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12/8/2018 2:49:30 AM

With respect, please provide an update on the New England Outage

All of the identical canned responses feel hollow and like the issue is being ignored. Its clearly not a small isolated incident, but pretty much across New England on Comcast for Destiny only. All starting after the Blind Well matchmaking change. It hasn't been acknowledged that I have seen in the emerging issues updated today nor by Bungie Help twitter. This is a top problem, we are unable to play the game and its feeling completely ignored.
#Help #Networking

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  • Hey there folks, Bungie is currently investigating this issue.

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    23 Replies
    • Thats the only thing ive found. Two updates coming in today and tomorrow. Who knows if it actually addresses the problem. Its kinda a crap shoot at the moment. Bungie is a silent as a dead mime at this point.

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      2 Replies
      • How much you want to bet Bungie is being throttled by ISPs because they can extort money from the company so users can play their game? Comcast has done this in the past in small areas. This is why we need Net Neutrality but that's for a different forum. Not sure if it also a DDOS either by salty people about light levels and forge difficulty. But what is the most frustrating is no commentary beyond 'yeah we know' from Bungie .

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        4 Replies
        • Netflix and all my other games have NO issue. Yet constant error messages every minute when trying to get on for the dawning event. Bungie needs to issue a better response!! This too widespread to not.

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        • NH player here, over the last 3 days I have been averaging about 7 fruit salads worth of error codes every 30 min, this morning I can't even get past the character select screen without getting the weasel code. You know it's getting bad when fallout 76 is looking like it's more stable.

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          • The lack of any -blam!-ing updates from Bungie is disgusting at this point. I want my money back.

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          • Comcast Nough said

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            4 Replies
            • Thank you to fellow d2 GAMERS NOT BUNGIE for filling us in on this issue. I thought it was just me glad to know the community will give us updates before a company who just takes our money asap but never fixes things asap

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              • its brexit

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                • Appears to be fixed

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                  • Get better internet and stop crying

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                    3 Replies
                    • This is still ongoing idk if others are but i just tried to log in n got 3 contacting destiny n 2 error code

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                    • This is really frustrating, I am a day one D1 player, I have bought every single overpriced DLC bungie has thrown at us, and I have found that every time they release a new paid DLC, it comes with issues that not only sour my experience, but don't even allow me to play their game. I'm constantly asking myself why I even bother buying new content, and it is because it is fun as all hell.... when I am actually able to play it, please bungie how can you allow such massive issue affect all of New England? #LetMePlayWhatIPayedFor

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                      1 Reply
                      • Holy crap, I had no idea this was a thing. So New England Comcast users are all dealing with rampant error codes and connectivity issues? That explains a lot and I’m glad I’m not alone/going crazy.

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                        2 Replies
                        • Edited by Speaker: 12/8/2018 7:53:12 PM
                          It's getting borderline ridiculous; every other match I get bumped back to orbit. It's especially frustrating for my clan mates while we're trying to get leveled for the Raid together. Is there at least a timeline on when this is going to be corrected??

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                          3 Replies
                          • Edited by nichG0D_KlLL3R: 12/9/2018 3:59:59 PM
                            Is this still going on? I don't want to waste time trying to play if it is

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                          • Any word Bungie on making sure players are not banned from competitive play like Gambit due the disconnect issues in New England? Not really fair that were all dropping out and being penalized/banned.

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                            2 Replies
                            • Edited by RUTHLESSMENACE: 12/9/2018 4:17:51 PM
                              I'm in aww that this is still going on. Smh.

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                              2 Replies
                              • Since black armory update ive been having massive connection problems -Destiny servers unavailable -Fig, grape, chicken error messages -Long log in time and after that loose connection after picking destination -When successfully in game loose connection in about 10 minutes - internet connection tests good -same results hard wired or wi-fi -all other games work fine US Northeast, Comcast Internet provider Bungie Please fix this I cant play the game ive payed for!

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                              • I just got banned first time ever since day 1. Lost a 4 game win streak. Spent half my time booted from ANY event.

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                                • Im UK and thank gawd lucky up to now (touch wood) but, my buddy is MA and had probs since this new dlc dropped... it really is BS... He left behind unable level up etc. not even acknowledge by bungie really... the game has issues anyway and currently lots broken but, this... this... not even acknowledging a problem making people think going crazy and leaving them in dark, unable to level up for a dlc they paid for... no wonder people leave and dont come back... you need help your CUSTOMERS... Come on bungo if it was Tess at Eververse you be patched up in mins... but, what players dont matter ??

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                                  • I started messaging and commenting streamers, leaving stuff on there Fb page and bam as soon as I did it works

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                                  • Edited by paty mcd: 12/9/2018 9:44:25 PM
                                    I am in the same region and have the same general connection issues as described. I am error coded out of most activities involving other players.

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                                  • Same region here, but just assumed it was update related and would eventually shake itself out. Going on 5 days now of constant error codes and crazy laggy enemies in Gambit.

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                                  • You would think they would have and on call engineer for outages. Thanks for all the game mode suspensions this weekend bungie your game is great but you suck at customer support.

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                                  • Edited by EN_SABAH_NOOR_: 12/10/2018 2:34:36 AM
                                    WHO DO I COMPLAIN TO ABOUT LOSING GLORY POINTS BECAUSE I GOT DISCONNECTED TWICE, (ONCE WHILE WE WERE AHEAD), DURING COMP MATCHES??? Yup wholeheartedly agree I have been playing Destiny for 4 years avg over 20hrs a week and this disconnection issue is right up there with DDOS attack a few years back as worst time to every play destiny. Ironically that was during December as well, but at least Bungie acknowledged it and worked to fix it. Right now it feels like we are shouting into the void.

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