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5/31/2018 12:35:56 PM
why do people blame Bungie because they failed to make a team? it is competitive, if you wish to compete properly come prepared to fight the battle before you. every player is a solo player, some people just have enough sense to do group activities in groups. not cry about it here because they gave themselves the worst possible odds then don't grasp why you lose.

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  • I believe the first issue is that you can't read. I said I can't find a competent team which suggests that I have tried grouping up with actually good players on paper but the actual outcome did not match up. try play with a 2.0 kd, 1.6, 1.5 and we were struggling to win, then you will understand my statement.

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  • still how is this Bungie's fault? seriously... so you found a team, said team didn't work, find one that does, Bungie is not responsible for your losses, or poor team abilities.

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  • Smh you seem to miss the point. Open your eyes and realize something. Picture a 2.0 maybe a 3.0 kd individual (this is an example) who for some reason can't get a good team to play with, probably has gone through several teams looking for the right team and still no hope, what happens here is that activity is locked to him because he can't find a suitable team and that's fair?

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  • It’s d2... The amount of lag, mods, keyboard and mouse users using xim connectors with auto aim in this game gives any chance for something competitive to be absolute trash. If your kd is as such, that means you are hell of player against these situations and hats off to ya... but I can not understand how anyone can mentally deal with it. Ha! I have enjoyed quickplay a lot more since competitive was introduced... but if I team up with a friend of mine that is a real good player and the matchmaking leans on skill based... the only thing I notice is the other team stops taking damage and can shoot through walls... last night while playing with him, we came across two sweaty clans in a row... 3 shots to a players head with graviton lance.. averaged 7 crit damage per shot?! Obviously there are amazingly talented players out there... but to me, they are all drowned out by the try hards that have to lean on things for advantages in order to look good for paid carries. End of rant. Ha! Hope you get a team together and get the gun.. Remember that the season does not end for a while.. once all the sweatys have their gun, the matching should improve with people like yourself with real talent or not fully stacked.

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  • how is this Bungie's fault? this is the whole point you are blind to

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