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8/28/2010 1:43:07 AM

Bungie Weekly Update: 08/27/2010

Let them eat cake! [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&link=BWU_082710] click for full story [/url]

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  • What ever happened to the Battle Rife? We were told it would make the final game, but I believe we haven't seen it yet.

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  • im all new to bloging and i just made a new account for my brother and bungie cant send the verify message to my email are any persons email this has ben going on 4 a week try 4 ur self make a email an sign up on bungie ul never get a verify message need some help getting the word out so i can make the account my gamer tag is BRUTAL POISON message me if you can help in return i can help u with getting a 50 thnx

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  • Q: will we be able to lower our weapons online? plz? if anything just for custom games? it would top off my experience for reach and it would make all of us machinimaters very glad and i would reccomend the halo2 aproach of either holding down on the d pad for a few seconds or holding down the left trigger w/o any grenades. i understand that there have been some complants(that i personnely dont really know anything about)but if you are topping this off as your last halo game then plz answer this humble halo fanboys call and give us the ability of online weapon lowering...i have ordered legendary edition for any halo game i could so ive got it all. i dont ask for much i beleave and i am probly not the only one who thinks this... so plz bungie give us this one last request? Your loyal fan till the end(or the next beggining!) CORNHO1EO

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  • Great update!! I so want a urinal like that :D

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  • I want 10 more years of halo made by bungie and bungie only

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  • sprint?

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  • In that Deliver Hop thing, why didn't Kat have that line thing on her visor when Noble Six did?

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  • um... no, and you should really know that before you even read these Bungie updates

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  • R there brutes????????

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  • nicew update next update should be the armor abilities in action that would be cool!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] killerdean1 KAT FAILS!!! LOL one question for Urk: What armour Abillity was Kat using in this video? She coulda done with armour lock.[/quote] She was using sprint. Or can live-action spartans sprint without an armor ability? Huh, Bungie?

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  • WHAT? 6 variants of forge world and The Cage is one of them? Please Bungie if you still have time, do The Cage as a single map, Forge World is so colorful it just doesn't feel right to play The Cage in it.

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  • Today I discovered Martin O' Donnell and Michael Salvatori are on Pandora for the Halo soundtrack. The song to come up first was "Ghosts of Reach", from the [b]Halo 2[/b] soundtrack. I smiled a little bit.

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  • @deliver hope trailer:I think that during the halo reach game, kat will have a hard time adjusting to the fact that the original noble 6 is m.i.a. I think that she will be a little bit reluctant to adjust to the fact that the replacement noble 6 is on the team now, knowing the fact that the original noble 6 sacrificed his/her life to destroy the covenant carrier,and in turn save many lives, including kat's.however, apparently Spartans arent supposed to grow too attached to theyre fellow squad members. so, well just have to wait and see.

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  • i know sux that they dropped duel wielding but it would've been incredible if at least they made the needler duel wieldable, then no one would care if all the other weapons were not

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  • lol "u no our motto" when i read that then saw the title of the trailer i fell out of my freakin chair

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  • Hot Chinese chicks!!!! Dang Bungies lucky epically the guy with the black hair standing really close to that hot chick.(I think there something going on if you know what i mean =p)

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  • i think the thing a lot of people are wondering about is easy weapon lowering over live

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  • Insane update. I loved the Deliver Hope trailer (it's my favorite of all) and great job on producing the best trailer ever. Thanks for the update Urk.

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  • You guys know there's a phone commercial using the Spartan armor? Just thought you should be aware if you're not already.

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  • I prefer pie, but I'll post anyhow...

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  • off topic.will there be split screen in campain?

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  • in response to the Theater 2.0 info That's great, can you still only watch films with 4 people? [Edited on 08.28.2010 11:52 AM PDT]

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  • New backround, confirmed. No unlimited jetpacks in campaign? This saddens me.

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  • Wow, what an update- So I didn't go dark, oh well. I can't say too much of anything was revealed so I'm not seeing anything here too exciting. I love Halo and want more, I hope after the success of Reach that Microsoft will reconsider employing Bungie to make another Halo game. I don't think anyone will ever be able to make Halo the way Bungie makes Halo. Old alliances shall be broken and new ones will be formed. Have a good one and the Don will be looking for you on Reach! Take care. [Edited on 08.29.2010 10:14 PM PDT]

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  • KAT FAILS!!! LOL one question for Urk: What armour Abillity was Kat using in this video? She coulda done with armour lock.

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