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Edited by BNGHelp5: 11/30/2017 2:03:15 AM

The State of Destiny 2 (Now with Podcast)

Hello all, We've recently updated the blog with the "[url=]State of Destiny 2[/url]" article. This details some upcoming changes to Destiny 2, and also states goals we have moving forward not only for the game, but our communication surrounding it. We're actively monitoring for feedback. Let us know your thoughts. I'll be collecting posts and community feedback to pass along to the development team. Moving forward, we're looking to have more conversations like this. [b](Update - 6 PM PST)[/b] Hey again all, We've also uploaded a Podcast to iTunes and Android with commentary from Luke Smith and Mark Noseworthy. If you've given a listen, let us know what you think. Cheers, -dmg04

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  • Destiny 2 has a LOT of promise, but it's not a game that's going to have me coming back day after day. I can do everything on Tuesdays after reset for the week. Bring back daily bounties. This gave people a reason every day to log on. Bring back the ability to redo story missions. I LOVED this in Destiny. There were missions you just wanted to relive again. The same is true for Destiny 2. No rewards except what would drop off stuff, but just for the fun of it, and anytime you wanted to do it, not just through meditations. Other things I'd just like to see, areas from D1 ported over. Maybe not the raids or strikes, but the planets. Red Legion attacked, we opened up more planets, but Venus doesn't exist anymore? The moon doesn't exist anymore? Freehold? If the next expac is indeed Gods of Mars, then take the time to bring over the Mars from D1 and add it into the expac. See how popular it is, then if it is, port over the other areas as well over time. Most players wanted lore in game for the grimoire instead of going and logging onto the website to see. They loved the collectable part of it though, the dead ghosts and calcified fragments. You've taken the collectables out and given no real collected space for lore. You have a LOT of lore nuts that do play your game. That's what really got me into the game, it was a GREAT backstory. Expand on it. Destiny 1 had problems year 1 as well, so hoping everything gets fixed and gets better. Bungie has proven it has the ability to do this. Osiris wasn't a big dlc, but neither was House of Wolves so all that doesn't bother me so much. Eververse doesn't bother me either. People are saying it's endgame content, but apparently they don't know what endgame content is over vanity content.

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  • Okay... We all know why we are here. The state of Destiny 2 at this moment is shocking. I know it and I'm pretty sure everyone else knows it. So as you are collecting feedback from the community you need to be careful in which you receive this information and how to take action on it. There is no way you can deny that the first expansion, Curse of Osiris, was rushed in order to put out more content, to essentially make more money by blocking things behind a paywall. This would however not be an issue if you hadn't rushed the content and had taken time to make the expansion as good as possible. Yes, good things come to those who wait. Which brings me onto my next topic... While, yes I see that you are trying to reach out to some of the more casual players with the weapon system destiny 2 has introduced. However what kept us players on the game in Destiny 1 was the grind. While yes things do come easily in Destiny 2, it doesn't have the feeling that you used to get when you finally got that God roll that you had been looking for and grinding for. It's that sense of accomplishment that is what a destiny player is looking for. This brings me onto the crucible... The 4v4 gamemodes was an interesting change. However I am sick of getting teamshot whenever I turn a corner. I find it so sad that I just can't get the thrill I used to during destiny 1, where I would make some sort of awesome solo play. These are the moments players are looking for. Along with this comes that sense of accomplishment. Please, don't make this game any worse than it currently is. The reason we keep on giving these comments, although some of them may be harsh, is because we want Destiny 2 to be a good game.

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  • Edited by puppyk1sses: 12/1/2017 2:55:28 AM
    It’s not enough in my eyes. For how bad this game currently is, not nearly enough. Things that you mentioned that most of us don’t care about: -Cosmetics, cosmetics! -Stat trackers Things you didn’t acknowledge that a lot of us care about: -4v4 crucible -solo players being matched agains full fireteams continuously -inability to choose crucible mode -strike specific loot -truly random weapon rolls -making exotics feel powerful and exciting -making raid gear better (armor and weapons) -gear sets -class/subclass adjustments -vault increases / sorting options -kiosks -fixing the horrid shader system -skill tree rework (we need actual trees, not option a vs option b) -new game modes to play, new things to do in patrol a la archon Forge, CoO, etc... -adding actual meaningful stats to armor that are randomly rolled like D1 -improved social aspects like area chat, clan chat, world chat. If you need a template look at Warframe. -some way to separate pve and pvp more -more in depth mod system (the current mod system is pathetically bare bones and most of them do absolutely nothing meaningful) -an actual apology! If you need a template, look at the words that the Devs for SWBF2 used for public announcement after their debacle. It felt sincere. Yours felt scripted and didn’t inspire a lot of confidence that you understand how badly you dropped the ball here. The state of your DLC has everyone very worried. It has already been exposed as being extremely light on story, light on content, super small patrol zone with nothing to do Things that stood out to me: -100% chance to get an exotic you don’t have for 100 shards? I hope this is a misread. Everyone would have all the exotics in no time! We want weapons that are not handouts with stats and abilities that are reflecting of effort put in to obtain them. -3oC. See above -Loot boosters for sale. See above. -Wayyyyy to much focus on cosmetics + glamour gear. We want CONTENT AND REPLAYABILITY!! This game is in such turmoil that it is worthy of a formal apology for messing up, and it needs to be taken back to the shop for a re-working from the ground up. The original FF14 did that when their game was a mess. Diablo 3 did it when their game was a mess. Both those games ended up being great. It starts with an admission of error, and rebuilding the fundamental systems of your game. Not a lukewarm blog post and band-aids. You spent 3 years of hard work to make Destiny 1 great. And it feels to the playerbase that you piggybacked off of D1’s success to sell us a hot mess of an empty game. I think releasing a half-baked paper thin DLC next week is a colossal mistake. You want us to believe your post today? Pull that DLC off of schedule, make the changes that need to be made to make it worth our hard earned money, pack it full of actual content that will be more than a few hours of empty filler and “same old same old”. Introduce new things, new systems, new game modes, create a world that people get excited to explore instead of a super small patrol area the size of a crucible map... and release it when it’s actually suitable. As it stands now, the way it looks on my end is you are trying to show an “act of good faith” by pitching us your planned fixes in the one hand, while the other hand is outstretched asking us to give you more money for another product from you when the first product you sold is fundamentally flawed and hollow throughout. And we ALREADY KNOW the DLC you are trying to currently sell us us empty! That seems messed up to me. Honest opinion. —————— Edit: thanks for the replies everyone! My only goal is to have Dmg read this, realize the overwhelming support it has, and take it to the people at Bungie. A lot of ppl have suggested I make my own thread, but I feel it is very visible to the person that needs to see it right where it is.

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    297 Replies
    • Edited by Soul_Eater_42: 11/30/2017 3:44:25 AM
      It's a step in the right direction. More open communication regarding what's being worked on/improved is what this playerbase needed. However, there were still quite a few things that were not addressed, or still somewhat lacking, in the blog post. [i]Mod System, weapon rolls, and customization:[/i] ➡While the Masterwork Weapon Tier is a nice touch, it will need to be expanded on. It will need to have more variety, not just generating Orbs on mulitkills and a random stat increase. There could be one that helps ability cooldowns with kills from that weapon, or one that can heal your allies, or jump start their health recovery, when you shoot at them (although, that would probably be better as an exotic weapon ability). Additionally, the mod system itself will need an overhaul for better depth. Additional mod slots for various types of mods, like customization or replacement of weapon sights, and rate of fire change (similar to the Phase Magazine perk that can be found on 3 particular submachine guns). If I may also add, Kinetic and Elemental Mods should allow you to change a weapon from a Kinetic to an Energy weapon, and vice-versa. ➡Weapon rolls require some fixing as well. As they are, they lack diversity and personality. Not nearly as "individually handcrafted" as they were promised to be. There's hardly a difference between them, Better Devils aside. One way to address this is with a more synergetic perk tree. If a weapon has a perk like Kill Clip as its main, then it would stand to reason that it should have a perk that involves faster reloading to allow this perk to shine more. Regarding Raid weapons, they need a much more refined, and unique, perk tree to set them apart from the usual legendary weapons, and to make them more worth the effort to obtain them. ➡On a side note: I am still concerned about the lack of variety in Sword Types. Nearly all of the swords are Adaptive Frame. The only 2 that aren't are the Titan's Aggressive Frame Sword, Crown-Splitter, and the Hunter's Lightweight Frame Sword, Quickfang. Not only are those 2 the only swords of those types, they don't even have any unique, class-specific abilities to warrant them being restricted to those classes. We need more Lightweight and Aggressive Swords, and for the 3 class-specific swords to have unique perks geared towards their respective class. For example, replace Quickfang's awful En Garde perk with one that grants it bonus damage and lunge range after using Dodge, and another perk that recharges Dodge with kills or consecutive hits. [i]Crucible:[/i] I can't stress this enough; we need to have the option to choose which Crucible mode we want to play. There was no reason to change this from the first game. If need be, add new or previous game modes, whether it's Rift, Combined Arms, Mayhem, Inferno, Doubles, or something entirely new. The [i]Mercy Rule[/i] also needs some work. It still doesn't function right. If a match is 20-60, or 13-30, it should call an end to the match, or at least put a [i]Vote to End Match[/i] function in there that requires the winning team to have a 20-25+ score with a 10 or 15 score lead against the losing team to use it. [i]Sandbox changes:[/i] There was no mention of this anywhere in the blog post, even though there is a dire need for one. Pulse Rifles, Grenade Launchers, and Snipers, are underwhelming at the moment, and require attention. Fast-firing pulse rifles don't have enough range to compensate for their low damage, and slow-firing Pulse Rifles don't deal enough damage to make up for their rate of fire. Grenade Launchers don't deal enough damage to make them a better choice over even a fusion rifle. The massive flinch and wonky handling of snipers makes them obsolete; I'd rather use a Linear Fusion Rifle than a sniper. [i]Subclasses:[/i] From the weak grenades to the Supers, some subclasses are underperforming. Particularly Dawnblade, Sunbreaker, and Arcstrider. ➡Dawblade's main problems are the Super, and Attunement of Sky. The Super, Daybreak, is almost unusable without the Fated for the Flame Perk. Its duration is too short, the projectiles consume too much energy, and the projectile drop/arch is too steep, and happens too fast, making it much more inaccurate than Hammer of Sol. It needs an increase to duration, or a decrease to the energy consumption of the projectiles. When using Attunement of Sky, the Winged Sun Perk should allow the projectiles to travel in a straight path, and Heat Rises should increase the projectile damage or radius, when using it in the air. As for Attunement of Sky, itself, for something built around aerial combat, purposely making in-air weapon accuracy terrible is counterproductive; it makes this Attunement garbage. Winged Sun should innately increase weapon accuracy and stability while airborne, so that the perk can actually have a functional purpose. One last thing I would add is a change to the flame streaks created by the Fated for the Flame perk. Rather than a single streak, the projectiles should create a continuous one, like Thermite Grenade, on impact. ➡Sunbreaker's Super suffers from a similar problem; energy consumption, duration, damage, and damage radius. For that, I would suggest an increase to the base duration, or a decrease to the energy consumption per hammer throw. Have Vulcan's Rage increase Hammer of Sol damage radius, and Tempered Metal increase the damage of Hammer of Sol, with kills, and have it stack per kill. Then, buff the Sunspots created by Sol Invictus and Endless Siege with a longer duration, a larger radius, or increased damage. ➡Arcstrider's main problem is the mobility and range of the Super. Deadly Reach should grant you increased lunge or dodge range after a kill with Arc Staff, and Lethal Current should grant you an ability, similar to the Sentinal's Shield Throw, where you can throw the Arc Staff like a spear. On impact, it unleashes an Arc Pulse, chaining Arc Lightning to nearby enemies, and like Shield Throw, it should have a cooldown. Lightning Reflexes should boost your sprint speed during Arc Staff after dodging. ➡The other problem is the grenades. Many of them are weak, and offer nothing but an inadequate amount of damage. A fun way to buff these would be to give them an additional effect, rather than a damage buff. The explosion from Fusion Grenades should grant a temporary defense debuff to an enemy they attach to. Flux Grenades should temporarily slow an enemy when they attach and explode. When a Magnetic Grenade attaches to an enemy, the first explosion should unleash a magnetic pulse that pulls in surrounding enemies towards the one its attached to, then deal AoE damage with a larger secondary explosion. Skip Grenades should push back enemies they damage, and Swarm Grenades should lift enemies up into the air. Voidwall Grenade should produce a wall of Void energy as tall as the Titan's Towering Barricade, for better area denial. Thermite Grenade should fan out rather than just travel in a straight line. There are a few other points I would like to touch on, but I'll stop here.

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      6 Replies
      • Please remove aim assist from the PC version of the game for pvp matches. It's just ruining the game.

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      • [quote]... to focus on and support players who want Destiny to be their hobby.[/quote] So... Gamers? The people to whom your industry owes its existence? Bravo. 👏👏👏💩

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      • Destiny 2 Now with 20% more less!!!!

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      • Some of my clan buddies and I just attempted the current raid that us up and I think we encountered a bug where the game would no longer allow us to respawn during the final phase of the boss fight because it was constantly "finding spawn location" which we assumed meant that there was too much clutter of enemies for the game to allow us to respawn. We then went on to wait about 1-2 minutes before I decided to leave the Fire Team then rejoin it in hopes that that would allow my to just automatically respawn in the fight and res my allies or clear away some of the clutter. When I rejoined, the screen just remained black while I listened to enemy gun shots in the background until the remaining 5 or so minutes that we had left to complete the Nightfall timed out, and we were returned to Orbit after a failure of completing the mission thanks to this possible bug, or major flaw in the game play mechanics that were not allowing us to respawn. We would all just appreciate it if this bug of flaw were fixed and removed.

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        • Here is my 2 cents, I agree with much of what was said it was simply shocking that the amount of content in destiny 2 was somehow less than destiny 1, I can honestly say they had to be super lazy to come out with less and I disagree with the statement that after 3 years they made destiny great they really didn't wholly to little content poor story execution and it was obvious after making so much money they simply couldn't care less about destiny 1 after the first month. They are out for the money they can't deny it anymore. Look at this so called "DLC" they are releasing, what is going to be in it? new raid? NOPE new strikes? NOPE new multiplayer maps? 1 new enemies? not really new weapon/gear? maybe a couple of dozen or so pieces? new maps? 1 Of course I don't know exactly what will be in it as bungie obviously doesn't want anyone to know what will be in it before people spend money on it so I am just assuming based on history and what little they have released. Of course bungie is always free to correct me with the facts anytime. They screwed over everyone 1 to many times and it shows, they even cut their prices by half over the sales weekend in hopes of bolstering their numbers but it clearly didn't work. there is only one way they are going to be able to recover offer the first 2 DLC's for free and then rework any following DLC's to bolster content and playability. then they might stand a chance. Of course they won't do that as the DLC's are pure profit for them even if sales suck they will still make plenty. they really don't care, if they did Destiny 2 wouldn't have turned out the way it did. Everyone should just start ignoring bungie don't bother posting anything anywhere. Don't ask them to do anything, they already know what people want they just don't care (anyone who thinks otherwise is fooling themselves). Don't spend anymore money on them, I'm certainly not, especially not for some gear. Take from this what you want I'm done with bungie.

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        • Edited by AresShadow88: 12/5/2017 6:52:02 PM
          After reading through the "State of Destiny 2" I'm [b]beyond excited[/b] that I uninstalled D2 and I have absolutely no plans of reinstalling it in the future. Bungivi$ion doesn't care about their customers and player base.

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        • The Blog was good. The announcement about ranked was HUGE. It's the SINGLE MOST requested feature from the PVP community for 4 years. However, I think we need more though in order for us to truly enjoy Destiny again in the same way that we enjoyed D1. I'm a PVP player so I'm going to state a few PVP related opinions that I believe will return this franchise to glory: (1) People want special weapons/ammo back. Admittedly, I was all aboard the "Haha now you can't use your shotgun every single engagement anymore" train and loved the idea of more primary play. However, I think it's become evident that having snipers and shotguns, etc. is part of the Destiny power fantasy magic formula. I'm listing this one first because I believe this will make the biggest difference for Destiny 2 PVP. I know the entire game was designed around the new weapon system, but I think most people would be happy if we reverted back to the D1 weapon slots. I think this would dramatically improve PVE play as well. People don't like shooting bosses with 44,000 primary bullets to kill them. If there's a single YouTube video that the devs should watch right now, it's this one from Slayerage with a perfectly articulated breakdown of the D2 weapon system --> (2) Similarly to my first point, I think most of us have also come to the realization that powerful/more frequent abilities are part of Destiny's DNA. Abilities in D2 just don't feel strong and are boring/too infrequent (especially supers). I'll also confess here that when I heard we would have longer cooldowns for our abilities, I was extremely happy (for PVP). I am not afraid to admit that I was wrong, and I think it's evident that a lot of other people feel the same way. (3) Buff movement speed or the way it feels to move. I know that seems a little vague, but in D1 we felt like we were gods flying/moving around the arena. Now I feel like a weak human with no light who is wearing a cool outfit. Bottom line: it feels clunky. (4) Lower the time to kill (TTK) just a little bit. The game is currently too reliant on team shots. People want to be able to get in, make a sick multi-kill play, and get out alive. Currently, if you run into 2 or more guardians, you're most likely -blam!-ed. (5) At least give us 6v6 and rumble back please. Crucible definitely needs more variety and this would appease a lot of people. (6) Give us the ability to choose the mode we play. The whole 2 playlist thing is a massive failure. You guys have to know that at this point. If we wanna play Clash, let us play Clash. If we wanna play Control, let us play Control. (7) Trials thrives most when it's Elimination. Yes, it's cool to have some variety here. But the magic of Trials is gone. It's not rewarding enough and while I personally rarely have any trouble going flawless, I think it's nice to have a Mercy in there for those that do carries (basically the biggest draw for audiences to tune in and watch D1 PVP on twitch and other streaming platforms). (8) Give us more variety in the subclass tree. I mean why do we have virtually no customization for our guardians and their abilities? It's a HUGE step backwards. Right now there's only 18 different types of guardians, and each subclass block usually comes with what could be arguably considered a weakness. Why do we have to choose one or the other? Let us mix and match ability perks, it encourages replayability because people like to switch things up from time to time. PVP is way more fun this way. (9) MHCGA: Make Hand Cannons Great Again (PLEASE). This involves better hit registration. Ghost bullets are at an all-time high. (10) In-air accuracy needs to be buffed. Why punish the more skilled player for being capable of pulling off a play while airborne? Makes no sense. This would also greatly improve the fun factor for PVP. (11) With the announcement of ranked, please give us something to play ranked for. I definitely think there NEEDS to be a number next to our names, indicating our rank (most important feature of ranked play). But additionally beyond just a number, we need something to play for on the cosmetic side as well. Something exclusive for being an incredibly talented and accomplished player. No participation trophies please. (12) It would be super awesome if we could stop getting shot behind walls. Lagging in Destiny has always seemed like an advantage for some reason (especially compared to other games). These things should be tuned. ---------------------------------------------- With all that being said, I, like most of the community that is upset/disappointed with Destiny 2, want to see the game succeed. I'm tired of bashing it day after day. If these changes were implemented, I think Destiny 2 would be the game we all hoped for. Thanks, EvoLv3

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          • In looking back at the campaign, I wish the game hadn't started on Earth. It didn't really make sense to lose your light and somehow sneak out of the city to find a bunch of settlers with a farm and then start excursions in heavily occupied territory. Shouldn't you have been picked up by a ship after Gaul kicks you off and retreat off world just like the other guardians did? By keeping Earth locked away until the end, it would have had a bigger effect than starting and ending there. And wtf is up with the raid?? Why do you fly way out to the middle of nowhere to attack the yacht of someone who had nothing to do with anything? The raid should have been the recapture of Earth, obviously. The final mission should have been to kill Gaul's #1, then save Gaul as the raid boss. I miss the old strikes, and how quickly they could be beaten. Jamming out 3 strikes in under an hour felt awesome. Now, a strike [i]feels[/i] like it takes an hour, because half the time is dumping bullets into a boss. Where has the skill factor gone? D1 had so many more options to avoid fighting, D2 is all about shooting nonstop, and that gets boring real fast. And where is the random raid match up? Just give it to us already. Guided games are a joke, 20+ minutes for Nightfall, and 38+ for the raid??? Did you know you get timed out after 17 minutes or so? Why do I have to use an external system to find people to play with? So what if I get paired up with a bunch of noodle heads, we will either win or we won't, but at least we get to play the damn game. I don't have a schedule where I can dedicate a set amount of time to meet up with my clan, because I'm a f***ing grownup with real responsibilities and I'm sick of these barriers to entry. Why do you want to lock away part of your game? And the new additions sounds dumb. Ornaments? Who cares. "Ooo, you play 10 times as much as I do, high five you!" STAT trackers? Who f***ING cares?? "Ooo you play 20 times as much as I do, HIGH FIVE YOU BRO!" What I hate most about D2 is that nobody plays D1 or D2 any more, they all moved on. And here I am with my season passes like "great. Ornaments. Mercury. Greeeeeaaaaaat."

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            • Edited by TimonPumbaa13: 12/1/2017 1:09:52 AM
              My feelings at first where slightly optimistic but as it digests I have some hard realizations honestly.... The path destiny has and continues to take is not the game style I liked from D1 and not what I and I think others wanted. I had hoped this would renew my hope in the game and this was making me look for the potential in the post. But as I digest it I realize the truth... the majority of the decisions and criticism that is being addressed takes the game further away from what I and I think others wanted in a true grinding looter shooting rpg style game. This is due to the fact as it seems the updates will actually making loot easier to get, exotics easier to get, and centering the grind even more around cosmetics. Also I don’t see the extra urge to grind there for anything. Masterworks has promise but the truth is I don’t think there is enough reason to grind there given what likely will be the extra stats. Will this really make you more powerful or stronger than others? See what made D1 a great/replayable game for me to grind was that the grind made you better. This is fundamental for me in any looter style games. Grinding yields rewards that with the right skill can make you stronger than others. That fuels the desire to get X weapon or X exotic. By grinding you became a stronger member of the Destiny universe. Obtaining specific weapons made you stronger, exotics made you better, maxing out had a purpose and was something to be proud of. Honestly for comparison I didn’t stare at my phone playing MCOC for a year and a half just because I loved the gameplay(I did find it fun but repetitive). I did it to grind for loot to make me stronger and more competitive to complete harder content and help my alliance go up in ranks. This type of feeling doesn’t exist in D1 at all anymore. The game doesn’t have that separation anymore. Everyone gets everything regardless of pursuit of endgame activities or effort put in. We are all the same and this is boring. I want to grind for epic loot. I want to have moments of letdown and moments of triumph with drops. Now all moments feel Meh mostly. No excitement with loot drops hoping for X because truth is X doesn’t exist to hope for anymore and nothing you have there will change that. If anything I think it might make it worse. I bought the season pass so I’ll play the expansions so I’m still holding out hope but I truly just think the game has become just another video game. This everyone wins mentality is part of the problem along with allowing balance to completely override the fun factors of the game. Unless you move away from that mentality it will not be the game it was or can be. If this is the chosen direction of the game I understand and that is fine. But in truth then it is not the game for me anymore which is fine as well. It unfortunate because I loved D1 and see so much promise in what could be in this game.

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              • So I noticed we have no mention of the XP swindle being put right, giving us back earned bright engrams you screwed us out of plain and simple and that would be end of the matter DO THE RIGHT THING for once it should be quite liberating Please add to this fantasy wish list actually doing something about cheating in PVP and Trials as it's at the worst I,ve seen in 3 years Seriously it is shameful the amount of cheating dirtbags dominating these arenas and now apparently you'll punish people for leaving games when their taking a kicking from cheating filth, DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS apart from continually refusing to acknowledge or do anything about it

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              • Edited by DeathPony07: 11/30/2017 7:46:11 AM
                @Bungie, everything, or most of the things on this list need to be implemented into D2. Vanilla D2 was a nice experiment, but it's failed on a massive scale. [u]Here's my personal list of things D2 lacks and needs. [/u] [b]Cooldowns that are on par with D1. Generating 3 orbs per major. The same infusion system from D1. Exotics that are actually exotic and worth using. Complex skill trees. See Borderlands 2. Heroic strikes/story Weapons worth grinding for. Better weapons. We got worse ones. Powerful grenades. 2 hit to kill melee in PvP. A better PvP experience. It got worse, and boring. Difficult nightfalls. We got a -blam!-ing timer. More collectibles and lore. Raid gear that actually helps with the raid. A fun raid worth running more than once. Sunsinger. Vendors/Factions that actually sell gear all the time. Mobility/Armor/Recovery adjustments in the skill tree where they belong. Int/Dis/Str. Bounties. Bounties gave Vanguard and Crucible faction rep, as did public events, strikes, and patrol missions, etc. The stupid token system is -blam!-ing garbage. Vanguard/Faction packages. Exotics that decrypt above our power level. A loot system that doesn't suck. Armor re-rolling. A mod system that isn't terrible. Weapon perks that don't suck. Rocket launchers with tracking. We got 1, and it sucks. Machine guns. RIP Thunderlord. A D1 weapon loadout. Not an idiotic 2 primary loadout which ruins fun, player choice, and DPS. Primary/Special/Heavy. Snipers worth using in PvE. All the many improvements made to D1 over the last 3 years. PvE and PvP separated. A game that doesn't lack the fun, variety, and player choice of the previous game. More character customization. We got the exact same menu from 2014. Being able to tailor our characters to our play style. Endgame. More space magic. We got less. A story that wasn't predictable. Competent/talented writers. See Borderlands 2. Explorable terrain on Titan. Titan isn't an ocean world in real life. It has lakes surrounded by land. An enjoyable game, with lots of replayability.[/b]

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              • I'm sorry, but billion dollar, triple A game studios should EXPECT fallout for putting out a game that is broken. Even their list of things that are wrong with this steaming pile of shit is pretty long, and it's by no means complete, judging by the community response. If Bungie is going to put out incomplete and barren games for $60 and then scramble to try and give the community what it wants after the fact, EVERY SINGLE TIME, then they deserve every once of vitriol and criticism they garner. Pretty obvious to me, and a pretty large majority of the community that Bungie simply cannot make good games anymore. I'm glad I realized this when I did.

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                • Please post in “feedback”!!!!!!!!

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                • Excuse the typos and incorrect punctuation I'm not an English major. Nor am I a video game developer. So I'll start by saying bungie and all the people who worked hard to make the game beautiful and truly a spectacular work of art from visual standpoint great job. In my opinion leadship should be shuffled because I think the shortcomings of this game are strictly to do with people who lead these teams and made decision to cut content that existed in D1 . With that said let's jump in to some ideas I think should be added for more playability and maybe things that could attempt to rebalance the wep system. 1st. Add the grimore back into the game . And or collectables to find when you explore. At the very least add a codex to the game where I can see a list of all possible scannables. By doing this you allow the player to access the lore you took time to put in also giving them a goal to find and collect all scannables. 2nd. Maybe a solution to the weapon system problem. Make a set of shotguns and snipers that can be used in the energy slots but lock those items from being used in pvp in the energy slots. This will allow pve players to feel more powerful and also your weps you designed would actually get used. This also doesn't disrupt the pvp balance which is the main reason the system in place exist. I believe this is a possible solution that can be implemented more easily then just changing the whole system. But as I stated I'm not a game developer. 3rd. Maybe add some fun random things in like for example in many games similar to destiny there's always a list of random monsters bosses mobs leaders whatever you want to call them that will randomly by chance spawn and at that time your given an opportunity to collect his name on your hunting list. This gives your play spaces more replayability causing players to want to be exploring in your game because maybe they run into a random mob to add to a list of others. You can even make these some what of a bounty style. Reward players Everytime they cross three names off and at the end give an emblem for there efforts. I know this game has many issues but here are some things I'd enjoy seeing. [spoiler]happy holidays and remember it's just a game and this is just a dream.[/spoiler

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                • Edited by TheShadow-cali: 12/1/2017 1:41:43 AM
                  [quote]We’ve also been reading some tough criticism about our lack of communication, and we agree we need to be more open.[/quote] Bungie acknowledging they need to be more open and actually doing it falls way short. 3 years gamer's have been hearing this same copy and paste line. Bungie might as well make it an automated service. Press 1 if you want to hear "I'll bring this to the devs" Press 2 if you want to hear "We hear you loud and clear" Press 3 if you want to hear "I'll add this to the wish list" Press 4 for customer service. Were sorry, you have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service. If you feel this is an error please hang up and try again, beeeep This is the only form of "communication" Bungie attempted Mighty nice of them to only think about the gamer's that quite the game huh?

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                  • My god, I want to knock on Bungie head. Hello, mcfly, anyone home. Stop wasting time trying to fix whats not working and remove them. Coin system is for casinos not Destiny, get rid of them. Random rolled weapons weekly from all venders, including factions. My god, you have the talent so make some weapons. They are pathetic and rehashed boring junk. Not one Dr.Nope AR, even remember it? Go back to primary, spec and heavy slots. You worry too much about balance in crucible and not what players want. Just make the weapon type's even just like no level advantage. Simple done. You turned elemental dmg weapons into such a common place item they no longer have meaning. Give us a reason to farm for stuff like xur and stange coins. Make buying vender gear a 1 or 2 items a week thing. Make us really think before buying and work to get the currency to do so. Raid loot MUST be the top teir stuff, the stuff we want so bad we think about it going to bed or on the way to work. You realize VOG had what 10 weapons and the best exotic as well as armour that made you feel like a god when you had it all. Not the crap in the last raid, what a joke. Why is mars, venous and the moon gone? We should have had 2x the planets, not the same 4 . God its on next gen playforms. Ask most Destiny 1 players about pve vs pvp. Destiny has and always will be pve based with pvp as a way to do something else for fun when we had enough pve. Stop trying to make crucible something it will never be or what players bought the game for. You about destroyed Destiny 1 trying to balace weapons for crucible by nerfing everyone's fav wespons. In turn killing pve in the process. Mcfly, is anyone home? No becouse you did NOTHING to keep us playing after this next DLC. Come Jan, same thing. Why its still the same, you did nothing constructive and wasted everyones time.

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                  • When are we having more "conversations" like this? Maybe after CoO release? I hope so. Probably not, though.

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                  • Please give us chat! Especially clan chat! Tower/farm chat and planet chats would be super awesome too!

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                  • [quote]Hello all, We've recently updated the blog with the "[url=]State of Destiny 2[/url]" article. This details some upcoming changes to Destiny 2, and also states goals we have moving forward not only for the game, but our communication surrounding it. We're actively monitoring for feedback. Let us know your thoughts. I'll be collecting posts and community feedback to pass along to the development team. Moving forward, we're looking to have more conversations like this. [b](Update - 6 PM PST)[/b] Hey again all, We've also uploaded a Podcast to iTunes and Android with commentary from Luke Smith and Mark Noseworthy. If you've given a listen, let us know what you think. Cheers, -dmg04[/quote] It’s a great game, I’ve been playing since the beginning of destiny 1 and I think you guys did a great job with this game, I’ve bought every dlc from the beginning and have liked them all, sure there are some changes I’d like in destiny 2 but I know that those would come at a cost to other players fun, I know there has to be a balance and I can tell that bungie is always striving to hit that perfect balance, this is an rpg, an fps and occasionally a racing game, how the hell can that much be fit into one game, honestly idk how you guys do it, but you’re doing a great job, please keep it up and I will keep buying your games and dlc’s the day they are up for sale.

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                    • To dmg04 About the criticism... Bungie deserves it. Releasing a broken game where all the fixes come in half-baked DLC is just the most back-stabbing move you can pull on a massive community like this (well, it used to be massive). I don't like to be mean to someone from across a computer. It's much easier to be rude when you're not face-to-face, and I'm sorry you've been thrown out like a scapegoat for the people of the forums to focus their rage on (when people aren't tearing Luke Smith to shreds). But as someone who loves Destiny, truly does, I feel betrayed. And I'm sorry for everyone on the Bungie team who tried their best to make this game good. But to everyone who approved these terrible "features" in this game, you had this coming.

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                    • Grimoire, random weapon rolls, raids with real bosses instead of puzzles, three of coins, meaningful exotics, faction vendors that are available daily instead of once a month, level advantages in trials and the iron banner re-enabled, primary-special-heavy slots, intellect-discipline-strength perks, and the ability to choose our crucible games need to come back! I wouldn’t mind seeing Pluto in the near future, and a Vex raid is way overdue. I used to grind in D1, but there is nothing to grind in D2.

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                    • I would love to see a return to D1 systems for weapons and loot. Love D1 and want the same for D2 but struggling after some of the choices made. Making exotics easier to get (Xur) is a step in the wrong direction. Masterworks will not plug the massive void left behind from abandoning random rolls. Not to say the game isn't fun - it's just limited and oversimplified. It's quite sad to see the community so deflated over the product so quickly after launch. Personally I have zero interest in the DLC from a story or exploration point of view. I don't want the same game mechanics to underpin reskinned enemies on a new canvas. The only reason I'd consider it is for new PvP maps - and even then I'm not sure.

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