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12/18/2017 7:05:13 PM

Three of Coins Functionality

Hey all, Throughout the weekend, we’ve been monitoring player feedback concerning the recently added Three of Coins consumable offered by Xûr. We’d like to give clarification on the functionality of this item: [quote][b]When players use a Three of Coins consumable, this provides a 50% increase to the base chance of being rewarded an Exotic Engram upon activity completion. Using this consumable does not guarantee an Exotic reward upon completing a set number of activities – but rather increased chances upon each activity completion.[/b][/quote] [b]Note:[/b] We have found that Heroic Strikes do not currently grant higher chances for Exotics when using Three of Coins consumables, compared to Vanguard Strikes. We’re looking to address this with a future Hotfix, expected in early 2018. We will continue to monitor and forward feedback concerning this feature throughout the holiday season. Keep it coming! Later this week, we’ll have notes from the development team on additional feedback items that we’re looking to address in the future. Stay tuned. Cheers, -dmg04

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  • I want my hundreds of shards back!

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    5 Replies
    • How do you guys not test this shit vigorously??? How are you all constantly releasing SHIT!!! Are you trying make this gane better at all?? Release after release. Screw up after mother fuxking screw up. We made a mistake this we made a mistake that. Sorry for this sorry for that. BUNGIE MUST BE CONSIST OF COMPLETE FUXKING IDIOTS!! STOP BEING GREEDY BITCHES STOP INVESTING EVERYTHING INTO MICROTRANSACTION! STOP RELEASING BROKEN UNTESTED SHIT!! HOW ARE YOU SO FUXKING STUPID.

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      16 Replies
      • Go suck a dick Bungie.

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      • You guys suck

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      • Destiny 1 it's so better than destiny 2... -why you divide the weapons like that and didn't leave them as in the destiny 1? -why the RAID weapons are so crap? -why we can obtain raid weapons and equipment out of raids? -Why you quit random perks and level for perks? like destiny 1. WHY!!! change all stuff that was working in destiny 1.

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      • Three of Scams... End of story!

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      • Ok so its nice of you to post this here and not just on Twitter like Bungie usually do, so thanks. And I appreciate your efforts in addressing this issue, you've already done more than anyone else at Bungie in this regard! But I have to disagree that its working as intended, thanks for accepting that Heroic Strikes aren't working, but a 50% increase? Could we know what the base-chance is please? I would generally get an exotic on each character while completing the Flashpoint, not always but mostly. I bought some 3oC and have not had a single exotic drop while using them. Take away the strikes I now realise I pointlessly did and that's about 6 hours for nothing. Then the other night I was on my way to an Adventure, no 3oC active and there was a heroic event nearby. Boom exotic. Yeah sure its all RNG and chance etc, but with my own experience and reading everyone else's is sure seems like they actually have the opposite effect than they are supposed to have.

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      • Edited by Kemaleon: 12/19/2017 10:21:30 AM
        Double post because bloody app

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      • Played 8-10 hours over the weekend with 3oC active and zero exotic engrams dropped. Played 2,5 hours last night without 3oC and ended up with 2 exotic engrams. I did a variety of activities. What does that tell you. Fix in early 2018, really...

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      • Edited by KoalatyControl: 12/18/2017 9:07:32 PM
        50% my ass. I ran 40+ heroic strikes this weekend and got ZERO exotic engrams. Actually, I haven't seen an exotic engram since CoO released. Only exotics I've seen were from powerful gear and the story exotic. Fix your F*CKING game already. Oh right, you're too busy worrying about that sh*tty comic you just released, which is garbage. Worry about the game for a change, and what your player base wants.

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        4 Replies
        • Wasted legendary shards on a broken item and have used three of the 3oC to gain ONE exotic...I have a better chance just to get one with a fireteam medallion

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        • Please tell us the base chance of being rewarded an Exotic Engram upon activity completion. I want to know.

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        • I normally get one exotic per week per character straight after reset, sometimes if i'm lucky i might get a milestone engram drop an exotic as well. I tried three of these out since friday on all three characters hoping they would improve my chances of getting some extra exotic engrams, and to my surprise got zero exotics drop, doing the same as the guy from reddit did in regards to activities. Every week something comes out that's wrong with Destiny 2. I am not surprised by this statement one bit, thought something wasn't quite right.

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        • Is it working in the crucible matches ? I got nothing for 4 hours too. Also.. I think crucible matches should grant more Exp upon completion and more masterworks for first place.

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          • On it's own this may seem like an anomaly, just an error. However, when added to the long list of, "Gee, we're sorry. This isn't working as intended", there are only two possible explanations: 1. Your programmers are horrifically incompetent, or 2. You're doing all of this on purpose to screw your player-base. While I'm really tempted to go with #1, I think the second is far more likely. I'm going to join the ranks of players that are no longer going to give you any more of my money.

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          • 50% LOL!!! How can you even say that with a straight face?

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            2 Replies
            • I understand it's the holidays soon and dev is more than just a couple simple lines of code, but this is not a fix that should take potentially months to apply for a company this size. This should be sorted in a hotfix within days, if not hours of being discovered! If you folks are going to be on the launcher, you should be held to Blizzard standards as well. That may seem a bit harsh, but I don't think it's unreasonable.

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              • How can this be working as intended . I didn’t get any exotic drops until after 3oC wore off . In fact it’s so messed up I can use 30c on all three characters . Log off for 4 hours come back on and do 1-3 public events and get an exotic then switch to the new character and get another exotic and rinse and repeat . That’s working as indented ? Seriously . I know your just the messenger but jeez man common. It’s not right it’s broken and the community knows it how come bungie doesn’t ? Sigh

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              • Just heroics? <sigh>

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              • So it works for the vanguard strikes but not the heroic. Ok got it. Everyone to the vanguard strikes

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              • Ok. So nerf shoulder charge?

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              • So you reduce the odds of getting an exotic... then multiply that by 2, which is still less than orginal value b4 3oC?

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              • Maybe Bungie needs to start hiring game testers. Clearly, they're completely incapable of doing it themselves.

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              • This just so conveniently comes at a time where Bungie calls it in for the rest of the year for a "vacation." Taking time off is one thing, but letting a dumpster fire burn will only allow the neighborhood to burn down as well. The heroic strikes issue aside, what this post tells me is that the thousands of people complaining about abysmal exotic drop rates that have worsened since CoO are just wrong. Outright wrong. All of us. You guys have your heads so far up your ass you don't know what reality is anymore if it isn't in relation to Eververse. This is not turning out well for you people.

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                1 Reply
                • Not being funny but this whole game is just a mess. Nothing works, your thinking making new changes to masterworks when there's other stuff that need to be sorted that should have been sorted before the game was realised. The whole destiny 2 situation is -blam!-ed. The only thing I suggest is one big meeting at buggy and -blam!- alot of people off.

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                • They are just making excuses because they are about to be off for the hlidays and don't have time to fix it. I bet my left nut, when they come back towards the middle of January they will admit they are broken.

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