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originally posted in: Bungie Aerospace
7/1/2011 5:35:38 PM
Although mobile gaming isn't a platform I'm very interested in I can see the potential of how this will help towards the future. There are good indie dev's out there and if Bungie can find those with real talent and give them some help as they start off. If they end up being successful the money they can make off of Aerospace it'll give them that extra cash to go the extra mile... Think the free stuff Valve can give away because of all the Steam revenue they bring in. Then after making a name for themselves maybe they can get more support behind them and get hired by other AAA game developers or even expand into their own development company themselves... oh wait a minute... Nice try but you can't fool me though Bungie. I know you guys have a soft spot for those garage indie devs because that's exactly what you were when you started off.

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