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originally posted in: Bungie Community Fireteam - 10/14/17
10/14/2017 6:48:22 AM
Destiny 2 is horse crap. Yeah Bungie took a couple steps forward but, then ran backwards. Lets quit the bs everyone and start being honest here...this game Destiny 2 isn't good. And I give no -blam!-s to what any fanboys say. Because I am a Titan who gives no -blam!-s. Destiny 2 is crap. And everyone knows it. The streamers know it, you know it, and Bungie knows it. In Destiny 1 people would say all the time that Destiny was dying, it never did though. This time its different. Its dying, and its because the players are finally rejecting half assed games. PvP players deserve better, PvE players deserve better, hardcore gamers deserve better, and yes even the casual players deserve better than this. Bungie made alot of money from us all. Deej - Cozmo - Luke Smith all of you better soak it in. Because you cheated the game industry. You cheated your fans. You cheated yourselves. You made promises, you couldn't keep. You talked a big game, but couldn't deliver. And if you think gamers are going to listen to your excuses, your wrong. You F'd things up real good. And I predict right now that your 10yr plan won't make it past 2018. Its a shame. You could have really did something great here. But, next gen isn't about going backwards in any aspect. Its about moving forward. Something you refuse to do.

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  • I like D2 way more than D1. By year 3 it was nearly impossible for me to do anything with my friends and they destroyed the game by having broken weapons. Also I don't have to pour hundreds of hours and complete every raid just to increase my light by 1-3. That system was garbage and made it impossible for people to pick up the game after year 2 unless they planned to pour all of their time into destiny. I think what they've done by changing the loot system is future proofing their game, so that players can pick it up when the max level is 40 and the max light is 600 and not feel like they have Donald Trump's insanely large wall in front of them. Furthermore, Bungie shouldn't cater to the hardcore players as much as the casual players because (believe it or not) there's more casuals playing the game and enjoying it than there are hardcore players complaining about it. I've already got every legendary and exotic, I've already beat the raid, I do the nightfall day 1, I play the meditations, I'be collected all the iron banner armor and all the faction armor on my characters. You know what I did after that. I took the disc out and put madden 18 in and I only come back to play crucible with my friends.

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  • So the streamers say its bad,and the sheep will follow.If you would play the game and not look for ever glitch,cheese,farm they post maybe you would get your moneis worth.Why bother to buy a game only to watch others so they can tell how to play.

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  • I don't understand why people watch others play games? Do it yourself, but I've played enough of D2 now and I'm finding it pretty bad, attempted the raid once and have no incentive to give it another go, why bother? Just for some cosmetics? Year one couldn't wait to run all 3 characters through VoG to try and get weapons and armour worth having. I'll probs keep playing as I have a pretty crap life atm and nothing better to do but it's not bad because the streamers say it is it is just a bad game.

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  • Yes that is where they missed up,Raid should be the only way to max light

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  • When Destiny was first being shown off we were promised a Large Shared World Shooter RPG. That was "Ancient Fantasy" + "Hard Science Fiction". We got a standard FPS with some looting, and near zero word building. Great video here of a player explaining their problem. Basically there is near zero story context and world building in the game and almost none of the lore is in the game still. I just do not understand how people can defend an unfinished product. Especially after what happened in Destiny 1. We expect the whole game. We do not want to have to wait for things that should have been in the game when we got it, only to have them called "DLC". [u]Think of a game like a Burger.[/u] -The Burger (base game) should have; the meat patty, lettuce, tomato, onion, cheese, ketchup & mustard. -The fries and soda (DLC/Expansion) should add to the experience. We should not have to pay more money to make the game whole when it should have been at launch. F2P games like Warframe can do that because they are F2P and still a work-in-progress. a $60 game should not act like a F2P game.

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  • Edited by I51St SquadI: 10/15/2017 1:24:24 AM
    I think the true problem isn’t Bungie but us. And what I mean is that we vets played since yr 1 or 2 and in the end had hrs of gameplay to play for the endgame. Now we have a new game that is Bungie’s step forward in game features and our step back in enjoyment. I’m not saying oh Bungie has made a boring game but rather saying Bungie has made a new game and a new game requires a fresh start and experimentation to perfect after all game development isn’t the easiest and keeping it fresh also isn’t a walk in the park. So quit whining like everyone this day and age. grow up and get over it.

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  • For those who are saying “It’s the same game” what I mean by new game is it’s a new experience, start and story. Sure it’s the same game with less BUT it’s also a different game. So what I’m saying is “We’re starting with a new slate. Things are being fixed from D1. Idc if Bungie says it was supposed to be a 10yr game mainly because things happen. D1 got out of hand and Bungie couldn’t fix it without redesigning the entire game”. D1 needed a fix majorly. In ur 2 you get doctrine with over powered perks or get a weapon that had the same perks as another weapon that was the opposite archetype. Useless perks like guerrilla fighter existed on a really good sniper. So in the end Bungie had to make D2 to fix these problems that we (the community) caused and pointed out

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  • It's the same game with a lot of great things taken out. Not a new game whatsoever

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  • It is basicly the same Game Dude, what are you talking about? They dont deliver because theyre greedy and lazy, thats all and we were foold again. D2 isnt worthy to be called a sequel, it isnt even a good dlc. Its like op said 1 step forward and 3 steps back and tbh, i dont got the season pass and i wont buy anymore dlcs.

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  • Been playing since day 1 and my opinion differs. Sure I don't like some aspects of this game, but my expectations are realistic. I didn't want d2 to be completely different than d1 but also I didn't want it it be the exact same thing either. They delivered that experience. Within a few patches I feel they will find the middle ground for everyone. The game is barely over a month old and no adjustments have been made yet. Give it some time before you make final judgment. They hear you're problems about fixed gun rolls, duplicate drops, empty chests, matchmaking issues, etc. They've commented on said issues. They understand all of this is new and things will need to be changed. At least give them a chance to do something about it.

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  • I could justify this if the base code was rewritten for this release but... Ya...

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  • Gotta love when tweens have temper tantrum.

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  • ma name jeff

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  • I heard a lot of little kid complaining and no actual criticism. Game seems fine for me, maybe you are playing it wrong. It's cool you live in your mom's basement with those awesome stats bro. Super cool. You sound like one of those max lvl who die by my lvl 9 hunter and cry I'm cheating. It's cool man, you go make your own game and play that... oh wait your not a game creator? It's cool atleast you can complain about shit you don't have the skill to accomplish. Next time they make my burger wrong I'm gonna complain at your job like a child too.

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  • Lol I’m engaged, 23, in Comp sci, fiancée is dual degrees at one of the top university’s UBC, one of the degrees is an early masters at the age of 21. I have 3 305s and would clown you in trials lol. I might be an exception to most but for you to turn around and try and belittle people bcs they might be hardcore gamers just shows your character. I bet you live in your moms basement with That Walmart sponsored connection. Smh probs why your so salty.

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  • I'm sorry I could understand you with your retainer in. Spit it out and try again.

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  • It’s also I couldn’t* you tard. Sucks to suck

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  • Shhh calm down people are seeing your tiny man ness

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  • Lol add me up on Facebook, amateur men’s physique 2014. 210 lbs 6 percent body fat fagget. I beat you in everything in life you -blam!-ing low life bully hahahahahah 😂😂😂😂

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  • Also princess I'm 6.1 200. So I doubt it

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  • Hahaha Can you bench 365 lbs and squat 415 and deadlift 495? Doubt, listen here gay boy. You’re a mediocre online bully on a good day. Listen up 1. I’m better looking than you 2. My fiancée is better looking than any girl you’ve had 3. I’m richer than you 4. I’m smarter than you 5. Im better at video games than you 6. I live in a nicer city than you Next time you try and be a bully online remember you’re just a -blam!-ing fagget

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  • Come to Chicago brother. I'm home all the time. We can have a lunch date in the park

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  • I’ll beat you with a spoon and then I’ll clown you online 😂 -blam!-ing dink

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  • It's okay homie no balls. You keep pretending you are someone and one day it might happen. If you get nuts to jump let me know. You got my tag now. Let me know when you sack up all talk.

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  • Bahahahah come i Vancouver any day bro, I’ll break you in half. Oh wait I thought you were disabled? Lied about that too eh

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