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10/16/2017 2:59:27 PM

Duplicate drop Issue

This may fall in deaf ears, but here it goes anyway. I understand that since there are really not that many items in the game for loot drops, giving duplicates makes it so we have to go grind some more to get what we want, specially now that fixed rolls are a thing. However it is now extreme. My first issue with this is exotics. I seem to have just a fixed rotation of exotics that will come from an engram, I am not getting anything new. I have been chasing Sweet Business, Vigilance wing and Celestial Night hawk (among others) for a long time, and they don't drop, as I said all I keep getting is the same things over and over again. Now, Xur sold Vigilance wing, I bought it and then claimed two exotic engrams, and what did I get? two vigilance wings. Another example? well there are the Ikora tokens, I want the full armor that she is offering for My titan, so I run the meditations on all my characters and then go claim them with my titan, all three engrams gave me the boots, and last week? well boots. I don't mind getting duplicates from time to time, but it can't be this bad, please fix it.

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