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Edited by Cozmo_BNG: 7/26/2018 11:20:57 PM

Crucible Labs Feedback

If you have feedback on our latest experiment mode in Crucible Labs, please leave it here. The mode we are testing is Lockdown, and it will be available until the next weekly reset. Senior Designer Andrew Welden explained how it works in this weeks TWAB. [quote] Lockdown is a new 4v4 round-based Competitive mode that, like Control, is about capturing and holding zones. Unlike Control, your only score comes from playing the objective. Those of you from the Taken King/Rise of Iron era know this mode’s predecessor, the Control variant “Zone Control.” Here’s how it plays out: Both teams start Lockdown with a “Progress” percentage of 0% displayed under the scoreboard. Once a team holds two zones, progress will begin ticking up for that team at a rate of 1% per second. There is no round timer—the first team to reach 100% will win the round, and the first to win three rounds will win the match. That’s not all, though—if a team can successfully capture all three zones, they will instantly win the round, regardless of each team’s progress state. A well-coordinated push from your opponents will always be dangerous, which means you need to stay focused on your objective. However, winning a round that way is not necessarily as simple as it might seem. To earn capture progress or win on the triple cap, you must hold uncontested zones. If a team holds two zones, you can fully halt their progress by contesting one or more zones (you’ll see “PROGRESS HALTED” display under the scoreboard to let you know this is happening). They won’t start earning score again until they clear you and your progress off the point(s). The same applies when going for the triple cap lockdown—the instant win only applies if all three zones are completely clear. We’ve seen some really exciting matches play out from this ruleset internally, and we hope you have similar experiences out in the wild![/quote] [quote][b]• What did you think about this mode? • Was anything confusing? • Did anything seem missing? • Was there a map it played better/worse on? • Were there spawning issues? • Were the rounds too short/too long? • Was there a weapon or other sandbox combination that affected the game in a negative way? [/b] [/quote]

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  • You get Regional Dedicated Host Servers, and I will test the Crucible Lab.

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  • I like the new break through mode. It’s good but maybe make there more objectives to capture. Also Hawkmoon making a comeback would make my life ❤️

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  • Your matchmaking should be based on KDR. The sweats with their cronus sticks giving them cheats and unfair advantages is making PVP unplayable. I heard that some of them have a mod that let's them cheat with a keyboard and mouse. Really wish you would go after the cheaters! At least if you're matchmaking were based on KDR then the cheaters could go up against other cheaters most of the time. Tired of getting one shotted by lag skipping cheaters with godlike cheat mods!

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  • Fix the damn lag

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  • Fix matchmaking, that’s all I want. No complaints about “balance” leave it as it. BUT matchmaking is beyond broken...

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  • No one plays destiny for the trash crucible. If you don’t count the pve players who are forced to play this god awful pvp for powerful engrams, you have about 100 people. Delete crucible. Keep gambit. And focus on pve content. Your pvp is trash and can’t be fixed. If someone wants good pvp there are far better games out there. Your pve content is excellent. Keep it going.

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    • BREAKTHROUGH FEEDBACK • What did you think about this mode? Originally though it was pretty fun and created some new combat experiences. Over time (a few matches) I noticed that It was a disadvantage to take the center point. You work hard and try to take two zones and then end up losing the round just because you couldn't take the second point. This punishes you for playing the objective. • Was anything confusing? Nope. Very straight forward. Easy to understand. • Did anything seem missing? Motivation to take the center point and become the attacking team. The advantage on the majority of maps is with the defending team. • Was there a map it played better/worse on? Convergence (AKA Pantheon) was a very poor experience with this gamemode. It is very difficult to defend the last point which is rare for most of the maps when playing this gamemode. As for the maps that were introduced with the gametype they are fun and generally I have good experiences, but they make taking the last point very too hard to do. • Were there spawning issues? When on the attack and pushing the opposing team's bank/vault/point it is very difficult to take the last point, so much so that this makes it so no one wants to take the center point. The defending team's spawns are so close to they're bank/vault/point and the spawn time is so short that you have to kill them endlessly off spawn to take the last point. If attacker spawns moved up to the center point when it was taken this might alleviate the issue. • Were the rounds too short/too long? Rounds could go way too long and good teams could continuously crush/kill a lesser team until they felt like capping the last point to end the match. • Was there a weapon or other sandbox combination that affected the game in a negative way? Nothing that I have found. I felt like there was an unusually good mix of long range and short range combat depending on the map or stage of the round.

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    • Edited by SufrinTourettes: 10/8/2018 4:28:13 PM
      The game was terrible. Fight for the mid was great. Once aquired it pushes the other team in to a spawn trap. And the mid actually determines the winner because of this flaw. Allow mid map spawning so not trapped letting you get hand up a little maybe it will work better. On a positive note Gambit is awesome. Don't change a thing. Don't let the cry hards convince you. It works perfectly. Leave it alone and tell them learn how to play.

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    • Edited by mac626: 10/5/2018 8:47:00 PM
      No exotics for two weeks, great job with xur as well another useless thing in here. What are you holding on to they really aren’t that good cosmo. Making us wait is not going to make them better. They only good ones are d1 exotics anyway. I don’t play crucible anyway, d1 was so much better in every way.

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    • Nerf sleeper, still THE CHOICE OF WEAPON in gambit

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    • My issue is with the malfeasance quest, I got lucky enough to get the quest, but the quest isn’t counting the team kills on the lights Out portion. The stats at the end confirmed the kills, but it’s not registering. This part is hard enough, without having it not counting when you manage to do it. It’s little things like this that make me regret buying Destiny again!!!!!

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    • • What did you think about this mode? Totally Confusing. Never playing solo again. It started as 3v4 (naturally I was on the 3 side LOL ) Must be super popular when you can't even get a full 4v4 team to play it. • Was anything confusing? There is a marker (white one on mini-map) and there is a dome shaped object on ground. but it seems like you don't need to do anything there. I think it also said Defend, but did not seem to need defending. • Did anything seem missing? The fun • Was there a map it played better/worse on? Played on a recycled destiny 1 map. I think it was on Venus before In Destiny 1 it was a fun map. • Were there spawning issues? 1st time playing so can't say • Were the rounds too short/too long? way too long • Was there a weapon or other sandbox combination that affected the game in a negative way?

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    • I enjoy pve but every time I am required to play pvp I hate this game a little more. There is almost nothing for a solo player like myself to grind for besides my light level. This will likely be my last dlc/destiny content I purchase. I have been a firm supporter of this games potential but each progressive step you take, you erode my faith in Bungie as a company that cares me as a consumer.

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      • I liked it. It reminds me of control points in other games like TF2. I don't have much to say about it besides one thing: the spawn trapping. Once a team gets the middle point and the next is moved, they can basically spawn kill the enemy over and over until the team captures the zone or the timer runs out. I played earlier today and my team didn't even let them get out of their spawn. Just didn't seem fair. Maybe have the capture points be farther away and increase the time it takes to capture?

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      • Currently in Destiny 2. There are 4 Trophies that are currently glitched for new Destiny 2 players. Those trophies are Ikora’s Protégé (Warlock Subclasses) Zavala’s Lieutenant (Titan Subclasses) Cayde’s Pathfinder (Hunter Subclasses) Show Me What You Got (Shaxx’s Call To Arms) The trophies that require you to get your subclasses are glitched because, if you use a level booster when you don’t have the trophy, it will not register that you don’t have the subclasses and therefore you would have to recreate your character and grind the old fashion way to unlock the trophy. The “Show Me What You Got” trophy is glitched because there is no Call To Arms to do, to unlock this trophy. These trophies should be immediately patched/fixed Bungie!

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      • Edited by ELRaSun: 9/27/2018 4:55:06 PM
        You get punished for winning in breakthrough. Unless you make it an alternating objective round like countdown, which takes away the whole point of breakthrough. It’d just be a longer version of countdown. So 1) At the very least it should be they fought you to a DRAW if you don’t cap the base. They shouldn’t get a win by just surviving. 2) What penalty does the other team get for losing the center point? It literally just moves the center point to a corner base which is much easier to defend. Maybe capping the middle should give you a health buff or ability cooldown buff of some sort. Spawn you some heavy ammo. Give you all your supers, something! Current form is bass ackwards.

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      • Edited by CleverInvective: 9/27/2018 12:34:06 AM
        The Immediate problem with Breakthrough. Because defending can net you a round win, currently there's no incentive to capping the breaker. Sit back, let your opponent take it. Defending your vault position is a much easier task and takes less coordination. there are so many zoning grenades at your disposal to cut off choke points. Other problem is because it's 4v4 you can easily wipe the attacking team with a super. My immediate suggestion would be capping the breaker nets 1 pt, a successful vault defence nets 0 pt, but a successful vault attack nets an additional 1 pt. This would incentivize taking the breaker and attacking. Other suggestion would be to increase to 6v6 teams. Where the loss of a teammate is only 16.7% of your team, instead of 25%. In terms of potential, I think it's an interesting mode. Rift has far more strategic depth though.

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      • Buff malfeasance

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        I feel there isn’t enough incentive to cap the middle point. It’s so much easier to defend because the spawn timers are the same and they don’t have far to run. I feel if you have an increased spawn time if you lose the point is a nice balance cuz it makes u fight over the point and play more strategically.

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      • Hey. How about Destiny 1 style mode choice with consideration for skill insomuch that connection doesn't suffer?

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      • How about you stop adding comp modes and make new quickplay modes for a change

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        • I suggest a CTF gametype? Just a suggestion.

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        • Who plays this anyways

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        • Please fix the game connection first before looking into the game mode!! look at this, it that even playable? [url][/url]

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        • What does power enabled iron banner mean exactly?

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        • Fix the aim assist it’s bs

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