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Edited by MergingChicken: 6/29/2018 8:54:15 PM

TITAN MAIN PLAYERS PLEASE COMMENT: Titan subclass fixes I hope Forsaken addresses.

These are all fixes I hope Bungie addresses when the Forsaken DLC comes out. These may help better compete with the amazing new super trees we will be getting in September and have been necessary for a long time IMO. [u][b]This is also in reference to all PvE gameplay and in no way should reflect PvP gameplay[/b]. [/u] [spoiler]Sorry about the length but if you are a Titan main like I am I hope you'll give this a read and comment below. It also helps to reference the in game descriptions while reading along. [/spoiler] [u][b]SUNBREAKER[/b][/u] [b]Code of the Siegebreaker [/b] Mortar Blast: If you are a titan then I know you've been through this pain of the most pathetic melee in the entire existence of Destiny. It is a melee ability that literally nerfs the damage dealt in order to apply a burn effect that, in the end, does less damage then a standard melee attack. Possible Fix's: - Apply a Sunshot like explosion if you kill an enemy with the melee ability instead of a burn. There can also be an exotic that causes a chain explosion effect to all enemies killed by the initial blast (It's called Mortar Blast right?) - Triggers a large AOE of solar burn to all enemies in proximity as they are blasted back from the targeted enemy (the targeted enemy still takes maximum melee damage). The targeted enemy does not need to die for this to take effect. - Another AOE explosion that effects all enemies but if a burned enemy dies, they drop a Sunspot. (could possibly trigger up to 10 sunspots at once by killing enemies such as thrall). This one is more of a direct fix based on some feedback I have seen about the burn not activating Sol Invictus on death. Endless Siege: All the stacking elements that go into this super are really cool but lack in effectiveness when compared to other ad controlling supers. Possible Fix's: - Sunspots that are created from the super kills are larger then ability kill sunspots. - The speed of the hammer in air and rate of fire need to be increased slightly, also better target acquisition (resembling heat seeking missiles). [b]Code of the Fire-Forged[/b] Nothing of note here, this tree is pretty much awesome in the intended scenario- ie, boss killing. Solar Summary: Most of this stems from the ever useful Hallowfire Heart Exotic chest piece that improves the recharge rate of solar abilities. This is really the only solar titan exotic and the Titan could use another solar exotic that works with the extension of the super instead of not using your super at all. (not including the pathetic Warmind gauntlets that are so bad I wont even bother naming them.) [u][b]SENTINEL[/b][/u] [b]Code of the Protector [/b] Ward of Dawn: This is quite honestly the biggest departure from D1 to D2 of a super I have seen. The bubble is almost non existent in raids now and is only used in faction rallies by a small handful of players. Not only that but a lot of Titan players do not even realize you have a choice of running with the shield or popping the bubble. This can easily be fixed by a better description in the subclass. Possible fixes: - Make the bubble completely invincible. - Drop more orbs, or an exotic that, for every enemy killed within the bubble an orb drops for all players. (Can combat the effectiveness of the Orpheus Rigs tether Hunter combo.) - If you chose to run with the shield then the shield block costs no added super energy and diminishes at a slower rate. - Shield block could also apply a damage buff for teammates who are behind it while shooting like weapons of light from D1. - The bubble could be just a tad larger, please. - An exotic that lets you shoot out of the bubble from inside (may be asking too much here). [b]Code of the Aggressor [/b] Superior Arsenal: Scrap this or improve the base void titan grenades. Possible fix/replacement: - To combo with the "In the Trenches" perk- have a defensive buff when surrounded by enemies (much like the Riskrunner's defensive arc buff). This can promote more aggressive melee behavior and make some exotics near god tier in pve. - Make all abilities refresh much quicker when surrounded by enemies- like insainely quick. Void summary: I know the Doom Fang Pauldron's are going to buff the Code of the Aggressor but these above fix's can and should be applied. In reality, the void subclass needs an overall buff to their grenades especially the suppressor grenade- reduce the AOE for yourself and extend it to enemies because I hate killing all effected enemies right away and just suppressing myself... and yellow bar enemies seem to avoid the grenades AOE entirely. Actually, the buff to the Tractor Cannon makes Suppressor Grenades absolutely pointless in their current state. [u][b]STRIKER[/b][/u] [b]Code of the Earthshaker[/b] Magnitude: Just make is so the Lightning and Flashbang Grenade have a larger AOE as well as lasting longer. Possible fix: Or, make it so the grenades also slow enemies effected like the Fallen arc Bouncing Betty traps. Terminal Velocity: If you charge melee while in super it should have a farther reach to the target then normal. That can help when you are focusing on a boss as they ground-pound you away. [b]Code of the Juggernaut[/b] Trample: Ground slams need to be faster while in air and reach the ground quicker. It may even benefit for a farther target acquisition when triggering the ground pound. I run this tree a lot due to the other awesome perks but I find that the extension of this super with Trample is very hard to understand. If I could reach the last enemy just as my super energy reaches zero then it could give me one more ground slam- it already does this I think the extended reach and target acquisition can help compete with the Hunter Arcstrider in pve. Arc Summary: This is my new favorite subclass to run with my new favorite exotic weapon (Riskrunner) as I think it is the best all around Titan subclass. Again, however, I need to address the issue with the grenades. The AOE of the Flashbang to the user needs to be tighten and widened to the enemies as well as focusing the damaging impact to a smaller but stronger area (I want to blind the mob of enemies not just kill all of them and blind myself). [u][b]FULL SUMMARY[/b][/u] I am a Titan main and I always use it when I just want to have fun in D2. Besides all the points I have hit in this thread, I want to see more Titan exotics that can compete with Rigs, Flux, Nighthawk, and Lunafaction Boots when it comes to end game activity. In all the raids it is not necessary for a team to need a Titan anymore and it boils down to how the Titan exotics just don't combo well with the subclasses. Protocol really only needs one Titan for the Melting Point Tractor Cannon debuff combo. And I am in no way saying Titans are useless in these events but that there are better options in the two other character's sublasses. I also see the new Forsaken Warlock solar super encroaching in on the Titans support class territory. I want my Bubble Titan to be useful again in Nightfall runs and Raid teams, to save the day by dropping a perfect bubble to resurrect my teammates for one last shot at killing the boss. I miss those days and I hope that Forsaken does not further diminish the Titan's usefulness. And if anyone has any idea at what the new Sentinel Titan Tree will be let me know in the comments.

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  • In my opinion, the need to nerf the shit out of the striker titans fist of havoc. It is the only roaming super that deals damage upon activation. I know you guys are gonna say that the Storm Trance super does damage upon activation, but it is intended to deal constant damage while active. Fist of havoc automatically uses an AOE ground slam upon activation, and then the super remains active. So you can use Fist of havoc as a panic super and then continue on with a killing spree. They either need to remove the Fist of havoc's initial ground slam, or make so that it uses up more of your super energy per attack.

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  • Titan don’t feel the same way in D2, they are just weak, there supers are useless, they dont have a special ability, the barriers are useless and they dont have a point, Healing and Weapon Buff were taken away from us and given to the Warlock, I mean whats the point of using a Titan in D2.

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    2 Replies
    • Skip to [url=]2:50[/url] for the New Sentinal Titan super.

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    • Just thought of a ward of dawn exotic armor:[b] while bubble is active, all orbs made by the fireteam drop not on the kill or on the player but inside the bubble. This includes super kill orbs. Also the bubble would last longer. [/b] This would help in boss battles where players would otherwise have to risk their lives to run around and grab orbs only to die and lose all of them. The exotic could also vacuum other orbs already in the area to the inside of the bubble on activation. This could combo great while on SoS or other boss fights that have a ton of ads around. Thoughts?

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    • I want a COMPLETE overhaul of the ward of dawn. it needs to return to d1 specs this fragile purple dome we got now is a joke. weapons and blessing of light should definitely be returned. Ps bungie STOP GIVING THE WARLOCK MY JOB!!!

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      • Edited by Tall: 6/30/2018 5:08:05 PM
        Thermite grenade needs to be fixed. It catches any micro surface in the game causing it to shoot off in a random direction, essentially wasting it. It will also glitch on non stationary surfaces like elevator platforms where it'll just spin in place and then once again shoot in a random direction. I think an easy fix would be to allow it to explode on impact like pulse grenades, except only when it hits the ground. It should always travel straight in the direction from which it was thrown. That's my biggest pet peeve. Mortar blast also sucks and I think fire forged needs one more hammer throw because it's extremely irritating watching my Titan half cock a throw and the last hammer disappears mid throw. P.S. I'm not a fan of the "new" striker or sentinel so I simply don't use them.

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      • Edited by DuBChiri2: 6/30/2018 12:00:44 AM
        Ok so these are my thoughts: Sunbreaker: [spoiler]Buff pve damage by 10% It's by far the most well rounded of the 3 with a powerful pve and PvP super, good grenades, and a decent neutral game. The top right tree puts out a lout of power in the super, but I think grenades should be able to proc a weaker explosive pyre same with suncharge on enemies that die to it. Maybe an explosion that deals damage similar to dragon fly. As it stands, it's really only good mid super and for the melee debuff. Code of the siegebreaker is fine In my opinion, but they need to fix the pve damage of mortar strike, because it's TRASH right now. Maybe an extra second on Sun warrior to allow less restrictiveness with the sunspots OR 15% more to the ability recharge while standing in sunspots. 15 seconds to get your abilities back is amazing as it is, but standing idle for 15 seconds in pve can be dangerous. [/spoiler] Striker: [spoiler]Code of the earthshaker could use a buff to seismic strike. Increase its pve and PvP damage by 20%. Don't worry, it doesn't make it one shot people or anything in pve, just it should provide a much more reasonable amount of damage for the requirements you have to fulfill to use it. It will do 132 damage in crucible with a 20% increase. Code of the juggernaut is very lacking in my opinion. It's a weaker fist of havoc, a weaker melee charge, and has weaker grenades...technically. So for this one, it should focus more on being a true juggernaut, one to tank and spank. Trample now increases the damage of your next fist of havoc after sprinting for 3 seconds, each kill you get with fist of havoc will grant more bonus super energy, because it barely gives enough to sustain it unless you are constantly fighting groups of targets. A bonus trample could grant outside of the super is juggernaut. Holding the melee button will consume half your melee charge to project a small frontal shield for 15 seconds. During those 15 seconds, when you run a frontal shield will appear in front of you to block damage and will disappear if you stop sprinting, but resumes if you Sprint again, so long as you have duration left over or after sprinting for 2 seconds. This is a more restrictive form of juggernaut, but keeps it from being broken with the way the game is now. Frontal assault (or whatever the melee charge is called) should deal an additional 15% damage in pve, because right now it does not. Knockout is ok, but I would like it to be more prominent in the super. Maybe if enemies had their shield broken, your next shoulder charge in the super deals a bonus 30% damage. This would be different than trample which would grant more power to the slam. The health regen portion is perfectly fine.[/spoiler] Sentinel: [spoiler]Code of the protector is bad in my opinion. It's very lacking at supporting your allies, so I have some ideas. Increase the effective range at which your allies receive over shields or health on your melee kills. Right now they basically have to be right in there with you. Blocking a certain amount of damage with code of the protector will cause sentinel shield to emit over shields to all nearby allies. This is to create a better utility for blocking for allies and yourself. Maybe have it so that if you block damage, it grants very small amount of energy to help sustain the supers duration a bit longer. Sentinel should be able to place armor of light bubbles for half of your super bars cost. Add a 10 second time between placing another bubble. Holding the super button will consume all of your super energy to place a ward of dawn that has blessings of light and covers a slightly larger area. Over shields aren't instantly restored upon entering the bubble but slowly regenerate over time inside the bubble. This is to prevent major issues with crucible. Code of the aggressor should absorb damage it receives while blocking damage to use towards it's next shield throw. When enough damage is received, sentinel shield becomes empowered, dealing an additional 30% damage on the next shield throw. This makes it a better offensive tool in pve without just straight up giving it damage. Grenade kills grant 33% payback of cool down on each enemy killed. Allies near you receive 10% per kill. Shield bash melee charge should grant 5% damage reduction while sprinting and 10% on killing targets with the melee charge for 10 seconds. Kills with sentinel shield will recharge a 33% of the melee charge for each kill. [/spoiler] Tell me what you guys think after reading them.

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        5 Replies
        • SC to one hit kill = perfect striker class

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          • *Bump.

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            12 Replies
            • This happened to me in Iron Banner not long ago. I kept hearing that this was a problem since the beta. I just want the sentinel hit detection to be fixed.

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              3 Replies
              • I think code of the siege breaker needs to have bigger sunspots, and increase super damage while in it too. The Fire-forged hammers do considerably more damage than the Siegebreaker ones. Trample needs to increase the super gain a lot more than currently. I think sentinel just needs to be buffed in general. Ward of Dawn should be able to grant either armor of light and super quick healing while in bubble, or weapons and blessing of light. The shield blocking in super needs to restore super energy when blocking damage, and not drain the super bar quicker than normal. Just my two cents

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                • A small thing, I love my shoulder charge for extra jump distance even though for damage it is worthless , maybe be able to choose it on top and bottom tree would be great

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                  2 Replies
                  • Just made another post [url=]here[/url] that separates the latest WoD idea I thought of. If you all want to post about the idea separately you can do so.

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                  • Edited by MergingChicken: 7/1/2018 11:22:47 AM
                    So after commenting on [url=]@bonnydaslaya 2-7[/url] I thought of an outlandish yet irresistible solution to the WoD branch. I hope you all enjoy and I may make this a separate thread entirely in the future: First off: lets [i]take out the ability to choose[/i] which super you want to use on the fly when in the WoD branch. I absolutely love the versatility but in order to make these changes I am suggesting then this option defeats the purpose of the branch entirely. So: the way I see it, WoD could change how it acts depending on what rally barricade you chose. To make things more interesting it could change opposite to the barricades intended purpose. Let me explain: Say you chose the rally barricade (RB) and activate your WoD super. Being that you already have an offensive choice in the RB, the WoD super will be an updated version of the current bubble shield (with some of the previously mentioned changes from this forum post implemented). Simple as that- the class has more versatility in it's offensive and defensive qualities. Let me explain part 2: Say you chose the tower barricade (TB) and activate your WoD super. Now instead of popping the bubble you spawn a larger rally barricade-esque wall. It looks larger then the original barricade and has the same wall as a bubble shield would. However, it acts in a completely new way in that when a player locks into it they actually [b]lock in[/b]. Three to four teammates can all lock in to the WoD barricade and they get switched to a third person pov giving them a better field-of-view of whats around them. Think of this like the feeling when you pick up one of the gems in the garden encounter on the Leviathan. Your accuracy and handling is near perfect when locked in and you gain a weapons of light buff that stacks the more players are locked in. If you want out of the WoD barricade then all you have to do is double tap B (already a mechanic for a number of other maneuvers) and your guardian does a dodge roll away from the barricade wall. This can work in situations where the wall gets overrun by a boss that wants to stick his nose in it. This idea would be very different to almost everything that is currently in D2 but I think it would be a welcome game changer to give the Titan, and more specifically the Void subclass Titan, more of an advantage against the other two classes. A lot, I know, but I think it is a quality to consider and yes, for the love of Cayde-6, I know Bungie will not read this and I know they really don't care. But, I am having fun with these ideas and I hope you all are too. Please pick apart this rant post and tell me what you think, what works and doesn't, and what situation this could work well in. [spoiler]lol if anyone comments to this saying Bungie wont read this then I know they didn't read it either. [/spoiler]

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                  • #MakeBubbleGreatAgain

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                    2 Replies
                    • I agree that titans need reworking across all three subclasses, but none moreso than sunbreaker. I mained sunbreaker HARD when it came out. I had it so i would get health back on ability kills, that perk that gives speed buffs on ability kills and muth-blam!-ing SPLOSIONS FOR DAYS! *SIGH* i miss being able to pick and choose my perks. This is by far my biggest complaint of D2. P.S. if your team mate has an active sunspot, everyone else should receive the full benefits aswell if theyre in one.

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                      3 Replies
                      • My 10 bob (2 cents) Empowering & Healing Barriers would be cool maybe with a little less percentage on the stats compared to Rifts to levy the fact we can crouch behind them & take cover . Also why not make those Barriers Deal elemental damage too . For the Sunbreaker would love the Thermite grenade to have a predictable spread pattern when it lands can't stand it when I throw one on the floor and because of a pea sized divet in the ground it veers off god-knows where . Striker could do with a little more damage on shoulder charge it should really 1-shot red bar trash mobs of all species & if not apply a similar effect to Melting Point for extra damage afterwards . Never touch the Sentinel other than memery .

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                      • Any of the things you've suggested won't be addressed with forsaken, that's already been decided coded and given the go ahead.

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                        • I agree with having a skill tree system like in D1 would be more interesting with the current perk combos. This is why I am segregating PvE talk from PvP ( the set perk trees are due to PvP balancing, IMO). The reality would be a different system entirely between the two game types. A skill tree where you pick your melee perk options, your grenade perk options, and super perk options separately would be good for PvE (A new version of the D1 perk tree). This would create entirely new "branches" in an otherwise washed down perk system. There would be, however, preferred combos that raid teams would police heavily and some issues will come up. The biggest issue being clear branch combos that work so well that they resemble the original D2 options. Honestly we cannot safely say one system is better then the other in the current state and, in the end, D2 players are going to be fine with the outcome and continue playing no matter what. I can only hope that when the new super branches are introduce that Bungie will adjust the current trees to compete with the highly anticipated Forsaken supers. Having even a percentage of what we came up with here integrated into the supers in the fall will be very welcoming; Bungie seems open to change based on our collective voices so long as they are constructive opinions and not whiny BS. It looks like whiny complaints are reserved for PvP players and PvE players tend to comment on more fluid game play mechanics and an urge to be 'God Like' once more.

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                        • I believe that Sentinel needs a hit registration fix. Sunbreaker could use some adjustments in the neutral game. Striker is basically arc staff but worse at this point. I believe it could use better damage and increased lunge in the smash.

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                          • For me, all I want is the shoulder charge to be a one shot kill again. If that happens without them changing anything else I'd be cool

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                            • No fix or changes planned

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                            • Bump. Definitely a big time bump. Titans are in a very weak spot right now, 99% of their Exoitcs being absolute trash, only one Subclass that is actually worth using, rally's being singled out by Lunafaction Boots, slow, not tanky at all, etc.

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                            • Could make an exotic to fire through our barricade and double the damage of the stuff we shoot out something like that I'd be happy

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                            • Butt naked titans,and replace hammers with bottles of whiskey.

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                              • Sentinel over all just needs a huge buff, the hit detection is terrible, the bubble sucks, and the projectile of the shield when thrown is terribly slow.

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