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7/16/2018 3:19:29 PM
Cue the cadre of people who want to remind OP that Destiny isn't meant to be a solo experience, that he needs to nut up and stop being shy, that if he wants to play Destiny "right" he needs to make friends or join a clan or use LFG, or that he needs to generally "stop whining/quit his bitching/shut the f*ck up". Even though significant portions of Destiny 1 could easily be played and enjoyed solo, including lone wolf queues for Crucible, and that Destiny 2 had somehwat satisfying solo play until Season 3 when the devs saw fit to break the mid-game and force solo players out of a lot of experiences.

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  • How is he forced out of the pvp experience? The op may not enjoy the experience, but it is still available. You like many others fail to differentiate between not being able to do something, and said activity still being available it significantly more difficult and not tailored to your liking.

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  • For me, personally, I'm forced out of EP because Bungie imploded a lot of the older ways to progress your light. Not only can I not contribute to this "public event", there have been times when I was actually and literally forced out by other Guardians (i.e. being harassed until I left the area to free up a spot on the server). Yeah yeah yeah, I could have stayed (anticipating a "no one can force you to leave" style response)... if I want to have five Guardians slapping and shooting at me while I go about my business. Yes, EP isn't meant for Guardians at my light level (I can top out around the low 260s). Yes I've accepted that and "gotten over it" as so many hardcore players have recommended that I and hundreds of other solo players should do. Yes, I'm aware that I can "easily" raise my light level if I just kept mindlessly doing all those awesome Milestones every week. No, I'm not actually going to do those because they're about as fun as changing a tire. Yes, I've accepted that I won't progress too far if I don't. No, that doesn't make me happy as I used to be able to grind heroic strikes, grind IB, and collect exotic engrams to progress but I no longer can since Bungie took all that away because other players need to abuse those paths to get max light in a day and then complain they have nothing to do. No, I don't want anything in this game "handed to me", but that doesn't mean I cannot also lament the loss of the midgame for people like me who don't no-life this game but also want meaningful paths to max progression so I can properly play the endgame. Yes, I understand that is no longer the case. Yes, I am playing other games instead of Destiny 2 these days (most recently Prey and Bloodborne; both are better than D2). For OP, maybe he enjoyed PVP more before all these solo unfriendly changes. I can't speak for him as I do not know him, and I try to avoid PVP unless I have to play it so I don't have a lot of personal experience with it this past season.

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  • Questions and counterpoint for you. First I am assuming you mean 360 not 260 light. Now to my counterpoints, I don’t want anyone to be excluded from anything, I do however believe that there absolutely should not be equal rewards when there is not an equitable amount of time, effort, and generally speaking, level of skill put forth. I did not read my original post before commenting, but either in this thread or another, I explained why I quit doing raid carries. It creates an expectation amongst people that they can and should be rewarded simply for being in an activity. It takes away the trial and error and overall skill set and knowledge learned through failure (I did leviathan and eow blind, and failed a lot, especially on leviathan). It also allows people to offer uneducated opinions that the developer listens to the molds the way future installments of this franchise are developed. Regardless if they are parroting my opinion, or that of some random YouTube video, it is just that, copying someone else’s opinion rather than formulating one through the tedious and often frustrating blind raid run. To paraphrase, I don’t believe you or anyone else should be locked out of any content you purchased, but again, you need to develop the skill set and meet the requirements to complete the activity. It’s a shame you moved on, hope you make your way back around at some point.

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  • Guardian, you are right; I did mean 360 and not 260. That was a typo. You and I agree 100% on your statement here: [quote] It creates an expectation amongst people that they can and should be rewarded simply for being in an activity. It takes away the trial and error and overall skill set and knowledge learned through failure [/quote]. The expectation to be "handed gear" is not a good one. Case in point: the clam engrams the way they were. I have about 8 Trials weapons and I've never set foot in Trials. I don't play Trials and I am the first one to admit that I do not have the skill set for Trials. I should not have these weapons and yet I do. I think that was a positive change by Bungie. Clans helping members by earning high level regular loot pool items is a good thing. Clam members getting Raid and Trials gear because they joined an active clan is nonsense. When it comes to EP, however, I do feel excluded. I have the skill set to participate in higher level PVE activities. But I did make the choice for myself (and I want to stress that) to not slavishly grind Milestones because they're boring and RNG doesn't much cooperate anyway. I always get SMGs and Sidearm drops for some reason. Guess which two weapons classes I do not use? So I see progression of maybe 3 - 5 points a week. Before Bungie throttled progression, I could grind Heroic Strikes, hunt Exotic Engrams with 3 of Coins, grind the hell out of Iron Banner, and I could get to endgame levels of light to become useful in situations like EP. Now Milestones are all I've really got to progress and it's a slow going chore to say the least. Bungie didn't need to take those extra paths to progression away, but they did because people abused them and got to max light within a few days and then loudly screamed there was nothing to do. That sucks for them, but now it sucks for the rest of us who play at a slower pace and feel like we're running uphill in a blizzard to try to get to a viable light level. The multiple paths were intended for people to have various ways to get endgame ready; now it's just a chore. For the record, I was "Forever 29" in D1 so I know this recent level grind is not a new thing in Destiny, but at least I was having fun trying to get to 30 because D1 was fun and the gear was worth chasing. In D2 that carrot is absent from the chase. I appreciate the civility of your response and your willingness to listen, and I appreciate your counterpoints and they are well taken, Guardian. I don't know if or when I will really be back. I tried to pick up the last Faction Rally and it was so dull that I tapped out after a couple of hours. I grinded the first 2 Rallies to 50, but couldn't bring myself to do it anymore. I do want the Black Ham... uhhh, Whisper of the Worm, so I will likely pop on to see if I can get in on the hunt this weekend. By and large, however, I've lost my taste for this game. If you're enjoying yourself than have at it, man. I hope you get genuine joy from your playtime. And have an excellent day wherever you are in this great wide world.

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  • Again, it’s a shame you moved on, it’s also a shame your not a member of my clan. The typical responses I would have gotten on this forum would typically start with kid get rekt #yourmomsleetsnipezdeeznutz. I do understand your point of view, or at least I can try and put myself in that place. If you come back to this game and are on the same platform feel free to request to join my clan, we will help each other (not carry) and quite honestly it’s been a rough year to be a destiny player and we all get it in that regard. If not good luck with it

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  • [quote]Even though significant portions of Destiny 1 could easily be played and enjoyed solo, including lone wolf queues for Crucible, and that Destiny 2 had somehwat satisfying solo play until Season 3 when the devs saw fit to break the mid-game and force solo players out of a lot of experiences.[/quote] Dead. Solid. Perfect.

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