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9/9/2018 5:50:14 PM

Forced PvP is bull

Clan exp. 3 bounties for pvp. Exotic. Pvp. Use a shotgun but only start with 2 rounds. Exotic. Gambit And crucible. I hate having it rammed down my throat. I like a grind. I don't mind quest steps. But so far it's all PvP. What kinda quest steps could we put in that people will enjoy. Idiot at bungie. "Let's force everyone to do PvP. They will love it. Doing special things in nightfall or strikes like hunting down the Hoover robots on titan with no hint to where they are hidden. That wont add any fun. Or clearing nightfall in set times at a score target... nah. Let's make it so they want to uninstall the game. " I admit. I've always hated PvP. It can be a laugh sometimes but now you can't complete your collections without it. Red dead 2 is next month. I may move to that and spend my money there. Why buy engrams for sparrows and stuff if you have to do PvP... no sparrows there.

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