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12/1/2017 10:52:57 PM
My god, I want to knock on Bungie head. Hello, mcfly, anyone home. Stop wasting time trying to fix whats not working and remove them. Coin system is for casinos not Destiny, get rid of them. Random rolled weapons weekly from all venders, including factions. My god, you have the talent so make some weapons. They are pathetic and rehashed boring junk. Not one Dr.Nope AR, even remember it? Go back to primary, spec and heavy slots. You worry too much about balance in crucible and not what players want. Just make the weapon type's even just like no level advantage. Simple done. You turned elemental dmg weapons into such a common place item they no longer have meaning. Give us a reason to farm for stuff like xur and stange coins. Make buying vender gear a 1 or 2 items a week thing. Make us really think before buying and work to get the currency to do so. Raid loot MUST be the top teir stuff, the stuff we want so bad we think about it going to bed or on the way to work. You realize VOG had what 10 weapons and the best exotic as well as armour that made you feel like a god when you had it all. Not the crap in the last raid, what a joke. Why is mars, venous and the moon gone? We should have had 2x the planets, not the same 4 . God its on next gen playforms. Ask most Destiny 1 players about pve vs pvp. Destiny has and always will be pve based with pvp as a way to do something else for fun when we had enough pve. Stop trying to make crucible something it will never be or what players bought the game for. You about destroyed Destiny 1 trying to balace weapons for crucible by nerfing everyone's fav wespons. In turn killing pve in the process. Mcfly, is anyone home? No becouse you did NOTHING to keep us playing after this next DLC. Come Jan, same thing. Why its still the same, you did nothing constructive and wasted everyones time.

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