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originally posted in: Welcome to the Feedback Forum
6/29/2018 3:22:34 PM
[quote]This is Cozmo your new Community Manager. I have assumed control of the mission. This is where you help us make the game better. Your feedback has a huge influence on how we continue to support Destiny over time. At this very moment Bungie User Research is paying attention to this forum. I will also be searching threads here for good ideas to bring to the developers. By sharing your opinion, or “up wishing” the ones you agree with, you can have a positive impact on the games you play. This forum is for your ideas and opinions. Issues that prevent you from playing the game or having a quality experience should be reported in the [url=]HELP[/url] forum, or researched on [url=]Help.Bungie.Net[/url]. Above all else, [url=]be excellent to each other[/url]. Ninjas are on the prowl! Their [url=]Banhammer[/url] is mighty and their justice is swift.[/quote] Cozmo I'm really annoyed at bungie at the moment. This elitist attitude of ways to obtain catalyst and power levels is sickening. I really thought bungie had learnt something about locking content out of the average players reach. Exotic catalyst should be achievable to everyone that invests time and money into you're game not just the best of the best of the best, I'm just an average player but this really has placed a doubt in the purchase of forsaken

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