even faster, ignoring the uneven terrain beneath me feet. I round a corner and see the group of civilians.I also see three Cabal. Two Legionaries and a Centurion. "Oh, you want some you big ugly rhinos?" My Ghost yells/whispers "What are you doing!!" I whisperer "I'm trying to get there attention." The Cabal turn to me, and I yell even louder "Yah, I'm talking to you!! You scared?" Luckily, the Cabal fall for my rouse, and all three turn to face me,ignoring the civilians. "Come at me, you big ugly-" My insult is cut short as the Centurion yells commands at the two Legionaries and turns his attention back to the civilians. No, got to keep his attention on me, but I need to take care of these two first. I reach out,and activate my Golden Gun, and burn away the two. I then take aim and prepare to take out the Centurion. My Light fades away... My Ghost weakly mutters"Erun, I...I...I don'" he then falls to the ground. "Ghost..." I say, as I weakly attempt to stand, feeling as if someone has placed weights around my arms and legs. I fall to my knees. "" I mutter, as I slowly crawl along the ground, some mysterious force pushing me to get up, to fight. As the Centurion prepares to fire at the civilians, I force myself to stand, and give a battle yell. The Centurion turns as I drunkenly run at him, knife in hand. He reaches out, and grabs me by neck, choking me. I take my knife and stab his arm, barely piercing the skin. He barely reacts, but I can tell, he wants me to suffer before I die. I then throws me towards the civilians. With a silent thump, I slide towards the group. I mutter "Run..." They then with new found determination run away. The Centurion notices them, but takes no heed. Why should he? He has a chance to kill a Guardian. I stand up, knowing that the only thing between the people and this Centurion, is me. I wait. Standing, I prepare for his attack. I take my hand cannon and fire at him. It gets absorbed by his shields taking no affect on him. Great, now I got to kill the giant, muscular, and extremely ticked off Cabal, with nothing but my bare hands. Wish I had taken those hand-to-hand combat classes Lord Shaxx was giving, guess I got to improvise. I take my knife and slowly run at him. He seems to take this as a challenge and runs at me. I gather my energy, everything I had in me. I slide under the Cabal as he attempts to swing his large hand at me. I turn and with a yell, I take the knife and stab the Cabal in the jump packs they use, causing an explosion, which kills the Centurion and sends me flying back. I hit a wall. Hard. I gasp, barely able to breath. "I'm dying" I think, "this is how it ends" My vision goes fuzzy, then black... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey, look at that, its time to, uh-go on a mission? Erun, what are you talking about? It's this extremely secret mission the Vanguard sent me on. How come I don't remember this? You where...eating? I don't eat Whatever, you where not there and I was given a mission. What is the mission?! Yes, Nessus, I need to go find this Vex Gate Lord and search his memory logs for possible Vex locations, of...stuff Ok, whatever you say Erun.

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