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Edited by A_dmg04: 4/5/2018 9:02:48 PM
We've invited many content creators, but we've also made sure to cover bases on things like PvE, Raids, Lore, etc. [quote][b]• Some of the members who were invited to the Community Summit play Destiny 2 daily, and we're excited to hear their feedback. • Some of the members who were invited to the Community Summit stopped playing Destiny 2 a while ago - which isn't necessarily a bad thing. We want to know [i]why[/i] they stopped playing, and we're excited to hear their feedback.[/b][/quote] The future is untold - we'll see how this summit goes, and make plans for the future. I can say, Cozmo and I look at these forums [b]every single day[/b] and translate the feedback to the developers in a Bi-weekly [i]Community Report[/i] - our main focus is not only to make Destiny 2 for the content creators, but for many types of players that enjoy the game. Whether you be a hyper-competitive Crucible player, a Raid sherpa, a 4-hour-a-week player, or someone who's just here for the story, we're doing our part to collect your thoughts - and get them in front of the people working on the future of Destiny 2.

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  • So who from the lore community is going to be attending if Byf, Myelin Games or Sir Wallen isn't going to be there? Their pretty much the lore community front runners... Just curious...

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  • None of them watch

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  • I think Myelin is going now.

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  • Dear sir with the greatest respect listen to the community give us back everything we had in destiny 1. Make the game epic again. Please just please listen to us.

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  • I loved destiny 1. Destiny 2 well ya know. I want new stuff man. New things to do. Sure I want rng on rolls and the old weapon loadouts back but other than that I really want a new and better experience then D1.

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  • So, there should only be 3-5 streamers/content creators at this event as everyone that used this as a cash cow have left. If I see a packed house, I’m calling bull crap on the lot of them.

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  • The whole we invited lore lovers thing doesn't bode well.

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  • Edited by SuperVillain: 4/7/2018 4:12:20 PM
    ahhh bungie bungie...the lies just flow from your mouth like niagra falls. lore lover were not invited. you barely just invited Myelin Games like 12 hours ago. i think it's funny how a majority of the people you have invited are the same one you invited to the d2 reveal and the osiris reveal. they all came out and said omg this game is awesome. omg this expansion is awesome. next thing you know, they are leaving d2. some call it boring or how you decided to cater to casual players, instead of your dedicated player-base. some are angered on how you train wrecked this game, with your lies, promises, your stand offishness to the community, and your consistent shallow apologies. some are just blown away by the fact that we supported bungie with d1, though all the ups and downs. we figured, hey they learned from their mistakes with d1 and how can they go wrong with d2. boy did you surprise us. now that d2 is in a horrible state, considering it is only a 6month old game, i am sure bungie is worried. so now you decided to use the community card again, especially since the new expansion is around the corner, i am sure you need some people to come out and put out a good old wow bungie. so go ahead with your so called summit so you can tell the people at the summit, so they can tell their followers how much bungie cares. while in reality all this is, is a pr stunt to get people talking about bungie again, so you can get some hype for you expansion. your so called we care and listen is shallow and near empty.

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  • Question is did bravecole get an invitation?

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  • stupid move, first content creators / streamers only care about your game if it makes them money ! nobody cares about Destiny 2 and when creators / streamers realize after a few weeks they don't get any views they will stop and complain again ! This game needs massive overall and massive content to be playable ! else it's forgotten !

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  • I know you will never respond to this as it doesn't pucker up for your company line, but here we go. How do you intend to compete in an era where all your clones and the games you copied are now coming out with sequels? Why do you continue to cater to the smallest portion of this game (PVP) when PVE is the main soul of the game? Why is it you fail to listen to anything constructive we offer up to you? Why do you think we need to play the game the way you all want? Are you unaware that some of the greatest games create a world with amazing events and characters and then let its players go wild and play how they want? When are you going to realize that balancing PVE and PVP at the same time will never happen? Also I do love how you and the staff at bungie regularly show that PVP, even though it is the smallest portion of the game, will get the majority of your attention. Case in point? [quote]our main focus is not only to make Destiny 2 for the content creators, but for many types of players that enjoy the game. Whether you be a hyper-competitive Crucible player, a Raid sherpa, a 4-hour-a-week player, or someone who's just here for the story, we're doing our part to collect your thoughts [/quote] You placed PVP first. Thats all you and bungie seem to care about. Yet maybe you havent realized it yet, pvp as a whole in gaming has massively changed and shooters like COD and battlefield are bleeding players to games like Fortnite and PUBG. So does this mean we will soon be getting Guardian royale? That PVE will be dying for good since you all seem to care so little about it? You couldnt even be bothered to give our guardians a voice. We are just nameless voiceless drones, just the way you want us to be. Or as the leader of this failure stated, Toss that money at the screen.

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  • Lol why would they respond to this. You condescend to them and ask them foolish and accusatory questions but expect a respectful reply? The entitlement is real. Also they didn't fail to listen to any constructive feedback, they've addressed specific concerns thus far and are continuing to address more. Whether or not you like how fast you are getting them is irrelevant.

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  • Very good questions we would like answered, but as usual Bungo will ignore.

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  • PVE, lore and raids sounds great to me. Hopefully.

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  • So how come no lore channel creators are invited.

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  • How humiliating it must be to have to call on content creators to do your job for you.

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  • No true outside opinions? No mixed crowd of new faces for fresh ideas? Just the same people that you've been in contact with before? I know it's easier to connect with those you've met before so that you can be more canted, but right now, you need room full of people that could show you new directions that you could go rather than being there to confirm a path you're already planning to go on. Instead of you throwing your ideas out to the room to see if the streamers give their yah or nah, you should have a group of players, active forum users, and even some of the creative writers that post story, gamemode, ui, weapon, and class mechanic ideas. A room of people that would want to talk with you and actually ask questions and push topics rather than being happy to be talked at and report on what you've told them you plan to do. What you're currently planning will not result in a dialog.

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  • Maybe at this point just make it for the content creators 100%. Im serious, that is literally what it is about now. You guys had a pretty amazing game in D1 and are now asking us what can be done. You don't need an event to know what needs to be done. If you actually communicated with the community you would know that. No summit is going to keep Bungie from hemmorhaging players. Remember when we were told there was going to be more communication?

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  • But....but..."freindship". My arse.

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  • "...stopped playing a while ago.... And that's not necessarily a bad thing. " Wrong. It's a very bad thing when people who were making their living playing your game decide its terrible and not worth playing any more. This arrogance and aloof attitude is exactly why the game is in the sorry state it is. Bungie's lack of urgency and incompetence in actually delivering (see Iron Banner) is going to deliver the deathblow when the time comes when you don't actually already have our money. It's like the tree in the forest....if an update falls in the game and nobody is around to play it, did it actually improve the game?

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  • Just like the tree still makes a sound, yes, it will improve the game. They don't need urgency, urgency is what got them here. They need to an out and slowly etch out improvements, that's the best way.

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  • This comes to mind " you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink "

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  • "You can lead a horse to water, but he's dead, Jim."

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  • I prefer, no matter how much you polish a turd....its still a turd

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  • Recently there's been a bit, okay, a lot of controversy regarding your supposed bringing in of the lore community, or the intense lack thereof. Byf wasn't invited, Darkside Royalty Lore wasn't invited, Myeling wasn't invited, Bearded Grizzly, Sir Wallen, you get my point. Why is this? It seems like you guys have been stirring up direct and unnecessary controversy by doing this deliberately, are you going to have MULTIPLE summits? Why not just have an online meeting? Why not make it a stream and let the public here direct criticisms being taken?

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