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Edited by a_dmg04: 1/26/2018 5:59:34 PM

This Week at Bungie - 01/25/2018

[url=]This week at Bungie, we've got details on the next update to Destiny 2.[/url] • Iron Banner reward structure • Legendary Armor Masterworks • Raid Reward Renewal - Raid perks, reward restructure, Exotic Raid Ghost • Patch Note Preview • Consumable Shaders - Discussion and plans • Upcoming maintenance times for Update 1.1.2 Take a read, and give us your feedback! Cheers, -Dmg [b][Update: 1/26/18] Have some clarification and answers to questions asked overnight:[/b] [quote]1. When applying the Masterwork upgrade to a Legendary, the stat package is rolled randomly. 2. All Raid Masterworks must be earned from raid drops and can’t be obtained from Engrams or vendors in the Tower. 3. Equipping a Raid Armor Mod will fully replace any mod that is currently equipped to the armor piece. While Raid Mods can be equipped at any time using a Raid Token, alternate mod consumables are lost in this process.[/quote]

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  • It feels to me more as if this is a small studio of 10-50 man working on it and spending time Tindering around half a day. I know that is no the case, I do understand creating a game can take a long time. but I can't help it having those feelings, when the game is half baked.

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    • Is there any way i can contact a bungie employee or cs rep on here?

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    • I have no faith in u guys anymore. - no dedicated servers - 30 fps on consoles - no strike specific loot - no RANDOM ROLLS - no endgame - tokens are pure BS - exotics arent exotic - terrible events. Dawning/ faction rally were a mess - no new events. no new pvp events - weapon system is boring. D1 weapon system was way better. we want special weapons and strong primary weapons. we asked for that in D1 and u just took away special ammo(D1). terrible - hcr are terrible, flinch is terrible, in air accuracy is terrible - skillgap is not big enough - slow movement speed. i feel like my guardians grandma - terrible time to kill in pvp. - no mode choice in pvp - terrible machtmaking in pvp - no rumble, no rift, no skirmish, no salvage, no elimination, no private matches, no ranked - reskinned weapon after reskinned weapon. how lazy are u guys? - not enough new exotics - to many old exotics - no strike modifiers - Raid cut in 3 pieces. Leviathan and the lairs. Terrible and lazy decision - gunplay in D1 was better. - skilltrees are boring as hell - where are the old planets? - no new enemies - EVERVERSE. You guys are / were gamers as well. There is no way u guys like this Bullshit. Would u like your kids to spend money for this BS? - xp throtteling, lost sector throtteling( and selling a faction ghost for more tokens!!!LOL) - terrible communication and transparency. still hasnt changed much. - "we are listening" no u are not.latest faction rally is the best example. - no raid gear - no trials adept weapons - no sandbox update that matters in 4 month. i thought this guys are "talented". they proved over the years that they are not. terrible decision after terrible decision - masterworks are boring -lie after lie - weapon drops are meaningless after u got them once - no reason to play lost sectors - story was boring - no grimoire - no dead ghosts - my guardian has no voice - terrible customazation for my guardian. (nothing new) - terrible decision making no way u can fix all of this and do it in a way we will like it In fall we will(maybe) have the D2 vanilla we should have from the beginning. But it is too late. U have lost too many players, u have lost too much reputation, u have lost too much faith from ur loyal fanbase.

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      151 Replies
      • Hilarious! This update announcement is basically “Our State of the Union Address “ And dmg04 is our [b]Trump.[/b] Enjoy that feedback today, I would shut your phone off.

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      • Edited by CompassRose39: 1/30/2018 6:51:14 PM
        Hey I took a break from destiny for awhile.... Bought D2, played the blah raid, and iron banner was my last hope for awhile. What the he'll happened to you bungie! Iron banner is a mess..... That was the ONLY crucible mode I enjoyed in D1 and you f'd it up......... Nice job, i'd slow clap, but I haven't ...... Bought...... That emote yet.....

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      • Seen RoboCop? Remember that bit in the "sugar" factory with Clarence and his cronies and the other gangs... Guns, guns, guns! Please- more variety, more exotics, more fun.

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      • Why is it when I start to read these updates, I start off quite hopeful thinking I'm going to see something worthwhile, get about half way though and my hopes begin to fade, then get to the end and my eyes have glazed over and I'm hitting my head against a brick wall.

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      • You’re putting band-aids on a gunshot wound. This game needs a dramatic overhaul. Needs new gameplay modes and features: horde modes, more things to do in patrol. More pvp game modes Needs stronger weapons, stronger guardians, actual skill trees with customization. Needs gear sets with bonuses. Not “1% damage bonus” people piece Needs armor abilities that matter The infinite forest was a big swing and a miss. Could have been a new game mode but you totally missed what ppl want.

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        • Edited by Norequest: 1/26/2018 3:41:13 AM
          Suggestion, stop spending time on cosmetics and rewards and fix the sandbox. It should be the very first priority and it’s mind boggling that it still has not been fully addressed and rectified. Cosmetics and rewards only matter if the gameplay is fun and engaging. Fail triggering grenades and supers that are never there because the cool downs are longer than a 4th graders school play is not fun. Being forced to constantly switch guns because juggler is imposed on normal gameplay is not fun. If I want to use a kinetic for an entire sitting I should be able to. All the guns suck. All of them, there’s just ones that suck less. I never use any exotic weapons ever and I have them all. This is a problem. Edit: In fact the only exotic I ever use in the game is The war rig because auto rifles are the least crap guns in this game. Snipers and shotguns and fusion rifles, C’man!!!!!! That’s the rocket launcher slot. Should I keep going. Stop making cosmetics and fix the game!

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        • Certainly glad I deleted this game and moved on.

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          • Edited by Moth Mommy: 1/30/2018 3:17:22 PM
            Dude I wouldn't play it even if they fixed that alone unless this game reaches the same state where d1 ended I'm still not gonna play it or buy another game that Bungies made the fact is that they are gonna drop feed all content an already are for factions an iron banner on top of that they had to remove the player population tracker an say we spread false information about player population on top of that now they pull this stupid shit with master work armor an the 15% damage reduction that should be a guarantee for pvp not a bullshit excuse to play the game to make more money an drip feed us content till you gain a bit of player base back so hell no they got a long way to go before they get people to come back bcuz at this point they have lost over half of the fan base everyone's moving on 3 years of mistakes an corrections then we get a second game that takes like 30 -blam!-ing leaps back from the first game doesn't even have half the amount of content the taken king had even with curse of the purse it still didn't if anything it's the equivalent to the crota dlc but back to the damage reduction why what happened to making it fair yet fun now your gonna tip the balance for the players who left an decided to come back for this update can't we just go back to d1 armors weapons an less reskin bcuz I'm pretty sure all vanilla weapons have been reskined about 5 times each it's getting annoying oh an the single shader use we had for d1 is a good call to put back in d2. Also I'm sick of tokens go back to the reputation an packages make it to where we can spend materials on the factions make the factions like d1 not a once every -blam!-ing month event bcuz the faction rally is shit the reskin weapons every week is bullshit what happens to Bungies reputation with having more player customization for your character an sunglasses why is the arcstrider boring an feel like an even more needed blade dancer why is dawn blade unpopular shit bcuz Bungie yet again got stingy an careless an felt like being lazy yet again hope you all enjoy your fat paychecks bcuz now is the time when hell starts an it really comes down to actually putting work in. To: Bungie employees From: what used to be a loyal fan of Bungie an destiny

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          • 100 dollars says you guys at Bungie don’t have the slightest idea what the players are telling you in this thread. You say you want feedback, and then completely ignore ALL OF IT. People are telling you exactly want they want and you’re just giving the middle finger back. Be better humans, Bungie...and quit openly treating the large majority of concerned Destiny players like they’re nothing more than the dirt on your shoe soles.

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          • You learnt nothing in 3 years we are over it too little too late

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          • Edited by Eu4ia15: 1/30/2018 10:27:51 AM
            Raid ghost to reward brights but still no experiance fix even though Christopher Barrett understands it's heavenly flawed , no experiance weekend or more rewarding well rested buff . Where is your heads bungie , you guys smoking drugs or something. Why cater to the 1% who can still find raid team's or people who raid in general? Why not a strike ghost that does the same effect , honestly quit smoking crackle for God sake

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            • Anyone notice that the ornament preview for the Hunter helmet looks nothing like it does in the TWAB header ? In the game all it does is add a face cover, the helmet itself doesn't change

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            • What a crock of crap. I havent waste 4 hrs waiting for people to join a raid. Everytime we got 6 player 1 left but ok bungie raid matter. Let me think then it should have auto match for players. Just like the nightfall, for those asshole2 who say it will never happen well gee, do i want a bunch of ramdom people in my friend's list. Ive got one since bungie as not done anything right since the start. No i dont want it to be like destiny 1 but i do expect so sort of actual results. Start actually doing something you halo-blam!-eheads this isnt Microsoft. We dont want to wait 3months for something promised. Do we need to lose more players. I dont think this game cant afford couple of thousands more to quit the game. Ive sent plently of mail to you suggesting hundreds of ideas. Little ticks that make this game fall. Simple soultions are the best.

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            • Edited by MelissaJDiamond: 1/30/2018 7:13:20 AM
              Just wanted to say thank you bungie for starting to change things around and I haven't lost faith in you where as many have done. It's a new year and a fresh start and to everyone lest put the past behind us.

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              • Edited by zJDz: 1/30/2018 4:16:13 AM
                Increase base movement speed on all classes. Give Titans and warlocks skating back. Increase armor stat so that if you have 10 armor you have 210 health. 0 armor =180. 10=210 9=207 8=204 7=201 6=198 5=195 4=192 3=189 2=186 1=183 0=180 Increase base recovery speed. Change all weapon time to kill to be like D1. This means buffing high impact scouts and pulses, buffing pulses in general. Move rockets and grenade launchers (with a huge buff to damage and blast radius) and add machine guns to a 4th weapon slot. So we will have two primary weapons, a special weapon, and a heavy. Buff shotties, fushion, and snipers. And give 3 mags of each type of special weapon to every player on spawn. No ammo pickups, keep ammo on death. Buff hand cannon range and accuracy and damage on console. Improved weapon in air accuracy by 150%. Reduce flinch across the board especially when being shot in the side (seriously why is that flinch so high?). Keep grenade damage the same but reduce cool down so if you have 3 mods it’s 25 seconds. Exotic armor needs to be better most exotics are useless. Some Exotic weapons could use a buff too. Bring back armor perks like: Second wind (increase weapon handling and movement after spawn for 15 secs) Infusion (orb of light restores health/shields) Increase melee stack speed Increase grenade throw distance Capture king (increase weapon handling and movement after caping a zone for 15 secs.) Also armor perks that let you carry more ammo. Also last hope (increases agility when last guardian standing). Give Titans and warlocks ability to 2 hit melee kill again. (Too many nightstalker hunters in crucible right now. A few beat downs should change that.) Buff shoulder charge back like it was it needs to increase travel distance and do more damage. How about it can 1 hit kill (with a charged melee.) if that guardian has less than 189 armor. Also reduce melee cooldowns. So that with three mods you can have a 25 second melee. Class abilities are fine leave them alone. Increase super charge rate so that 2-3 supers in a game is the average not 0-1 supers. Bring back adept weapons in trials. Add the perk last resort to the trials weapons. Make more unique weapons a lot more. Bring back the awesome D1 flawless armor ornaments. Make masterwork weapons improve a gun 20% to a given stat and allow all perks except damage and rate of fire be changed on all weapon types. Masterwork armor should reduce damage in super and increase agility in super. To many people can just run away from some mobile supers. Want people to flock back to destiny 2? You need things like when hammer of sol first came out and was op. It was so fun to play with/against. You need weapons like last word, black hammer, sleeper simulant, and gjallarhorn. The Ram helmet when it first came out could tank a rocket. To sum it make our guardians Legendary again. Right now are guardians are as power as greens and blues in D1.

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              • Is there anyway we could get foundry armor sets? Like veist or omolon themed gear?

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                • Make trials free for all

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                  • Edited by BL4DE RUNNER UK: 1/30/2018 4:13:04 AM
                    Could you also ask them to stop manipulating the voting system on the forum. If one of my posts get 10 likes in quick succession, it should show on the post. It doesn't. I get that people down vote and this knocks off the 'likes'. It's unlikely that 10 people downvote, at exactly the same time 10 upvote. Please ask them not to manipulate things. Edit: It's bad form and ungentlemanly conduct from bungie.

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                  • Dmg04: Dismiss all the kids crying on this post. I, and a lot of the mature community, appreciate your communication and believe in Bungie to make this game wonderful. - Shebayng

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                    91 Replies
                    • Honestly.... worrying about some marginal glimmer or some shards from the dismantling of shaders is not a big deal. Throw up a box that states "dismantling this stack may result in the loss of dismantle material rewards" To hold up the fix for just some meaningless stuff i s kinda dumb tbh

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                    • dmg04 could please explain to me what i got crucible temporary banned for because i would to know? literally never did anything to violate any terms

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                    • Is the fix for shaders being considered as a fix for the entire inventory system? I ask because in my opinion the problem with shaders is a problem with consumables and material as a whole. The shader problem in D2 honestly stems from the fact that they are allowed to accumulate to ridiculous amounts without the tools to dismantle said amount quickly. For those that have played Destiny 1, there were many items and materials that did not have a [i]Dismantle All[/i] or a [i]Dismantle X[/i] feature, but many of those were not allowed to stack to such a degree. One very frustrating example I remember from D1 are those Festival of the Lost consumables that didn't allow you to dismantle them, but you could only use 1 at a time and they were on a 24-hour cooldown. IMO had a Dismantle X solution been thought of back then we wouldn't be in the situation we are in now with shaders. [spoiler]TLDR: Shader problem is an inventory problem that should've been fixed in D1. All stackable items should have a Dismantle X feature[/spoiler]

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                      • Put shotguns, fusion rifles, and sniper rifles back in the secondary slot and I'll play this game again.

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