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originally posted in: Welcome to the Feedback Forum
6/18/2018 9:06:49 PM
I love masterworking guns. Its fun to have a kill count and generate your own candy corns for faster supers. The minor stat boosts are nice too. That being said, the mag size role is extremely limited and in some cases, flawed. Example: I masterworked Garden Proginy last night and got the mag size boost. I was under the impression that the "plus 10" is percentage based, but this time my mag size went from 14 to 14.....a total gain of ZERO rounds. I also got the mag size boost for Antiope D and the mag size went from 26 to 28. Adding two bullets to an smg is hardly useful next to a boost in handling or range. My point is, for 10 cores the reward should be at least noticable. If the mag size is going to be a role, it should at least WORK. Add 2 or 3 rounds to a scout mag and maybe 5 to 7 rounds on an smg. Anyone else experience these frustrations?

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