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Edited by PringleTV: 10/5/2018 5:05:43 PM

UPVOTE for comp quitters to take your glory loss

Why should I lose my glory points when someone on my team leaves and then hands the other team a victory. Fed up with matchmaking 3v4 and even 2v4 or people quitting. Why should I lose glory points. Their punishment for quitting is they should lose 120 points which is all four players points and those who lose in a game that someone quite should get to keep their glory points and their streak. All your doing is punishing the player who decides to stay in the comp game as he doesnt want a timeout yet the quitter couldn't care about a timeout, make them lose points. EDIT: I'd like to point out that the 2v4/3v4 does mean I'm solo queuing as I'm arguing it from both perspectives and please don't assume the argument only stands for solo queues as I've joined many LFG 4 stacks and you lose the first leg and they quit on you still

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  • Intentional quitters should be locked out of earning points and quest progression until they play 5 matches without quitting. Problem solved

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    • I would normally be all for this idea. But the other night I got Anteater'd out of a comp game (in the middle of using my super, awesome) and lost a ridiculous 100 glory rank. Along with a warning from Shaxx saying some shit about being a quitter. Took a few games to make up for the loss, then, as my ship is flying into a match I get slapped in the dong with another Destiny error and lost ANOTHER 100~ something glory. And that son of a b$%@ has the audacity to lock me out of comp for the damn night. Also, my internet connection was not the issue.

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      • Ye cos that wouldn't be exploitable at all would it? Duhhhhh

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      • Nah dude, you’d have people on alt accounts playing with their friends and just leaving as soon as the game starts that way their friends won’t lose any points IF they lose. They should lose twice as many points but the team should also lose points.

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      • [quote]Why should I lose my glory points when someone on my team leaves and then hands the other team a victory. Fed up with matchmaking 3v4 and even 2v4 or people quitting. Why should I lose glory points. Their punishment for quitting is they should lose 120 points which is all four players points and those who lose in a game that someone quite should get to keep their glory points and their streak. All your doing is punishing the player who decides to stay in the comp game as he doesnt want a timeout yet the quitter couldn't care about a timeout, make them lose points. EDIT: I'd like to point out that the 2v4/3v4 does mean I'm solo queuing as I'm arguing it from both perspectives and please don't assume the argument only stands for solo queues as I've joined many LFG 4 stacks and you lose the first leg and they quit on you still[/quote]smurfs would abuse that so fast

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      • Hmmm maybe not outright stop the loss of points but have it so that each person equals five of the fifteen you loose, also if someone leaves no matter how many have left the win streak is not taken, so if you have one person leave you loose 10 and keep your win streak, 2 people means loose five and keep the win streak and then all means the final player looses nothing

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        1 Reply
        • Agreed!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ve never left a comp game but it happens all the time when solo queuing. F those guys.

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        • Edited by Calm_D1ddy: 10/6/2018 2:33:38 PM

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        • I agree that leavers should take a loss as they forfiet

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        • yep agreed

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        • Edited by EvelynWarden: 10/6/2018 1:14:14 PM
          I'm only touching comp to try to get Luna and Redrix. I want to play competitive and have for a long time, but there's no actual system in place to deter players from quitting at the beginning of the match. I've played a few games where after round 1 I was the only person remaining on my team. It's ridiculous. I feel the need to LFG a 4 stack to win: not because we're a 4 stack, but because it would at least give a shred of a chance of finishing the game with 4 people on my team. And to those who always cite "what about actual D/C's?" They are maybe, in my most generous estimation 5% of loss of players in Gambit and Competitive. Maybe. D/C'ing after losing the first round of 5 in a comp game does not scream "oops, my internet." I think gradual point loss for recurring d/c's is appropriate. Freebie or two with no ban. then 5, 10, and 15 point loss streak for each d/c in a 72 hour period. I call BS if your internet is THAT bad and you're still coming out on the other end claiming that you're serious about comp.

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          • and now for something completely different [spoiler]MONTY PYTHON IS NOW ON NETFLIX [/spoiler]

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            6 Replies
            • Also, winning a match gives you like 5 points, Im not sure if there is teirs, but if there is that is insane

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            • Or we don't do that and look at the Main reason people quit. You know the MM so let's focus on the before we start witch hunting people

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              • Down vote. They need to fix matchmaking in the first place.

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                • I think quitters should be held in orbit until the match ends. If their team (the team they quit from) wins, they can start a new match no penalty. If their team loses, they get the glory loss of all the players on the losing team. If the team members that stay pull off a victory short-handed, there should be extra glory for them. But a system like this would get abused, with people making nerf accounts and making one person quit right at the end of a winning match, just so the remaining players could get the extra glory for being shorthanded.

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                  • When I’m at college I get booted from the match for bad connection and half the time I get booted I don’t lose connection from destiny itself literally just the match, now that’s annoying

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                  • Same tho it's annoying as shit. We lose one round and they give up and either leave it kill themselves

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                  • I got a restriction after a team of 3 used up all the damn lives in Survival and watched me pick away at the other team until I was finally eliminated when one of the last 3 alive decided to panic super me in the 1st round. The party of 3 on my team left during the round results screen . I was quadruple shotgun aped and killed with supers the next 3 Rounds. I left as soon as the post match rewards came up on screen and got a restriction.

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                  • Edited by Arc-Darkling: 10/6/2018 4:15:13 AM
                    easy fix just don’t have a comp mode I’m get hate but it solves this problem instantly

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                  • sucks for the people who get disconnected

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                  • Nah, that's WAY too abusable with a throw away account or someone that doesn't care about glory.

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                  • I agree 100%

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                  • Disagree and I don’t play competitive. The best way is being prohibited to play after prematurely returning to orbit with 5min, 15min, 30min, 1hr, 12hrs, a day, two days, a week, a month, a year, and for the very last offense permanently. I know several games that has something like this and while it won’t deter them from quitting, it will keep them out the queue for a bit unless they’re one of those people, at which point it’s good riddance.

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                  • No me an a friend were talking bout this today.. If someone's starts a match an leaves etc 1. They suffer a rank loss... an are locked out till reset of competieve. Yeah its harsh punishment but everyone suffers in comp. Cause of people leaving an it's not fair to people who are fighting an trying to get their lunas

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                    • I think they should just be locked out for like an hour and next time 5 hrs then 12 then a full 24

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