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1/17/2018 6:02:56 PM

Season 2 Faction Rally Rewards

With the release of Curse of Osiris, each Faction has received 5 new weapons. These weapons become available over the course of the season, and cannot be earned through Faction Engrams immediately. In the first Faction Rally of Season 2 (this week), there is a new Auto Rifle available as the Winner’s Offering. No new Faction Weapons are available through Faction Engrams. In the second Faction Rally of the season, the Winner’s Offering is updated to a new weapon. Additionally, the previous Winner’s offering (Auto Rifles) and an additional weapon are added to Faction Engram rewards. The final Faction Rally of the season will follow this functionality: The Winners Offering will be updated to a final weapon that has yet to be featured. The previous Winner’s Offering will be added to the Faction Engram rewards, alongside an additional weapon. This brings the total to four weapons within the Faction Engram, and a final Winner’s Offering for factions to compete for over the course of the event.

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  • From a developers perspective the entire or atleast the fundamentals of the event is flawed and pointless to an extent... First of all players can with 3 characters pick each faction with so even if their main character plays the loosing side they can still buy the "reward" for the discount price so the entire concept of "price" falls apart there... Secondly you even throttled the amount people could farm just to try to extend it ? thats not how you extend it some will play it regardless of its existence, others will feel discouraged as its more like running with a chain on the leg and others will refuse to participate only accept a faction and take reward after the event... Third and foremost there is hardly a calendar on ur website or in-game and you announce events 1 week or so ahead of time and often even re-schedule... lets not forget how little these events offer... Fourth and most importantly you ignored feedback speaking against eververse favoritism and instead tried to force players into eververse with an item that lightened the throttle you imposed... If you buy a product you dont expect an update to damage its value first and then ask for a payment to lessen the damage you did right ? Bungie... even children could do better than you do... you are simply leeching on ur former fame from Halo and other good games now....

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  • Edited by Selene: 1/21/2018 9:25:09 PM
    Bungie, Politely go -blam!- yourself...? This title is honestly the worst game ever released in the history of games. From what I have heard and understand from other Destiny players, had I bought the first Destiny and then bought this one, I apparently would be even more irate with you guys? Honestly speaking, did you guys do any PC interface optimizations or streamlining at all what so ever before "releasing" the PC version of the game? This game claims to be part of the MMORPG "category", yet lacks things like a global chat channel? An in game group finding system? Explain to me why the -blam!- I should have to log into the website in order to make a post for a raid group in which I have to wait for people to add themselves only to have to tell them to add me as a friend on battle net in order to invite them to my fire team in order to be able to communicate with them? Are you guys serious right now? And you wonder why the hell everyone is so mean and criticizes your game with such scrutiny? It seems pretty -blam!-ing OBVIOUS to me. -blam!- IT, since I am here. Let me start with the fact you all have no "REAL" method of communication except for this forum, when every other game in existence at the very least uses the ticket system. So, if I have an issue like a lost or accidentally deleted item, I have to sit here and keep making posts until someone actually responds so I can have the piece of mind someone actually saw it and read it? REALLY? Let me disrespect your "game" for a little bit, I will start with the "masterwork" system you guys were so proud to release. It drops a super orb every multi kill or whatever, great FINE. I have 2 Origin Story auto rifles, 1 masterwork, 1 not. My masterwork is 10 Magazine, what ever the -blam!- that means since you all chose to NOT include descriptions or tool tips in the game for us to understand what is what, my masterwork has 34 rounds per magazine and my non master work has 32, I would include screenshots if I could but I do not feel you guys deserve that much effort for me to go upload them to photo bucket and leave links, you can assume I am smart enough to set the guns up the same way. SO ANYWAY, 34 and 32, on the assumption that 10 magazine is broken English for "+10 to magazine", I seem to be missing a whole 8 bullets in my masterwork rifle's magazine. Care to comment? I will assume not. OR shall we discuss the mysterious "network error" that keeps certain players from being able to reported during crucible matches? I will not discuss any names since that is irrelevant to the point, the point is that at anytime I have found and continue to find at least 1 person who is mysteriously unreportable due to "network errors". Are your game servers really that SHITTY AND UNRELIABLE that we the players can not rely on simple functions like reporting someone to work when we want them to? HMMM, well that is sad, considering the reputation you all built for yourselves with your Halo series and well known and loved it is. You can kiss that reputation and respect SEE YOU -blam!-ING LATER now. Back to my accidentally deleted item, how many times do I have to post the same shit over and over until I get some sort of answer, I do not care if the answer is for me to go -blam!- myself, just -blam!-ING RESPOND. At some point I DO NOT -blam!-ING REMEMBER anymore, I accidentally deleted my season 1 Legs of Optimacy, if at all possible, I would like to ask to have a pair restored to my account so I can continue to enjoy the full set as I have been doing. If you do decide to tell me to go -blam!- myself, that would be totally fine too, since I was not smart enough to lock them like I did with the rest of the set items. At least I will have some kind of answer from you guys FINALLY. Selene.

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    14 Replies
    • Hakke autorifles are absolute shite. I feel like someone’s bad ass kid is kicking the shit out of my back while I sit on the airplane every time i fire one these damned hakke autorifles Hakke high impact autorifle = hot dumpster fire garbage.

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    • The new monarchy auto rifle is garbage. I feel bad for anyone who wasted time grinding for new monarchy rep to win it

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    • Less then 2 days guys! Pack your bag, we are leaviiiiiiing! 😍

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    • Remove clan rewards Why the heck I get raid and trials stuff if I don’t participate it makes no sense every thing it’s easy to obtain Legendary engrams everywhere you can even buy them This needs to be fixed pronto

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    • Edited by DO-93 Bubba: 1/24/2018 2:25:09 AM
      To everyone who is hating on Bungie, SHUT THE F UP! I understand there are problems with D2 I do there are a few things that I hate about it but i dont let it take away from a game I still enjoy. Yes its alot less than D1, yes it has problems that were never a part of D1 but guess what its not Fing D1 its D2 where stuff is different. But guess what they are working on it and trying to right wrongs so cram your belly aching and move on. Actually I am pretty sure alot of you that hate Bungie are whats causing the community to be turned to crap. So once again SHUT UP.

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      8 Replies
      • Where is iron banner? This is boring.

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        5 Replies
        • Remove clan rewards Why the heck I get raid and trials stuff if I don’t participate it makes no sense every thing it’s easy to obtain Legendary engrams everywhere you can even buy them This needs to be fixed pronto

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          4 Replies
          • Bloody awesome... I go and buy the New Mon auto rifle for 5000000000 and it drop at 321 on a max 335 character. Every other shit i get drops at 330 or 335. You always have to -blam!- everything up and nerf everything. Does it give you lot a raging hardon -blam!-ing us over day by day

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          • Getting new weapons is the personification of Destiny endgame. Yet in D2, despite the deafening chorus Destiny players asking for any semblance of an endgame, Bungie is sticking with this plan of holding back new weapons. This really shouldn't be this hard, guys. Releasing new gear slowly might have worked if tons of people were playing your game. The problem is that [i]no one is playing your game.[/i] Stop making the same mistakes over and over and expecting a different outcome. Make the right policy decisions right now. If no one there is capable of making the right decision, fire them and hire new people. Again, this is not that hard.

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          • Edited by Not_The_God_Roll: 1/23/2018 8:22:05 PM
            Hey DMG04 why is your twitter set to private all of the sudden? Would think as a community support member it would still be open to the public. You leaving the sinking ship? Saw Bungie posted new job for community manager. Edit : twitter error or was down but his twitter is back up. Weird

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            11 Replies
            • An expression for you Flogging a dead horse!

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            • I'm through playing this for a while. This game has gone backwards from D1. From the stupid fraction rallies to not being able to pick what type crucible game I want to play. The new monarchy auto rifle sucks and wasn't even worth it. The 3 strikes in the game get old.. Or it seems there is only 3.. Then you add mercury and there is only one public event possible on it.. I feel like I got robbed. I'll check back after a few months..

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            • I really hope Bungie can pull this game together quick. I honestly love destiny and I hate to see it this way :(

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            • Just bring back the six v six and destiny 1 maps for it. Add some new game modes and bring back the old. Put in private matches. Lastly create some exotic weapons that are exotic. Don't care about the campaign as once completed I'll never repeat it on any of my characters. The main fun is playing against other ppl with mates and or randoms who may become mates. I mean come on who doesn't want to see a capture the flag mode in Crucible??? The rest of the stuff ppl have mentioned is fair, I just don't care.

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            • Logged on to my Hunter (pledged to New Monarchy), collected my Faction Rally reward (Loquitor IV), and realized it was only 328; regardless of the fact that my Hunter has three unique, full sets of armor, all at 335 (base 330), and logged right off. I realize Bungie never guaranteed, the Faction rewards would drop at current power levels; but I persoanally found this to be unacceptable, and simply turned it off for today.

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            • Destiny 2 from the start is just down to mismanagement from the top to the bottom. Allowing game journalist Luke Smith to direct was an absolute joke!

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              3 Replies
              • Absolutely joke the rally was Limited engrams Cool down lost sectors And getting the -blam!-ing dog shit FWC fusion rifle x10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Look forward to iron banner and getting the worst gun of that rally dropped a million times .

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                9 Replies
                • BS all three guns aren't for sale

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                  1 Reply
                  • [quote]With the release of Curse of Osiris, each Faction has received 5 new weapons. These weapons become available over the course of the season, and cannot be earned through Faction Engrams immediately. In the first Faction Rally of Season 2 (this week), there is a new Auto Rifle available as the Winner’s Offering. No new Faction Weapons are available through Faction Engrams. In the second Faction Rally of the season, the Winner’s Offering is updated to a new weapon. Additionally, the previous Winner’s offering (Auto Rifles) and an additional weapon are added to Faction Engram rewards. The final Faction Rally of the season will follow this functionality: The Winners Offering will be updated to a final weapon that has yet to be featured. The previous Winner’s Offering will be added to the Faction Engram rewards, alongside an additional weapon. This brings the total to four weapons within the Faction Engram, and a final Winner’s Offering for factions to compete for over the course of the event.[/quote] You’re taking the piss. We really are just an afterthought to you. Sells an incomplete game, starts development on the sequel without rectifying the flaws except until you receive backlash. Even then you do nothing but say you’ll have it sorted by years end. Promises to be more transparent and then launch throttled event with no new loot with zero transparency (and let’s face it with the rate you’re haemorrhaging players this has been done to implement artificial end game and bring players back for the next bland as -blam!- event) Launch a pitiful dlc that recycled story missions as strikes and locks vanilla content players out after they’ve paid their hard earned money. I was stupid to preorder the expansion pass but can you please inform me why I should have any faith in your company to buy the next dlc this fall when you can’t even definitively state that the game will have any improvements until the end of the -blam!-ing year?!

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                  • You suck Bungie.

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                    1 Reply
                    • let's face it Destiny 2 is completely dead! They've done little or nothing to fix any of the problems within the game the end game sucks. And it keep dragging us along! Activision has helped destroy this once prominent game.. I'm just tired of all the excuses I'm tired of the lack of content. Destiny one was very hard to play at least worthwhile this game is way too easy they give stuff away just to make people happy with no new content. the game isn't even challenging anymore! Unless they go to the extreme to fix this game I will never buy anything from Bungie or Activision again!!! this game is become all about money to them they could care less so I say we all just stop playing and get it over with!! all my characters are at the max level and there's nothing left to be done. Even the raid items suck!! what finally did it for me is when you were able to buy Exotics! At least in Destiny one you had to earn them. This game sucks!!!!!!!!!

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                    • So which faction won?

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                      • Edited by Bicepus Maximus: 1/23/2018 4:55:07 PM
                        The problem is Bungie designed Destiny 2 with the primary objective to increase micro-transaction revenue. Any effort or thought towards player experience was prioritized and implemented in the context of eververse. This is why armor is pointless beyond cosmetics. This is why you get clan engrams or rewards for not completing content. If the best looking and most useful items were obtained in game and by completing challenging content it would reduce the value of items in eververse. Destiny 2 is a steaming pile of pointless poo because Bungie made it as an online app to increase micro-transaction revenue.

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                      • Hmmm, a set of Auto Rifles that are basically carbon copies of each other (okay, they [i]look[/i] different, but that's about it) without any perks to make them unique or desirable? No thanks ;) I would really love to see some variety in that regard. The weapon and armor perks so far have been lackluster at best.

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