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1/22/2019 6:29:23 PM

Forum update moved to 1/29/19

The forum changes mentioned in last weeks TWAB have been postponed until next Tuesday to coincide with update 2.1.4. You can read about what is changing with the [url=]forums here[/url].

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  • Edited by FdYAcsoyPKN83gLE: 1/27/2019 5:02:46 PM

    Started a new topic: #gaming is safe for NOW.(1 Reply)

  • Why is Altar of Flame so disgustingly bright. It hurts my eyes and I hate the map because you make it so bright you can't see. Do you honestly have to ruin everything??? Is making a crucible map so bright it hurts your eyes necessary????

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  • these forums are just one complaint after another - many of them not even things that devs could actually fix. they blocked reddit at my job and Im forced to participate in Destiny discussion here now and its so much worse than the DtG subreddit. at least there are guides and helpful, constructive criticisms or ideas to make things better, everything here is "this sucks, i don't like X, why do i have to do Y" posts. if the forums weren't so negative and actually more than an outlet for frustrated gamers to vent they might take your posts seriously. I have to scour pages to find a useful post here. and No, Anthem isn't going to kill Destiny. It will do some things awesome and a lot of people will play it. Same with the Division 2. The beauty of games today is you can play whatever you want based on what you're in the mood for. But please, nobody here cares when you say you're leaving Destiny for another game, especially when many of those same people will come back to Destiny. If you care enough to post about it here, you care enough about this game to keep playing it.

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    6 Replies
    • Game is drying up like its osiris all over again. Stay focussed.

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    • Couldn’t you go with just one big forum and call it “Moved to Feedback”? Might save some time.

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      1 Reply
      • Edited by XxBlazingKnight: 1/22/2019 10:20:51 PM
        Would you kindly gift the community a 1000 cores? Thanks, that would be very much appreciated! Better still, please remove enhancement cores from the infusion process.

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        1 Reply
        • Latest daily population figures. PVP 647k PVE 786k

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          • Burgusia forge sucks as does your idea of making something hard. It is not balanced. The adds that come out of there are more than you could possibly shoot. If you stop to reload a gun you are dead. The tether and blow up shanks are ridiculous. Once I do the things I want I will NEVER do that forge again

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            48 Replies
            • Sorry Cozmo but no one really worried about the forums, but u might have noticed 1 or 2 posts about enhancement cores , be good if you could find time to reply to them . Thanks

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              11 Replies
              • So the last time you “reorganized” the forums didn’t work to your satisfaction of hiding (censoring) the critical threads by moving them to “off topic” while keeping all the boot-lickers taking a Bungie shower in the main Destiny forum? He was annoying but at least Viper proved a point around here.....

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              • When are you going to drop the bombshell? That there are no plans for Destiny 3.

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                28 Replies
                • No rush 🤣

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                • Jeez Cosmo, how many times do i have to launch into the tower to actually not get error coded and told it was my stellar connection. Jeez how many? I am on 4 so far. Wtf is wrong with your servers? Invest in dedicated servers

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                • You're nerfing the forums ? Wow PvP must be in real bad shape if you have to nerf the forums for them !

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                • Right from TWAB: "Like anything else related to Destiny, we’re eager to hear your feedback on how this experience can be improved." This was in reference to the upcoming forum changes. I think enhancement cores are also related to Destiny. I think this community had some feedback on how infusion could be improved. As a matter of fact, I didn't see any threads on changing the forums from this community's members.

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                • 1
                  Curious that you're doing away completely with the Community sub. Seems like a great place to post threads related to forum changes...

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                • How bout fixing 4 vs 2 or 1 in competitive! I mean you guys with a Summa cum laude gpa can figure this crap out yet.... lawwwwd

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                • 8
                  Has anyone noticed that the Destiny influencers are now working for another game? Makes you wonder , was all this catering to streamers really worth it in the long run .

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                  2 Replies
                  • Not forgotten in quick play anthem cant come soon enough

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                    4 Replies
                    • Edited by bdonnyq: 1/23/2019 10:04:35 AM
                      I guess they had to rethink removing all those posts about enhancement cores. Nobody likes censorship or having their posts removed. The problem is not Bungies game, its our reaction to it in the forums. What a pathetic way of thinking.

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                    • Well it looks like we’re gonna have to wait a few more days before we all get banned from the forum for life. :-)

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                    • The forums are fine, Destiny is not. Fix your game.

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                      2 Replies
                      • This has to be the positivity update. I’m positively not looking forward to it.

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                      • Edited by FdYAcsoyPKN83gLE: 1/27/2019 5:02:14 PM

                        Started a new topic: We are safe for now.

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