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4/5/2018 5:34:26 AM

Bungie Once Again Is Going To Take Feedback From The Streamers and Content Creators Over The Common Player

There is a Destiny 2 Summit April 19-20 at Bungie. Bungie has invited a few of the top names in the Destiny community, some who don't even play the game much or have moved on completely. Rather than continuing to listen to the ones who play the game daily/weekly, Bungie's summit is going to include names that don't even play anymore. Once again, if you're not a streamer or content creator, Bungie places you low on the totem pole.

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  • Edited by SI 1122: 4/5/2018 11:06:43 PM
    Correct me if I’m wrong, didn’t all the cock sucking streamers get a free gaming lap top when destiny 2 was released. Hope you didn’t give tripleWreck a free -blam!-ing lap top -blam!-ing cry baby, ah games are to sweating, PvP to hard, can’t win all my games, nerf this nerf that.

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  • They do, lol. You've seen cozmos recent post, right? This is an advertising stunt in part. Obviously bungie want to see people get the word around what they obviously believe will be positive news, as well as making sure this big (expensive) trip earns some money back. But I also expect this is an attempt to have some mostly non biased people check what they are doing. Just think, if a big streamer isnt playing anymore, odds are there is a reason. I know some think bungie dont care, but remember, it's their heads on the block. And then of course, there's the fact most of these people do still play, lol.

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  • As part of the pre-conference setting Bungie should organise a large poll listing all the items the community has expressed would make the game better then let them vote. Publish the results prior to the meet then show how the most popular would be discussed at the conference. Bungie is a past master at manipulating invite list to get the results they want, with out some form of transparency the same old snow job will occur.

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  • Why shouldnt they? They literally make a living off the game and depend on it, so Im sure they all have helpful ideas for improvement. If anything they should be listening even to top PvP players for crucible balance since they are the most fluent in the game's mechanics.

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    • I don’t understand this either. All they’re inviting are “yes” men and women. If they really want honest feedback then invite prominent members of the forums and the community and longtime fans that played a lot of Destiny 1 & 2, not a bunch of streamers and Youtubers that have something to lose by telling Bungie their changes suck (if they do).

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      • Because they need to get the people who DONT play the game do play it so you MUST be HAPPY......right?????😁😁

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        • I guess you can I blame all the kiss ass people who watch this idiots play a video game instead of playing it themselves. Same people must have such low confidence that when they click on the "Subscribe" button to follow these parasites, that's as much human contact as they can handle. They actually think these so called content creators give a shit about them. And Bungie invites these dipshit streamers because it's free publicity. Although, for all these streamers who stopped playing, as soon as Bungie throws a bumper sticker their way, they'll be putting back on that Bungie Chap Stick and kissing that ass once again. You just watch and see.

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          • Listen, there's one important thing we all know this game needs: pets. Obviously the cat-thing is the most important part of MH:W. All the best games have pets. Diablo III has pets. It's pets that are going to revive this franchise to its former glory. [spoiler]I want a tiny exploding thrall on a leash, in a little Christmas sweater[/spoiler]

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            • It doesn't matter at this point; nothing can save this game. The reputation of Destiny and Bungie is beyond repair.

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              • [quote]There is a Destiny 2 Summit April 19-20 at Bungie. Bungie has invited a few of the top names in the Destiny community, some who don't even play the game much or have moved on completely. Rather than continuing to listen to the ones who play the game daily/weekly, Bungie's summit is going to include names that don't even play anymore. Once again, if you're not a streamer or content creator, Bungie places you low on the totem pole.[/quote] Bungie to busy sucking gigz pole even though is a manchild who doesnt even play this game lol

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              • Something to take into mind, some of the streamers/youtubers being invited, are being re invited. These are the people who used their channels to promote D2, talking about it as if it were the best game ever created. These are the people who promoted Curse of Osiris like it was an amazing, story rich adventure with countless hours of new activities. To put it simply... a lot of the people being invited to the summit are being re invited because it was easy enough to buy them off the first go round. Did they do this because Bungie paid them to, I doubt it, but I wouldn't put it past Activision or Bungie to offer early access to upcoming releases for "reviewing" purposes in exchange for helping fuel the hype train. In the least they did it because they knew if they hyped the game and dlc then they would reap the rewards of the games success via their YouTube/Twitch channels retaining popularity for a while longer. These are people who over exaggerated or flat out lied about the details in order to garner subscribers for monetary gain. Now, Bungie is expecting me to trust that these same people have suddenly had a change of heart and actually want what's best for Destiny when, prior to their own abandoning the game, they proved themselves to be Bungie "yes men" who were willing to lie to their own subscribers in order to help hype the game. Sorry, but I can't bring myself to take this summit seriously knowing that. I said it on the forums before, when the summit was first announced, that if Bungie wanted actual feedback, they'd ask their community for it. Inviting a bunch of proven "yes men" to discuss the game's future behind closed doors suggests to me that Bungie already has a plan for the game's future and has no intention of deviating from that plan. Rather, they're going to invite these people to the summit so that they can pretend the changes they are making were "player feedback" when in reality, they're just continuing the course as they'd intended to from the start. Did anyone here think it was just coincidence that Joker, one of the few content creators who's been open and honest about Destiny 2 since beta, wasn't invited? Was it maybe... because he's not a "yes man" and Bungie knew they wouldn't be able to bribe or silence him so easily?

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                • Kinda implying that popular streamers dont know what is wrong with the game and only tue common knows. Ideally if i ask someone why they stopped playing the game, hopefully they explain why and include a solution on what would bring them back. Not saying common people dont know but i wouldn't disregard what streamers have to say.

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                • Who cares, the game sucks just as much as Bungie currently does. All they're going to do is try to hype up that DLC for Fall... Good thing Spider-Man by Insomniac games releases around the same time as well as other games.

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                  • Edited by kellygreen45: 4/5/2018 2:37:37 PM
                    It sounds like what's called a "focus group". Massive Entertainment used them successfully in their rehabilitation of The Division back in 2016. The patch 1.8 that was so widely praised by gamers is the result of a year of using such focus groups----and Public Test Servier----by Massive to shape and quality test their game updates. I would argue that it saved the Franchise. This---if its being used to quality test and get feedback on proposed changes for the Fall expansion----has the potential to be a major step forward for this game. Right now the game is struggling because Bungie is in the position of having to guess what we want form feedback that is all over the map and often not very well throught out by the community (never mind the haters that just show up to throw shit at the walls). Also Bungie's devs---especially on the PVP side of the game----are out-of-touch right now. So the make changes to the game that fail in predictable ways to those of us familiar with how the game is played out here 'in the wild". The use of such focus groups---especially if its paired with a PTS----is a HUGE opportunity to pierce that bubble of isolation that they work in..... ....and **catch** some of these game adjustments that are doomed to failure BEFORE they get released. While a mixture of content creators and regular players would be ideal.....ANYONE who is familiar with the game and is NOT BUNGIE....would be an improvement over where we are right now.

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                    • Says the community that dickrided said Content Creators and made them popular until they criticized the game Says the community that bitched about every gun for 3 years straight then complained about the No Land Beyond Says the community that hated special weapons with a passion, so were happy with the new weapon system and only NOW they hate it Says the community that lost their shit over shaders and not game content locked off behind DLC. Says the community that wanted a primary focused pvp game then asked for primary nerfs.

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                    • Last thing we need is for the DLC to get overhyped like everything else

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                      • I don't know how you could possibly be a PVE content creator. There's nothing new to do or to chase down.

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                      • oops?

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                      • The feedback has been out there. Literally, players have taken it upon themselves to post spreadsheets with objective numbers analysis and reports, have full discussions about lore and systems and gameplay with tons of suggestions. For years. We even had a giant pinned list of desired changes. Things like having more Character customization, deeper talent builds, less reskins, tiered heroic strikes, an economy. All ignored and omitted like it wouldn't come back around to bite them in the ass. This is nothing more than a petty attempt to schmooze influential twitch streamers and redditors in a an attempt to temporarily boost player interest and market their bad game. Build a quality game and it'll market itself. That's what happened with Fortnite. There was no giant conspiracy to have people just steam to hundreds of thousands of people per day all of a sudden. If something is fun, people will flock to it. If there is innovation and effort and lots of dev engagement with players, people will grow passionate for it. Bungie doesn't seem to understand that. I don't think they ever will.

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                      • Edited by Phil de Blanc: 4/5/2018 9:03:01 PM
                        I smell a rat: we've been giving feedback for some time … and with more vitriol than needed, myself included. This is a move by the Minitry of Propaganda: a charm offensive. Here's how you know: they are courting streamers for their love, else critical and exceedingly astute 'tubers like Darkside Royalty Lore would be giving their salient feedback from the field. With tough love. [] I don't want to halt this effort, but it needs to be broadened a good deal to because Bungie is now notorious, I use that word very specifically, [i]notorious[/i] for smoke-n-mirror marketing spoofs and nothing less than shenanigans of a foul odor. This is not the way to disinfect and project a Clean Well Lit Place for Games to a jaded and hurt base. You goof balls forgot Loyalty is a Two-Edged Sword rhymes with No Fury Hath A Scorned Women, or something. Bungie ate a lot, a lot, of free lunches off the good will of designers who introduced true innovations to game-play and now struggle to deliver compelling experiences. The pioneers have moved on, but a new generation should take that fracking scepter and start smiting the mediocrity rotting within. The workers control the memes of production! Give a 'field operative' from the community regular, official access. Devs, an agent from the field is your champion to force a wedge into the bureaucracy: Rotate that position. Think outside the cat-box. And where is my Space Cat, anyway? Where is the We Love Bees thinking around there, hmm? It's a reasonable question to this early Bungie supporter.

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                      • Oh my lord... They are bringing big content creators in who don't play much more for reason. 1. Most of them have large followings that agree for the most part on their views. They get their changes it brings back the content creator and their fan base comes back as well. 2. They also look to these people instead of your average person because many people in the community value their opinion. 3. This shows the fanbase of D2 that they are listening and a good way to show that is indirectly through these content creators. 4. Many content creators genuinely care about the game and want to see it succeed. They'll give the best advice they possibly can in order to see it succeed. Also many care avout their followers to an extent and wamt them to be happy with the game as well. Honestly you shouldn't worry because honestly the game is in such a trash place that the only thing the can do is get better.

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                      • So they didnt learn there lesson.

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                      • Or maybe they could just bring all the content creators, show them the gameplay, give them snacks, good lodging, and after that on the way out they'll ask "You like the DLC, right?" No disadvantage for them to just pay the people to shill the hell out of the DLC.

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                      • Maybe it’s a good idea to invite those content creators who have dropped the game.. IE goth,Kraftyy Those individuals dropped the game for a reason and they will be able to relay the feedback properly that could potentially save the game from this head ache

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                        • Edited by Whiskey3niner: 4/5/2018 9:38:33 PM
                          What difference does it make? Bungie is neither willing nor capable of doing what's necessary to make the game appealing outside the handful of people still playing.

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                        • Hey guys. When you update sprint speed. Know that the community thinks it's on 0 mobility right now. Don't slow down the sprint speed.

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