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4/5/2018 5:34:26 AM

Bungie Once Again Is Going To Take Feedback From The Streamers and Content Creators Over The Common Player

There is a Destiny 2 Summit April 19-20 at Bungie. Bungie has invited a few of the top names in the Destiny community, some who don't even play the game much or have moved on completely. Rather than continuing to listen to the ones who play the game daily/weekly, Bungie's summit is going to include names that don't even play anymore. Once again, if you're not a streamer or content creator, Bungie places you low on the totem pole.

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  • Edited by A_dmg04: 4/5/2018 9:02:48 PM
    We've invited many content creators, but we've also made sure to cover bases on things like PvE, Raids, Lore, etc. [quote][b]• Some of the members who were invited to the Community Summit play Destiny 2 daily, and we're excited to hear their feedback. • Some of the members who were invited to the Community Summit stopped playing Destiny 2 a while ago - which isn't necessarily a bad thing. We want to know [i]why[/i] they stopped playing, and we're excited to hear their feedback.[/b][/quote] The future is untold - we'll see how this summit goes, and make plans for the future. I can say, Cozmo and I look at these forums [b]every single day[/b] and translate the feedback to the developers in a Bi-weekly [i]Community Report[/i] - our main focus is not only to make Destiny 2 for the content creators, but for many types of players that enjoy the game. Whether you be a hyper-competitive Crucible player, a Raid sherpa, a 4-hour-a-week player, or someone who's just here for the story, we're doing our part to collect your thoughts - and get them in front of the people working on the future of Destiny 2.

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    314 Replies
    • Yes, 10% of the community represents everyone. Signed Pete "I have no clue but I'm getting paid" Parsons Luke "What would piss them off" Fatboy Smith

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    • Edited by Major Alan DUTCH Schaefer: 4/10/2018 7:36:15 AM
      It’s all fixed around Pvp anyway

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    • Yeap and what do 95% of the streamers care about and play? PvP. This is why PvP always gets the love and PvE is left to pick up the pieces. So sick of the same old crap. Why isn't there a prestige EoW, I paid for this back in December, it should be standard content, yet PvP have had several new game modes added and Trials already has had a make over. It's so sad, PvE was the reason D1 vanilla was such a success yet these roots have been torn up and dumped.

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    • Nice invite the people who mostly run pvp oriented activities. No wonder the game is dead. You guys need to focus on the pve aspect of this game or I predict more and more people leaving. BTW streamers and youtubers suck, they complain more than anyone I know. Probably because they spend 100 hours a week or more then it gets stale to them the quickest. The real people appreciative of the game are the silent ones enjoying it in the shadows.

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    • Edited by Dredgen Dread: 4/8/2018 9:56:35 AM
      Why do you care, Bungie doesn’t care, Bungie is just going to do what Bungie wants to do and then give us some lame explanation as to why... they’ll ignore our feedback, and push us some boiled down garbage like they did with D2 release, then they’ll over hype an expansion delivering SOME of the things we asked for and keep you hanging by a thread. The most appealing part is Bungie execs think they’re smart, they think we don’t see this garbage coming from a mile away... like a bunch of out of touch Regies (Nintendo America’s PR guy) they’re probably high fiving each other right now. Honestly just stop caring, that’s what I did, I have no faith in this franchise at all, and neither should you. Just play when you want and remember nothing great will ever come of this game, set your expectations 6 feet under like this franchise and wait for the next Bungie, the next great developer. This company is a shadowy of what it once was, let it go... await something new, await something better. Become legend my ass.

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      • Yeah, remember the D2 Reveal? All those Streamers in attendance clapping and lamenting how great D2 was going to be? Fast fwd to now and with dwindling Twitch numbers for D2 many have moved onto other games to sustain and grow viewers. Just remember what happened last time. Don’t fall for the hype they will start spewing. If you bought the season pass so be it. Play DLC2 and then decide if Bungie deserves more of your money come September. Based on what’s been delivered by Bungie thus far no amount of spin doctoring is going to pry my wallet loose. If Bungie wants my money start cleaning house at the Sr. Management level. Show the community that you’re serious about this franchise going forward. Whose to say D3 won’t be another shitshow if the same incompetents are leading the Development?

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        • In this case, it could be a blessing. What do content creators want? CONTENT TO CREATE. When a game is boring, easy, and has worthless loot, they have nothing to stream or create videos for. I think what benefits a streamer, could benefit us all. The only downside I could see is if Bungie puts too much stock into the PvP tryhards. The more they go in that direction, the worse the game is going to get.

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        • Edited by Demon_XXVII: 4/5/2018 4:09:10 PM
          It doesn't matter how many 'content creators' (surely that's the actual job of Bungie Gamewriters/Devs??) and streamers (Youtwats/Twitchbitches) All kissing each other's asses and passing envelopes stuffed with cash to hype the next DLC and 'promises that Bungle are listening' Who the -blam!- values their biased & tainted opinion.... Here's a quote from the Gospel of St Luke [i]"And why do you not judge for yourselves what is right?" [/i] Instead of listening to these blogs/twitchers/YouTubers (generating revenue/lining their own pockets) It's all marketing and self back patting, get the 'influencers' paid off, let them spread the word of HariboLuke and his crayons "Throw money at me (£60$80 - folding currency only) and your soul COULD be saved" It's all gonna be Hype Hype Hype - with false flags and propaganda 0.04% chance of me giving a f*ck about the opinions of the 'social media f*cks and their 'ego stroking/self loving' conferences 7 months and 1 DLC later (Has anyone ran through Osiris DLC again after finishing it on 3 builds?), D2 is still on its ass, dying, decaying, rotting away.... Infested by the Hive.... Is D2 salvageable? Yes, but only with a huge DLC update (that they (Bungie) will want £60 for and really don't care to produce) - Can you trust them ? No, not on the last two products (D2/Exp1) Read the forums/Reddit/twitter/respected Game magazines/webpages (multiple options) - see the general and varied (sometimes crazy) opinions of 10's of 10000's of people, & more importantly- use your own mind & think for yourselves (shocking thought for some, I know) See if the May DLC/Autumn (FALL) release is worth YOUR hard earned £££/$$$ But if they screw up again Start hammering nails in the franchise/company coffin They deserve to be chewed up by Activision (Activision have tried to own Bungie for 20 years) See that '7 logo' - Bungie had the Original 7 Founders .....and just look how they {Bungie higher management/Activision} treated Marty O'Donnell and Joe Staten with total disdain Now you see how they treat the playerbase

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          11 Replies
          • Simple. When the streamers/youtubers come back preaching how great everything turned out to be, [b]DON'T TRUST THEM.[/b]

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            • Then you know who to not follow in future for your tips and advice on gaming!

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            • Edited by sportsguy: 4/6/2018 3:20:13 PM
              Guys, let's be real here. Bungie isn't bringing these guys in for opinions or "feedback". They have and know all the feedback there is. Their purpose in this is clear: Streamers are very influential in games popularity these days, just look at Fortnite. No, they're bringing in these guys in an effort to schmooze them, make them feel important, and try and get them back to their game. I'm not saying it'll work, but to me it's a transparent move that is not at all what it appears on the surface. Bungie needs to sell dlc, that we can all agree on. This is how they're doing it.

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              46 Replies
              • Is there somewhere that your are going to post this 'bi-weekly community report'? Maybe if the 'community' could have a chance to read it, we can help you figure out what you guys are losing in translation. Its fascinating to me how you can interpret literally 100's of topics about lack of PvE content and poor weapon management into, 'they want more tweaks to pvp'.

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              • *Sigh* Common players wanted Rumble. They got it. Common players wanted teamshooting addressed. It has been, with more heavy. Common players want 6-player Rumble. It's coming. Common players wanted faster TTK's. It's coming. Common players wanted the weapon system addressed. It's coming. A whole lot of what common players wanted is being addressed as we speak. Or type. But this community seems incapable of being satisfied with anything. Bungie could deliver a game that makes GTA V and Last of Us look like Atari 2600 E.T., and the folks here would drop their shorts and crap all over it.

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                • Edited by JScozz: 4/5/2018 10:41:27 PM
                  They need a guy like Joker there...Darkside Royalty...he hasn't kissed bungie ass in any of his videos...that guys tells it like it is...he has become my go to streamer for anything fluff just straight real talk...calling out all the bullshit...this for sure is an attempt to bring streamers back to hype the game back into life...once again...may and fall release would need to be free for them to have a chance to get back in gamers' good graces...its a gamble they should take because everything else thryve gambled on has been major fails

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                • coincidence that the streamers are being invited back right before the next dlc drop? Drug manufacturer getting its dealers lined up...

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                • REAL TRANSLATION: " We look at feedback to see if it aligns with certain bungie management ideas, if it doesn't then we ignore it completely or interpret how we see fit as you all saw in our latest patch. If these bungie leads don't like it, then it won't happen just like the refusal of acknowledgment on the bladedancer nerf until many thousands upon thousands of posts of feedback and videos. Only then when we are forced to pay attention will these leads make a half-hearted attempt at fixing it"

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                • Bungie already knows what is wrong with D2 and what they need to do to fix it. If they dont then they're a lot more incompetant than anyone thought. This whole "streamer" get together is just a PR/hype event.

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                  • So someone with prestige, credibility, and following is regarded better than an average pleb? Wow shocker.

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                  • Watch all of them come back for a bit before next DLC after bungie flies them out and kisses ass and buys them a steak dinner.

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                  • Ffs , people who still play !? This game isn’t for the 15% that still play on regular basis ... Those content creators have millions of people following them who mostly agree with them, and miss what made Destiny Destiny ! Bungie should not listen to the casual people who want an easy and casual little game to play 1/2 hours during their weekend off

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                  • This is nothing more than grandstanding. Bungie have no intention of reworking this game in any major fashion; probably can't because the coding is a mess. They will offer inducements for the streamers to play the game again and "listen" to feed back. The sole intent of this "summit" is to slow down the loss of the players who buy silver.

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                  • The “common” player left months ago....

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                  • They said it's more like a club than a community and I was like no, it's worse than's a business!!! Welcome to 'merica son!

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                  • It’s just to sell DLC. It’s nothing more than that. Bungie is more of a marketing and promotional jerk company than game developer these days.

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                  • It’s the same people that praised Bungie and said the base game was flawless and CoO was perfect. So of course they’re inviting them back out to see the new updates. They’re paid sheep that will bring their followers back into the game temporarily.

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