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Edited by A_dmg04: 1/16/2018 10:40:23 PM

1/16/2018 Maintenance Complete: Faction Rallies is now LIVE.

Hey all, Hotfix is now available, removing Curse of Osiris requirements for Faction Rallies and Iron Banner rewards. Patchnotes may be found here: Information concerning Faction Rallies may be found here: Preview of Winners Offerings and Season 2 Ornaments may be found here: [quote][b]UPDATE: Lost Sector Rewards[/b] We're aware of player reports about Lost Sectors not granting rewards. There was a throttle added to address an issue in the previous Faction Rallies where players were earning 500 Tokens per hour. The [url=]patchnote concerning this change[/url] has been updated to correctly state that all Lost Sector chests are subject to this throttle. Right now if a player opens more than 2 Chests in a 10 minute period they will not receive additional rewards from Lost Sector chests for 10 minutes. This does not prevent players from completing milestones related to Lost Sector chests.[/quote] Cheers, -dmg

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  • You guys at Bungie really can't just give us something fun to do just for the sake of fun, can you? Seems like every time you "fix" or add (or bring back) something to the game, you have to ruin it by taking something away just for the hell of it. I.e. Exp throttle, removed but doubled exp. Dawning returned but turned into a cash grab. CoO dlc launch, tried to lock out players to force them into buying the dlc. Every faction rally so far has launched with a nerf to the previous rally's popular farming method. Do I really need to go on or are we starting to notice the pattern? I didn't use the lost sectors chest farm and even I think it was a douche move to throttle it since the farmers were already forced to give up all chances of regular or exotic loot in exchange for using that method. After 600 tokens those farmers also surrendered their chances at faction loot since there's already a cap on the number of engrams that can be earned. Given that we don't even get to see the numbers anyways, for all we know the winner of each rally is chosen via blindfold and dart board. Maybe I'm just fed up with all the farming nerfs. As a person who enjoys the grind, it feels like Bungie wants me to have to grind to get the rewards, but doesn't actually want me to grind.

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  • Yeah how come when I ran the lost sector on mercury I didn't get any tokens. It was the first planet and first lost sector i did so why no tokens. Are we only aloud to play in the EDZ for faction rewards. I am disappointed you are more worried about people getting too many tokens. WTF really, who the hell cares if someone wants to farm the hell out of tokens ? O wait Bungie cares you seem like you want to take all the fun out of the game. If people want to grind that way let them. stop nerfing our fun, stop giving us reason to leave this game. If you rcustomers are not happy you should do what you can to make them happy and your not doing your part your not making people happy and while you still have players how long can this go on before no one playes your game. If people ask what game i play and I say destiny they laugh. My wife is a gamer and her and her friends joke about destiny and how bad it is. Instead of playing the badass game this should be i'm playing the redheaded step child of games

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  • If they took our light away again then it would take 10 mins to complete a lost sector - oops! Please don't take the suggestion seriously Bungie.

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  • I have not played this game since the 1st DLC came out. Do you think this is an event worth me logging on again? I did get to level 25..... I believe

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    • Edited by QuickDraw (Adept): 1/17/2018 11:41:42 AM
      LMFAO keep on doing the nurfing and hand breaking on us you’re just making the fanboys realize how badly you’re team designed this game and risked so much for this outcome for a successful game .. [spoiler] Faction rallies..oh you want gear !? SIKE!!!![/spoiler] The fact you’re showing off the gear is making players even more pissed off bc they can’t get any of it other then just shaders .. lmao what a f*uck up

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      7 Replies
      • Edited by TheShadow-cali: 1/17/2018 3:45:29 PM The link says he was "inspired" the truth is, the guy looks at Destiny like it's food. See, destiny is like a cheeseburger, blah blah blah is another huge issue. Luke? Get a clue. [b](Destiny is not food)[/b] it's a video game that should of been created for teens and up. Not 4 year old's and up. This is why this game is so dumb down. We have a child trapped in a mans body that thinks about food all the damn time. The truth is, the kid that always looks at Destiny like it's food has no clue on WTH he is doing and making him lead was Bungie's biggest mistake in this games history. Not that this helps him much either First Bungie makes the statement about lost sectors... [quote]We heard you wanted a fire team for lost sectors[/quote] As is they are so "challenging" the funny thing about it, a 4 year old can complete all of them by themselves thanks to Luke that was so inspired by 2 4 year old's... Now they throttled down the loot in lost sectors? Okay... I guess you guys have been getting why to much of that "sweet sweet loot" [spoiler]Bungie, can you hire my son that is 9 since you guys have kids working for ya. Especially knowing he can write a better story then the guy you wasted all that money on?[/spoiler]

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        8 Replies
        • D2 should be called Destiny 2 Andromeda. Because its the series killer.

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        • Absolute Muppets. 6 lost sectors an hour ?

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        • Good job Bungle. You have made it so we grind for faction token and then CAP it after so many chests in 10 minutes. WTF! Don't you realise, or even care, that you are draining the enjoyment out of the game???

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        • Holy crap. You guys can't get anything right. Even with 500+ tokens, some people still never got their full sets of armor.

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        • The loot game with no loot Good luck with that...

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        • Already downloading The Division on my console.

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        • so we wait over a month for a faction rally and get 3 guns new mon sword fwc fusion do grenade launcher and a stupid kinetic sidearm im going back to halo

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        • Edited by Hypernautz: 1/17/2018 9:32:25 PM
          Who thought.. this was a good idea..... Your entire game dev team needs to be fired. The only people I have respect for are the concept artists on this game. You guys suck. I can only stomach so much, and I enjoy destiny, but this? this dog $h1t right here? is beyond ridiculous. And on top of that, the rally only lasts 1 week, and comes once a season and you gank the reputation progress. Makes lots of sense yup! Every time you implement thoughless updates into your game, you take 10 steps backwards. Take some time to google your mistakes on the net. No one is happy. You're clearly not learning. Please continue to make amazing decisions. Please! Cause i'm just updates away from Control Panel> Uninstall>Destiny 2

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          • Why is it that the mercury lost sector rewards no faction tokens? NICE!

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          • Lol. Wow. Bungie sure likes to throttle their players.

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          • Good to know, cheers

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          • This game -blam!-ing sucks. I am curious to know the player count, though.

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          • Hay everyone lets throttle rewards for an event you can only play for a week. seriously come on. Who cares if players get 500 tokens per hour. If people enjoy farming like crazy for 1 week every 2 months then FFS let them. It makes no sense. EVEN WORSE bungie didnt even tell us ahead of time they are going to do this, after they promised to communicate more with the player base. "We’ll be talking to you more directly, and more often, as promised." -From the DEVELOPMENT UPDATE 1-11-18 We may not be playing the game how you want us to, but Bungie should have realized by now their game is not doing so hot. So when players find something they enjoy or DO REPEATEDLY. I suggest you leave in the game. especially if it is something you can only do every other month.

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            26 Replies
            • YOU ARE A REAL JERK TO SAY CHEERS AFTER THIS Abomination of a post the update on lost sector rewards was to amend a December 2017 patch note and deliberately exclude this throttle from the 1 16 18 Patchnotes????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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            • Lol. I haven't played this game is a while. I figured I'd check in to see if they fixed any issues and made it fun again. Guess not. Also the daily log in numbers are getting hilarious

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            • Lost sectors chests don’t give tokens I completed 4 times the lost sector on earth and for 3 times the chest was empty

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            • In what world does it take a player more than two minutes to finish a single lost sector? How is a 10 minute lockout justified across ALL lost sectors? If I clear 2 lost sectors, and go to a completely different planet, the lockout is still in effect... How is that even considered farming or exploiting or lockout worthy?!?! If I didn't know any better I'd say bungie is deliberately trying to sabotage this game... Who knows, that's really the only thing that makes sense to me at this point with the braindead decisions that are being made... What a disaster this game turned into.

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            • You are a -blam!-ing joke, dmg04. [spoiler]Cheers![/spoiler]

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            • Games broken AGAIN. Seriously bunglevision do you event test your hotfix before making it live. No new guns or gear awards because you overlooked the fact they had an Osiris logo so the Rally takes them out of the loot pool. F ing Morons.

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            • Edited by itsnothin: 1/17/2018 12:13:46 PM
              [quote]Hey all, Hotfix is now available, removing Curse of Osiris requirements for Faction Rallies and Iron Banner rewards. Patchnotes may be found here: Information concerning Faction Rallies may be found here: Preview of Winners Offerings and Season 2 Ornaments may be found here: [quote][b]UPDATE: Lost Sector Rewards[/b] We're aware of player reports about Lost Sectors not granting rewards. There was a throttle added to address an issue in the previous Faction Rallies where players were earning 500 Tokens per hour. The [url=]patchnote concerning this change[/url] has been updated to correctly state that all Lost Sector chests are subject to this throttle. Right now if a player opens more than 2 Chests in a 10 minute period they will not receive additional rewards from Lost Sector chests for 10 minutes. This does not prevent players from completing milestones related to Lost Sector chests.[/quote] Cheers, -dmg[/quote] Let the Dev team know that we're happy that they continue to mess this game up. Great job, seriously.

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