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originally posted in: This Week at Bungie - 01/25/2018
1/26/2018 1:55:04 PM
We were promised a short term and long term fix for vault space? Every update i'm hoping short term fix! Any idea when? Following latest Faction Rally with three new ships, sparrows, shaders and ghosts, completed three sets of faction armour, i'm constantly having to scrap older stuff to make way for new stuff. Iron Banner's bringing more new things. Crimson Days after that. Got around 20 bright engrams across three guardians I can't open. Feels pointless even turning on at the moment. Every session starts with what's getting scrapped now before I can even fire a bullet. Extra 50 slots will be instantly filled with what's living in three post masters. Each season Eververse brings say a 75 - 100 new items yet its impossible to even think about collecting them. I'm curious what the Bungie's thinking is? All legendaries to be scrapped for bright dust to buy exotics when on sale? Nothing else makes sense. Why would anyone spend cash on silver for purely cosmetic stuff they have to scrap due to lack of space? The mods & transmats are just more trouble than they are worth too. The shear quantity of ships, sparrows and ghost shells make them feel worthless. The Dawning had an expensive box for sale with an exclusive legendary sparrow in it. So what?! Looked just like all the others, offered nothing different. I missed out on plenty of regular Dawning sparrows so why worry about missing this one? Got a bit off topic there but Vault space needs sorting!

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