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12/18/2017 7:05:13 PM

Three of Coins Functionality

Hey all, Throughout the weekend, we’ve been monitoring player feedback concerning the recently added Three of Coins consumable offered by Xûr. We’d like to give clarification on the functionality of this item: [quote][b]When players use a Three of Coins consumable, this provides a 50% increase to the base chance of being rewarded an Exotic Engram upon activity completion. Using this consumable does not guarantee an Exotic reward upon completing a set number of activities – but rather increased chances upon each activity completion.[/b][/quote] [b]Note:[/b] We have found that Heroic Strikes do not currently grant higher chances for Exotics when using Three of Coins consumables, compared to Vanguard Strikes. We’re looking to address this with a future Hotfix, expected in early 2018. We will continue to monitor and forward feedback concerning this feature throughout the holiday season. Keep it coming! Later this week, we’ll have notes from the development team on additional feedback items that we’re looking to address in the future. Stay tuned. Cheers, -dmg04

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  • You people suck. I hope you all get cancer for Christmas. Cheers, Me

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  • Actually they don't work on any content, ya know, not just vanguard strike

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  • So is it being disabled for purchasing? If it’s not working properly you shouldn’t be selling it

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  • Working as intended? You're a fking joke bungie! Do you even play your own game?

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    1 Reply
    • Holy shit. After months and months of data mining, experimentation, and speculation on how 3oC worked in Destiny 1, you guys come out after a few days and explain succinctly how they work in D2? Were you guys deliberately vague about how they worked in D1? Because right now, I don't know if this is a good thing that you're addressing this or not...

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    • Again bungo have introduced something to the game without testing it works properly and it doesn't suprise me in the slightest

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    • Can we get the rates so I know if adding 50% is even worth the shards?

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      4 Replies
      • Have used 2 & have gotten 1 exotic

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      • I feel like we've been completely lied too. Bungie made all these promises fixing the mistakes of the past and they are literally making worse mistakes than they have ever made before. Example A and B. The Fire beam gun completely broke PvP. And not only do the 3oC not even work. But now exotics don't drop period. At all. Any more. I haven't gotten a single one all week. Explain that. Also the Curse of Osiris is the smallest DLC they have released so far. What happened to the Halo quality story telling here. Destiny lacks entirely that beautiful and mysterious air Halo had. It made u wonder what u would see around the next corner. Now have a story where it doesn't even explain who the characters are. Uhh Cayde-6 used to be human. Why isn't there a dlc all about that. Oh wait. They haven't even explained the traveler yet.

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      • “Cheers” Go eff yourself. You guys have screwed this game up and have shown how incompetent your studio has become. Last bungie game I’ll probably buy. Wish I wouldn’t have bought the dlcs when I bought the game so I could return this garbage

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      • I would like to know the base % chance of different activities to drop an exotic. I would also like to know if consecutive completions of activities causes and exotic drop lock out or throttle like we experienced with exp and Cayde treasure chests.

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        • In a week or 2 it won't matter, as we will all have every exotic anyway. It would be nice if Bungie could look into making decent exotic weapons that aren't outshined by vendor legendaries.

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        • It seems like everything you add to the game is broken, Hmmmm

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        • Do you guys ever playtest your things? XP throttling, loot cooldowns, the base game, Prometheus Lens, and now Three of Coins? How many mistakes does it have to take before you guys get your shit together?

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          6 Replies
          • 50% to base? What's base? Bungie should stop hiding numbers and just tell us how it is,break it down for us. Be more transparent. There should be nothing to hide. Don't worry people will still buy your silver even if you tell us the info.

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          • Ahhh Bungie, you sly dog you. I guess it’s the gamers fault that they didn’t understand what you meant, and not what you worded. You never cease to amaze me, it’s like everyone went to Activision school of programming to find the best way to rip off consumers, AND THEN turn it around and say it was the consumers ineptness that lead them to believe that there was something greater going on than what you intended. I agree that if Eververse was giving more or free dust out to gamers, you would shut down all servers for four hours and patch the glitch, take away dust from gamers and then bring your servers back online.

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            • It was at this moment, dmg04 realized he f-ed up.

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            • I struggle to understand how D2, which is a sequel from a 3-year development time and bug fixed and content added game as D1 was. Could be so buggy, lazy in design (weapons specifically. Reskins) and lack of end game content. I just can't get it...

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            • 50% sounds great but how much of a nerf were the drop rates hit with at CoO drop? Speak honest, speak bluntly and stop the condescending tone. Love how the big bold text isunimportant and the actual important part, broken heroic strikes, is small print underneath.

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            • Does “quality assurance” exist in the Bungie logic?

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              3 Replies
              • Thanks for the information. If your team can get that heroic fix out quicker than a few weeks, it would be much appreciated. Vanguard strikes are too easy, and we all have lots of strikes to grind to get the forge weapons. Thank you and have a good holiday.

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              • here's a thought, try actually play testing something... anything. you were aware of people being able to glitch out of playable areas in D1, but didn't test an emote in D2 where your character actually moves forward to see if it could be used to get outside of playable areas. prometheus lens... did you guys test that in pvp at all? the exp throttling, i have a feeling that that was working just the way you wanted but had to back pedal since people caught on. and now 3oC don't actually give you a buff in heroic strikes, which you tied to a milestone and to farming materials for forged weapons, again i have a feeling that that is how you wanted them to work. and now you aren't going to fix the issue until early 2018 (whenever that is). get your shit together you incompetent lazy poor excuse of a game company.

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                24 Replies
                • Early 2018, because playtesting things BEFORE releasing them is apparently TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR IN A GAME WE PAID $100 FOR. Gonna be issuing shard refunds for those of us who blew a bunch of shards on these things that apparently DO NOTHING AT ALL? I bet not. You guys are seriously some of the worst game developers in the world. Its a shame that the talented artists and modelers working for Bungie don't have equally talented systems designers working alongside them. Instead they are stuck working with lazy/inept knobs who can't even manage to go a single week without releasing something completely broken. Unbelievable. This game is a joke.

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                  6 Replies
                  • Working as intended.

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                    3 Replies
                    • For the love of god, can you please just replace the ambiguous item descriptions and stats with actual numbers. I can't even believe that this is something players have to ask for. Such an amazingly poorly designed game.

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                      3 Replies
                      • So your community is upset about three off coins. That was a nice their working as intended corporate sweep under the rug response. You FINALLY put in heroic strikes then say hey we aren't going to reward you how you should be. The part that I love is you turned down the drop rate on public events so we'll grind different options in the game but then we don't get rewarded how we have. I truly think we as a community are tired of there move along nothing to see here bs coming from your posts as a company that's keeps saying were working on it but everytime we turn around something else is blowing up in your face or getting caught with your hand in the cookie jar. No more excuses or cover ups please. Fix the game!!!

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