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1/17/2018 6:02:56 PM

Season 2 Faction Rally Rewards

With the release of Curse of Osiris, each Faction has received 5 new weapons. These weapons become available over the course of the season, and cannot be earned through Faction Engrams immediately. In the first Faction Rally of Season 2 (this week), there is a new Auto Rifle available as the Winner’s Offering. No new Faction Weapons are available through Faction Engrams. In the second Faction Rally of the season, the Winner’s Offering is updated to a new weapon. Additionally, the previous Winner’s offering (Auto Rifles) and an additional weapon are added to Faction Engram rewards. The final Faction Rally of the season will follow this functionality: The Winners Offering will be updated to a final weapon that has yet to be featured. The previous Winner’s Offering will be added to the Faction Engram rewards, alongside an additional weapon. This brings the total to four weapons within the Faction Engram, and a final Winner’s Offering for factions to compete for over the course of the event.

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  • Seriously? Who makes these decisions? The ineptitude of the management of bungie is beyond belief. Do you just put random thoughts on a dartboard and throw while blindfolded? Well keep it up. I enjoy the forums now more than I ever enjoyed d2 the train wreck.

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  • The reward is Friendship!

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  • Just release an update to Destiny 1, a lot of people will happily return, especially after the broken 10 year promise. D2 should have followed the progress of D1, not start vanilla

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    • Here's the thing. You gave us a wide pool of new weapons in Season 1 faction rallies, and this is exactly what season should bring. You chose static rolls, you need to widen the loot pool to compensate. Instead, at a time when you need to be generous as all hell to the community sticking with you, you [i]shrunk[/i] the loot pool down to winner's offerings and didn't even tell us until it went live and people called you out. Haven't we been here before? And then there's the lost sector lockout. I like lost sectors; I'd like them more if they were expanded, if they were more meaningful and rewarding. I liked that rallies gave me an excuse to blaze through them. But now I can't even do that at a normal pace. [i]One[/i] chest caused problems so you took a sledgehammer to the whole system.

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    • Season 3 ideas plz Read we need a change the faction rallys are boring and the is 2 weeks as an event bravo Bungie Therefore, a proposal for Season 3 instead of Faction Rally, we take war the faction gets the whole season where the faction also fight in the PVP, Raid Which faction has the most raid deals, strike, As all of them are counted by bounties every faction has its task for Keepers where the bounys in PVP send you Strikes Raid And On The Planet who wins most ohow do I get to the exo mods simply by farming much the farming system should be like the weapon mercury the exo mods should be the heaviest be a challenge that's what it would look like you needed 4 blue void mods planets public events matrial legendary fragments mica weapons parts to upgrade from blue to legendary To go from legendary to exo you need a lot more of the stuff To upgrade from Legendary to Exo planets matrial mica weapon parts Mod components Exo fragments The exo pieces can only be used by Prestige Raid prestige Nightfall to get and only the Exo mods have Perk with the precision kill effect the blue mods have no perks just because normal elemental damage the purple mods, however but they do not have that much effect because they do less damage and have a bigger cooldown than exo modsf the planets in the faction war wins because faction wins and the winners get items that only the faction gets and what's special is what you can get even in the season exo faction exo faction armor what goose special exo weapon for the 2 and 3 should also be rewarded but not as high as the 1 place because the 1 burst is something special. this is just an idea in the reason it is similar For Honor The faction wars. so and now for mods  why do not you bring us mods with unique perks or elements how about it Exo void mod Exo solar mod Exo Arcus Mod the goal of the exo mods is simply what special and strong you should be they all have a perk which is triggered by precision kils, These are the perks With every precision kill you create a smoke void where your Ability to blind and sprint is impaired for 15 sec and 10 sec for The solar Exo mods is also triggered by precision kills but it has a different effect solar Burning of the damage and panic caused by enemies triggers all enemies in the near area to suffer damage and panic for 15 sec and a decay time of 10 sec so now Exo Arcus Mod With Arcus it is also necessary to make Precision Kill to activate the effect with each precision kill you create an arcus ground which the enemies small damage over time and that in the area can not sprint and jump the effect piled up with each Precision kill 3 times and holds 10 sec per stack and cooldown 15 sec in the PVP area the exo mod should be deactivated otherwise there would be even more chaos than like now how do I get to the exo mods simply by farming much the farming system should be like the weapon mercury the exo mods should be the heaviest be a challenge that's what it would look like you needed 4 blue void mods 20 x planets public events matrial 50xlegendary fragments 200xweapons parts to upgrade from blue to legendary To go from legendary to exo you need a lot more of the stuff To upgrade from Legendary to Exo You need 2 legendary mods 50xplanets matrial 500xweapon parts 10xMod components 2xExo fragments The exo Fragments can only drop in Prestige Raid prestige Nightfall to get and only the Exo mods have Perk with the precision kill effect the blue mods have no perks just because normal elemental damage the purple mods however but they do not have that much effect because they do less damage and have a bigger cooldown than exo mods. I have more ideas for Gear and Planet Exo gear and more Mods for gear

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    • LOL

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      2 Replies
      • You throttle back faction tokens and then have Tess sell a ghost that increases your chance of faction tokens ? Wtf are you thinking ? This is a total dickslap to the faces of the few of us that still play this game and have remained loyal . No new weapons for the faction rally. Everyone hates your paywall bullshit. No real reason to do prestige anything other than a SLIGHTLY different style raid gear . I'm nearly grinded out in the game and I excited myself for the faction rally that's FINALLY here . And you shit on us with a sidearm as the only new weapons to offer!?!? It's like you're pushing us away on purpose. I have patience for a truly good game to develop over time . I do not have patience for a complete betrayal by the get developer though . Iron banner better make me jiz and shit my pants simultaneously. Cause you're running out of chances with a loyal ,returning fan base

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      • Can buy armour but not weapons.... do you think I could get the new monarchy sniper after countless engrams... full armour on 2 characters yet no sniper. Iron Banner = weapon duplicates and no armour. Faction rally = armour and no weapons for me

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      • Step 1. Throttle back faction tokens Step 2. Sell Ghost in Eververse selling increase chance of factions tokens Really?!

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        • 2
          Bungie is committing franchise suicide. In 5 years this game will be a shining example to other developers on how not to treat it's paying costumers. Destiny 3? Ha! Yeah right! You think you could pull a scam three times in a row. Well I guess you have the bungie sympathisers to bank on. Thanks for the refund though!

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          • This guy should be interviewing Bungie.

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          • [b] [/b]

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          • We have got to at the least have pvp fun again. Iron banner crucible and trials should be Gameplay: Decrease ttk Let us choose gamemodes again Primary/special/heavy Add a sniper ammo box in pvp Add a shotgun ammo box in pvp Add a fusion rifle ammo box in pvp Add a rocket ammo box to pvp Add a gnad launcher ammo box to pvp Add a sword ammo box to pvp Add smg ammo box to pvp ( placed throughout the map for balance ) Auto equip gnad launcher when gnade launcher ammo box is picked up. Same for all weapons. Add bigger 6v6 maps Control could have like 8 4v4 maps and 2 6v6 maps in the playlist. Rewards : Rewards have to be desired weapons. Random rolls would be something i would personally enjoy. God roll weapons as endgame rewards plz. Like fatebringer quality.

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          • It's like Bungie wants it's players to leave. why else would they continuously shit on us and say it's ice cream?? Yes of course they say they listen but never do anything. So why just lie to us? just tell us you don't give a shit and you wanted was the money to support your drug habit. I thought maybe this time it was going to get a little better but who was I kidding? They make promises they obliviously don't want to keep. Good luck on getting support for Destiny 3. I predict that if and when it comes out a very big player base will just stay away. I've met a lot of good friends since beta and most are gone because they've been disappointed,many even said they wouldn't buy D2 and even advised me not to get it I think they were right. Well looks like I'm dusting off that copy of The Division and get some of those DLC's

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          • Edited by Skelator: 1/21/2018 6:33:00 AM
            Wow. W $20 bs dlc. U get 5 NEW? Weapons! Yay wow! So worth it. Biggest waste of $40. I could’ve put that towards GoW or far cry5. Smh I’m pissed. Of wait almost forgot, u can’t even get them now. Lol D2 is a complete waste of time n is the complete opposite of the Destiny experience we all love or loved. They might as well bring back everything D1 y1-y3 n go from there. But yeah that’s right, it takes half a year to implement the “smallest” changes. They can’t even get a faction rally right. Smh. So incompetent

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          • all this has nothing to do with incompetence, or Mistakes. its all about Greed. no loot drops.. no coins. they expect you to buy from Eververse. GREED .. F#*k You Bungie..

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          • Edited by RareBEAR1028: 1/21/2018 5:20:41 AM
            Why is there a faction rally engram limit! Like for Christ sakes I got like 10 truthtellers the same armor and cape pieces and a bunch of shaders. I didn't get the scout rifle, the sidearm, or the submachine gun. Is there some throttle there too? Only giving the player a few weapons out of the weapon pool, I get we can't have the new ones but I can't even get the old ones. It's sad because all of these problems are small, but it takes away from the experience. I love this game, I even bought the Funko pop figures of my favorite characters as well as a destiny 2 lanyard that I sport daily. I think I'm about done with this game though. Too many odd little problems, make for a frustrating and lackluster experience. If I played the game for 6 hours straight and got 200 or 300+ tokens I should be able to get as many engrams as I want, it's not like me getting engrams hurts the company bottom line. So what is the reason for me to participate in the next few days of the rally? I only get shaders now so I should stop playing I guess... That's obviously what you want then

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            • I still love D2 but I just used $20 mind you that’s the rest of my money (I’m willing to spend on something random and wacky (I don’t do this very often)) to get Six Shooter and hopefully Selfie I get a total of 1365 bright dust when the emote cost 3250 know I’m not gonna get any more money for weeks most definitely months. And I spend $20 for nothing I got a bunch of shaders I’ll never use And other stuff I’ll never use. Bungie I know you ain’t just gonna willingly give me the emotes or bright dust so I don’t know why I bother with this post. XP will be changed in weeks when Six Shooter is gone and selfie already past. So no reason to farm since the week is already technically done. And no more money for me to try and still get it. Bungie should give you like 300 bright dust every legendary thing from Tess you sell. Thanks Bungie, So know I’m mad that I get no bright dust to buy anything cool. After spending $20. So everyone please like this for Bungie to see, not like they probably going to do anything about this :( $25 dollars sorry I said wrong amount of what I spent.

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              3 Replies
              • It's got to be a joke, why are we doing tokens for then if theirs no rewards, wow

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                6 Replies
                • We are so sick an tired of your under handed tactics your sick only think of making money what about the community that helped you get to where you are now sad how you continue to lie an keep saying you forget to tell us about THE XP throttling - and the horrible mess that faction rally is

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                • Do they actually expect us to be happy with being spoonfed a few shitty high impact weapons per event?!

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                  • Like you guys at bungie we just don't care anymore.

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                  • Thanks for “communicating” this before the season started... and also a big thanks for “managing” this issue well with a terrible throttle placed on lost sector chests.... Thanks Bungo, always finding ways to keep me away from your terrible game!

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                  • The throttle crap needs to stop. Just because one chest last faction rally was exploited a lot shouldn't result in throttling doing other lost sectors. If you spent a bit of time running into a lost sector to do stuff you should be rewarded for spending that bit of time, not screwing players over for spending that bit of time.

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                    3 Replies
                    • Dude your ORDINARY weapons suck and you hand out 4 with static boring common perks and act like we should thank you!! This is by far the worst reward system I have ever seen. Dam at least in COD you have to play to unlock loot. You guys just give the terrible ORDINARY loot away. I’m going to take the dam week off and NOT buy what ever one wins next week because this isn’t a prize it’s a hand out. Also like most of us that chose a different faction for each character why bother having us pay more for not picking the winner. We all pick the winner ever dam time lmao. Dam that was thought out well. Throttling and cooldowns are lazy uninteresting ways to slow progression in areas you built for use to farm the event. More boring and Ordinary. Pathetic bungie!

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                    • Bungie HQ: Developer 1: Hey! You know how people were crucifying us over the Dawning?! Developer 2: Yea? Developer 1: Well, what if instead of locking Faction Gear behind a pay-wall, we just don't add any new items to lock in the first place! Developer 2: Then how are we gonna meet our Eververse Quota for the week! Developer 1: Just put a Ghost shell with a small advantage in the store. People love these sort of things! Developer 2: Genius!

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