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Edited by Chaos_Prime: 10/2/2018 10:50:43 AM

Bungie, Malfeasance start quest needs rework. Human race isnt there yet for this to work

Hi Bungie, The quest you created though on paper sounds like a fully functional quest and it clearly has worked for others. But that was during the first few days. It no longer works. This has nothing to do with the following 1. Git Gud, 2. Nothing to do with randoms vs stacked 3. Nothing to do with RNG Its the fact that you believed the human race was in a position to respect each other, and we simply have not reached the levels seen in Star Fleet where all life is equal and respected. We are not at the level of Picard or Kirk or the Federation. We still actively try to ruin things for others. Where am i going with this. This is where i'm going with this. teams are actively leaving the game if they are losing on the servitor spawn to stop the opposing team get the quest because they are not going to get it. It just shows how low we can get as a human race to even do something like this. yes this is a video game, but that doesn't change the character of the person. it takes a very special character to do something like this. This is why i honestly believe you should change this quest in 1 of 2 ways: 1. make the Primevil Servitor remain an RNG chance to spawn at the end of the game. If it spawns you get 3 minutes to kill it. No onvasions nothing, its a isolated instance. You kill it you get quest, you dont tough luck. 2. Have the first quest require you get 10-15 flawless victories to start the quest (still challenging) 3. Defeat X number of Normal Prime-evils with the Servitor having a far greater weight to the total required. 4. If opposing team leave, the remaining team auto win (as they do) and get the Malfeasance quest these are just some of the options you can go with. However in its current state, and people leaving (happened to 4 of my clan mates now) this quest acquisition is really in a bad place. You nerfed the Ace of Spades which i genuinely believed it didn't need to be, yes ill said it. I also believe it should never have been in PvP to being with mind you as its the poster gun for the PvE content. So i can understand the change working better this way. This quest however doesn't work. Maybe one day, but not today. Its a sad state but the fact it, this quest more than any, needs changing for this reason alone. Thanks for reading & Bungie, I do not expect those leaving to get punished. Its your quest that allows for this to take place, its your rules. as such, please fix your mistake. Have a nice day all. EDIT 1: here is a thread here detailing and showing this also happening to others:

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