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originally posted in: Season 2 Faction Rally Rewards
Edited by TheShadow-cali: 1/23/2018 7:21:15 PM
Boy this post came out quick lol Bungie? I would say I feel sorry for you, but when you hid like a child to ride out the biggest cash grab of this games history to make a statement that was a bold face lie like this... [quote]Eververse was never intended to be a replacement for quality end-game activities.[/quote] ...and blocked refunds with all the other cheap tactics you tried to pull and thought you would get away with it without anyone speaking up about it? You lost all credibility and respect from a hell of a lot of gamers. On top of that, knowing this game is being built with 4 year old's in mind. Why even bother with your trinkets. How about making an actual game instead of constantly lying to your player base and create content that isn't just a 3 week cash grab? Edit: Why don't you explain how your company created D1 the only company that created D1, with a hell of a lot more effort put into it with half the employees you have now. How did you go from that to 800+ employees and saying... Hey guys! we have 2 other studios working with us [quote]We created a system that allows us to create more content easier[/quote] [quote] We're outsourcing material to other studios to bring more content on a regular basis.[/quote] Yet D2 is lacking a hell of a lot more then D1 ever did. How does that happen?

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  • [quote]Boy this post came out quick lol Bungie? I would say I feel sorry for you, but when you hid like a child to ride out the biggest cash grab of this games history to make a statement that was a bold face lie like this... [quote]Eververse was never intended to be a replacement for quality end-game activities.[/quote] ...and blocked refunds with all the other cheap tactics you tried to pull and thought you would get away with it without anyone speaking up about it? You lost all credibility and respect from a hell of a lot of gamers. On top of that, knowing this game is being built with 4 year old's in mind. Why even bother with your trinkets. How about making an actual game instead of constantly lying to your player base and create content that isn't just a 3 week cash grab? Edit: Why don't you explain how your company created D1 the only company that created D1, with a hell of a lot more effort put into it with half the employees you have now. How did you go from that to 800+ employees... Hey guys! we have 2 other studios working with us [quote]We created a system that allows us to create more content easier[/quote] [quote] We're outsourcing material to other studios to bring more content on a regular basis.[/quote] Yet D2 is lacking a hell of a lot more then D1 ever did. How does that happen?[/quote] No FAKE news. All are getting these ideas from bone heads on social media whom probably don't even play d2. STOP WHINING LITTLE SISSIES and play the damn game ! #ONLYSISSIESCOMPLAIN

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  • You are whining about the whiners, therefore, by your logic you are a sissy 👍

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  • Lol calm down little fanboi..

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  • LMAO Thanks for the whining :)

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  • I mean why not sell back to us what we already paid for. By the time the major changes come in the fall it will be a "dlc". You know, a major "update" where we have to pay for what we had in the first place that actually makes this game playable.

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  • Hmm, why didn't Bungie think of that? That way they don't have to create "new content" and keep reselling the old content over and over and over again.

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  • #foyearold

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  • Wow 😮🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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  • Destiny 2 is still developing, everyone gave destiny 1 a good wait and it came out awesome, if you just give the game [b]time[/b] then everything will fix itself, and noone complain that "ooh we should get the full game on release ooh" did you complain about that for destiny one? No, no you didn't.

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  • Exactly

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  • So wait 3 years and re buy all the dlc okkkaaaayyyyyyy how about NOT and bungie just releases a finished game and not a demo

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  • D1 was not awesome at the end, making all the old raids relevant was a ploy to mask lack of creativity Uhh what should we do guys, let’s bring back d1 exotics Nothing creative about that

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  • [quote]D1 was not awesome at the end, making all the old raids relevant was a ploy to mask lack of creativity Uhh what should we do guys, let’s bring back d1 exotics Nothing creative about that[/quote] No, everyone wanted the old raids back. Everyone bitched and moaned about for a few years. Nice try thought.

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  • I didn't want them to come.back, I wanted them to stay relevant. To never go away.

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  • [quote]Destiny 2 is still developing, everyone gave destiny 1 a good wait and it came out awesome, if you just give the game [b]time[/b] then everything will fix itself, and noone complain that "ooh we should get the full game on release ooh" did you complain about that for destiny one? No, no you didn't.[/quote] Lets look at this Bungie has been in business for almost 30 years and made one of the best games for it's time Bungie has been working on Destiny since 2007 lost some key people, had other issues within the company etc.. D1 they didn't have the experience back than D1 3 years later, They have 3 years of experience, 3 years off feedback, 3 years of working on a game only by themselves, D2 2 other studios working with them and they played it off like if it was y1 vanilla. But the huge difference is. They didn't have all the issues they did back before the game was released in 2014, yet they pushed out an unfinished product that has major issues. So come again about "D2 is still in development" nonsense as if this company didn't deliberately set it up this way?

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  • Exactly if this game is "still in development" so to speak then why was it the price of a full game and not in the xbox preview section as an incomplete game that is "still in development" simply no logic with that statement.

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  • Yea because we thought we had a full game at launch. We didn't find out til later that it was chopped into dlcs

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  • Lol that’s what d1 was about. More dlcs+more content+money into game=good game

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  • ________________$$$$ ______________$$____$$ ______________$$____$$ ______________$$____$$ ______________$$____$$ ______________$$____$$ __________$$$$$$____$$$$$$ ________$$____$$____$$____$$$$ ________$$____$$____$$____$$__$$ $$$$$$__$$____$$____$$____$$__$$ $$____$$$$________________$$____$$ $$______$$______________________$$ __$$____$$______________________$$ ___$$$__$$______________________$$ ____$$__________________________$$ _____$$$________________________$$ ______$$______________________$$$ _______$$$____________________$$ ________$$____________________$$ _________$$$________________$$$ __________$$________________$$ __________$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Reply

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  • Lol

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  • Ooohhh! I like this😂👌

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  • A grown Man has to ask 4 year olds for input and advice for a game. No wonder we have such a casual game!!! What an absolute joke and he's the games director!!! Alarm bells should have been ringing!!!

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  • Can you name one AAA gaming company that has ever put a grunt that had no experience at all as lead of a sequel? That right there should tell anyone how lost this company actually is.

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  • Completely lazy and rediculous

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  • Dpj faction rally vid have a look odin. I know you will no doubt delve deeper into this than i did and will keep an eye tor your post..

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