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Clan Recruitment

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Edited by Little0Lenah: 1/13/2018 8:44:16 PM

Are You Shy? (Ps4)

I know I can be. I also have anxiety that likes to rear its ugly head in certain situations. Especially during Crucible. But I have a fantastic Clan that supports me if that happens. [b]Welcome to Guardian Spirit.[/b] We are a growing clan who are looking for like-minded people to join us in D2. We have had such popularity that we are opening a second division of the clan! [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] [b]Have a mic and are too shy to use it?[/b] That's okay! We're happy to let you sit in party and message us to your heart's content. We have a couple members who are currently doing that! They have even completed several raids without uttering a single word. We are willing to wait until the day you feel comfortable enough to give us a friendly "hello!" on headset. [b]Have you wanted to try Crucible but feel too overwhelmed to give it a shot?[/b] No problem. We will play private matches with you, one on one, two on two, so on and so forth, and give you a chance to test the PvP waters. If you even feel an ounce of panic, we will bring the match to a halt. There are occasions where I have had to quit in the middle of a match due to anxiety, and everyone has been completely understanding and supportive. [b]Want to do story missions, a few strikes or some Public Events?[/b] Most of us have varying schedules, and you'll find at least one Clanmate online at various hours. We have members all over the world! Just shoot a message, and we'll be happy to join you on your adventures! [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] [b]The Rules of being a Guardian Spirit[/b] ~ Be Helpful ~ Be Friendly ~ Be Proactive ~ Be Kind ~ Be Mature An extended version of this can be found in [url=]here[/url], further detailing the rules of the clan. If you need further clarification, please don't hesitate to contact me. [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] [b]How the Spirit Communicates[/b] We use a fantastic app called BAND to communicate. All our communication outside of Playstation happens here. We chat, schedule events, raid teams, classes and even fun little games like hide and seek on BAND. It is the best place to find fellow Spirit Guardians to explore Destiny with. This app is available for both Android and iPhone. When you are accepted into the clan, instructions on how to join the BAND group will be provided via private message. When signing up, please put your [b]PSN in the field where it asks for name.[/b] That way, it is easier to contact clanmates for adventuring. [b]Please note: [/b]Only accepted applications will be approved on BAND. [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] [b]Protectors of the Guardian Spirit[/b] [b]Clan Mother[/b] Little-Lenah [b]Admins[/b] Patriciss1 Jormungandr1990 Gragmis [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] [b]Sentinels of Light Guide the Way[/b] Under 18 and interested in joining us? No problem! Our under 18 clan is called Sentinels of Light. Our philosophy in SoL is just the same as it is in Guardian Spirit, but you will be able to meet people your own age who see the game just as you do. [b]Please contact AlexM6220 in order to join the Sentinels![/b] [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] [b]Joining the Spirit[/b] There is only one rule before your application is considered: fill out the questionnaire below! We don't care about ratios or streaks or raid experience. We welcome new players as well as seasoned veterans. This questionnaire is to get to know a little bit about you, Guardian. What is your story? [b]You have two options for sending in your answers:[/b] Either post them here in the forum or send me a message! [u]Please do NOT message me on psn.[/u] [u]Questions[/u] - What is your PSN? - What would you prefer to be called? -What are your in-game preferences? Do you like PvP or PvE? Or both? - Do you have a headset? Do you prefer speaking on headset or are you more comfortable with messaging? -What country are you from? What time zone are you in? - Age? (Or, or are you over 18?) [b](Note: Any requests sent without the application will not be considered)[/b] [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] [b]Kindred Spirits[/b] [u]The Dark Knights (TDK)[/u] TDK is a fantastic PS4 clan with wonderful, friendly people. They are a long established clan with over three thousand members. Founded in 2014, they consider themselves a clan based in maturity, rather than physical age. They take teamwork seriously, and value clan loyalty and friendship. Their aim is to create a fun and amazing Destiny experience. [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] [b]Testimonials[/b] If you're interested in what others have to say about Guardian Spirit, visit the Testimonial thread [url=]Here[/url] [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] I think that just about covers it! If you would like any further information, please feel free to message me. Happy Adventuring Guardian! ~ Lenah [i]***This is an 18+ Clan. Sometimes we crack jokes, and use language that just isn't appropriate for younger ears. *** At this time, all our members are on Playstation.[/i]

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  • I like pie.

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    • I think I missed the poll due to inactivity and my ps+ subscription ran out a couple months ago so I haven't been able to play online. I bought one month worth of psn please invite me back guys! T-T

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      • BUMP me <3

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        27 Replies
        • Edited by EstrangeDrainage: 1/15/2018 8:01:00 PM

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          • Started a new topic: Can I join?(2 Replies))

          • - What is your PSN?: DB_Wade - What would you prefer to be called? Wade -What are your in-game preferences? Do you like PvP or PvE? Or both? Both but with emphasis on PvE. - Do you have a headset? Yes - Do you prefer speaking on headset or are you more comfortable with messaging? Speaking on headset. - What country are you from? USA - What time zone are you in? mountain standard time - Age? (Or, or are you over 18?) 60 Sounds like a great group with a great goal. Look forward to hearing from you.

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          • - What is your PSN? Warwolf_Squad - What would you prefer to be called? Alex -What are your in-game preferences? Do you like PvP or PvE? Or both? Mostly PvE, but I enjoy both - Do you have a headset? Do you prefer speaking on headset or are you more comfortable with messaging? Yes, I have a headset, but I am more comfortable with messaging (Sorry ...) -What country are you from? What time zone are you in? Taiwan, UTC +8 - Age? (Or, or are you over 18?) 22 Hope I can join your amazing clan

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          • What is your PSN? iSloth6 - What would you prefer to be called? Sloth -What are your in-game preferences? Do you like PvP or PvE? Or both? Both! - Do you have a headset? Do you prefer speaking on headset or are you more comfortable with messaging? Headset -What country are you from? What time zone are you in? U.S. Central - Age? (Or, or are you over 18?) 20

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          • I wish something like this was around when I started D1! It got to the point during raids that one of my friends would tell the crew, "Carl is here, he just doesn't talk much". :) Glad to see y'all around!

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            • I have been looking for a clan for awhile since the start of D-2, and would like to join this one. I am usually the one who helps out new and vet players anyways, since many message me to help. I just hope to help. - Dracoscall - Call me Draco, its pronounced "Draa-oc", some people call me Drac-o, like dracula, but Draco is short for my PSN. - I like both. I'm a good player for PVE, I'm extremely supportive of anyone in my group, (I have led many D1 groups who were newbies). Also im a good PVP player when I'm in the mood, multiple times i've gotten the Iron Banner rewards in the first few days in D1, I'm a decent Trials player but i haven't tried D2 yet. Overall i'm a 7/10 PVE (I haven't done the raid) & PVP (I haven't done Trials). - Yes, I have a headset, I'm comfortable using one, and i'm cool with people who don't use headsets or don't have any. Iv'e done many raids with people who don't have mikes or didn't use them in D1. - I live in the US, more specifically California Time Zone UTC 08:00 - I am 24 Yrs old I'd be happy to be a part of this clan. -Dracoscall-

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            • Brookskoorb Brooks Headset is fine USA/EST 29

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              • Bump

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              • Hey there, I am just getting into Destiny but was looking for a Clan that I can do both the PVE and PVP challenges that Destiny has to offer. Questions - What is your PSN? oOo_MVTTY_oOo - What would you prefer to be called? Matty or Matt is fine -What are your in-game preferences? Do you like PvP or PvE? Or both? Cuurently looking to do both/ - Do you have a headset? Do you prefer speaking on headset or are you more comfortable with messaging? - Yeap, and I'm fine communicating over mic. -What country are you from? What time zone are you in? - Canada, EST. - Age? (Or, or are you over 18?) - 25 Thanks, looking forward to hearing from ya. Matty

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              • I would love to join your clan! This clan fits perfect for my personality! - What is your PSN? a1cwood2012 - What would you prefer to be called? Matty -What are your in-game preferences? Do you like PvP or PvE? Or both? Both! - Do you have a headset? Do you prefer speaking on headset or are you more comfortable with messaging? I prefer messaging -What country are you from? What time zone are you in? US - Age? (Or, or are you over 18?) 26 Thanks for you time!

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              • Amazing clan

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              • sad you are not on pc :/

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                • Heey! ive got 3 players who want to join your fine clan - What is your PSN? MrMeastro , Coldtank and J_r2015 - What would you prefer to be called? mostly psn name mrmeastro, cold and jr -What are your in-game preferences? Do you like PvP or PvE? Or both? Both! - Do you have a headset? Do you prefer speaking on headset or are you more comfortable with messaging? headset all the way -What country are you from? What time zone are you in? all three dutchies from the netherlands - Age? (Or, or are you over 18?) al above 18, im 24, cold 26, jr 30 looking forward hearing from you!

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                • I've played Destiny since the Beta for Destiny 1. I never Raided, did Nightfalls or participated in Trials of Osiris because I was to nervous and shy to join a clan or try a LFG site. When Destiny 2 came out I decided this time I would be a little more brave and join a clan. Season 1 I joined a clan that almost immediately died leaving me disappointed and forced to try guided games. Using that I was able to do each encounter of the main raid but it wasn't fun and I never did the entire thing. When Season 2 hit I decided to try one more time and checked the clan recruitment forums. I saw the post for a clan of fellow introverts called Guardian Spirit and joined the clan. I am so glad I did. Since joining the clan I've completed the Callus raid start to finish multiple times. Beat the Argos raid blind the first week it came out and several times since then. I've tried Trials of the Nine, Done the Nightfall and hung out in the Crucible/Strike playlists with guild mates. Clan chat through the Band app reminds me of World of Warcraft, getting to know my clanmates, organize events, share funny stories. If you are looking for a great group of people to hang out with, be patient while you learn new encounters, and just generally make the game more fun then this is the Clan you are looking for.

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                • - What is your PSN? -Mofoquer - What would you prefer to be called?-Mofo -What are your in-game preferences? Do you like PvP or PvE? Or both?-both - Do you have a headset? Do you prefer speaking on headset or are you more comfortable with messaging?- not too familiar with the headset but it can be either way for me. -What country are you from? -What time zone are you in?- i'm from Dominican Republic. My time zone is atlantic time. - Age? (Or, or are you over 18?)-35

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                • - What is your PSN? -Monk2672 - What would you prefer to be called?-Monk -What are your in-game preferences? Do you like PvP or PvE? Or both?- Both - Do you have a headset? Do you prefer speaking on headset or are you more comfortable with messaging? - Headset is easier for me. -What country are you from? What time zone are you in? - USA Central Stnd - Age? (Or, or are you over 18?) - Over 18 Thanks!

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                • - What is your PSN? dtillmantuck - What would you prefer to be called? Tucker -What are your in-game preferences? Do you like PvP or PvE? Or both? Mostly PvE but I enjoy both - Do you have a headset? Do you prefer speaking on headset or are you more comfortable with messaging? Yes, not super familiar with speaking on headset but don’t mind it - Age? (Or, or are you over 18?) 33 Thanks!

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                • - What is your PSN? Stiefelwolf - What would you prefer to be called? Stiefelwolf / wolf -What are your in-game preferences? Do you like PvP or PvE? Or both? PvE - Do you have a headset? Do you prefer speaking on headset or are you more comfortable with messaging? I got a headset but dont like using it that much. -What country are you from? What time zone are you in? I'm from germany GMT+1 - Age? (Or, or are you over 18?) I am over 18 years old

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                • Hi, just wanted to say what an awesome refreshing attitude you guys have. Good for you!

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                  • So many words! Impressive!

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                    • Bump up the thread, bump it up While your feet are stomping. Seriously, great bunch of people !

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                      2 Replies
                      • Edited by Sparlly007: 1/14/2018 2:56:31 PM
                        Just got the game, so I'm looking for a clan to join. This looks like a really good clan as a beginner! -My PSN is Sparlly007. -I would prefer to be called Meka -When I first started PvP, I was feeling a bit nervous, but it turned out to not be as bad as I thought it would. Though I still like the PvE more, Crucible exceeded my expectations. - I have a headset, and I don't mind communicating through it at all. -I live in the U.S. at central time. - I am 17 years old.

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