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Edited by Cruton: 10/7/2017 6:51:24 PM

Friendship is the answer to replayabiliy and endgame content....

Thanks Deej. [b]Friendship is the reason i paid $60[/b]... Edit: Trending. Lmao [i]Thanks Deej[/i].

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  • "Friendship", what a load of lip service garbage. I am so over pathetic little people trying to take a high moral stance to win over the gullible masses, they use words like friend, like, love, duty of care etc in the most inappropriate places such as video games. These kinds of people are the ones that after shaking your hand you need to count your fingers as they are always looking to gain something from you. When a rep of a game development company starts using such terms I will no longer have anything to do with that company, their role is to make a product worth buying and worth playing not espouse saccharine coated bs in order to portray themselves as "nice people" in the hope that suckers will fall for it and decide "oh its not a bad game cos the people are nice". When people are false/fake with you it is showing you the greatest disrespect imo.

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    • I agree with DeeJ, and wonder where 6v6 is so I can enjoy more friendship?

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      • Edited by HumDrumHokum: 6/9/2021 10:31:37 PM

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        • Yeah, who needs an actual endgame or a real progression system when you have... friends??

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        • Friendship is life. I got cozmos backside. He's got my front. We 69. As friends. Hope you find the same amount of joy in that as we do. Friends is a good tv series with ultimate replayability. Instant replays are a lot like d2. Friendship for life. Thanks friends for the actual loot. Deej, out

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        • Friendship and a cruel god holding a controler is the reason my guardian repeatedly throws himself from the top of the tower and cried because his pain can never end, so he pushes afk people off in the hope they can understand him and to amuse the guy holding the controller.

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        • Edited by Combo164: 10/7/2017 4:37:42 AM
          Power of friendship. Elements of harmony. Wardcliff coil Uriels cliff Mida Cold heart Sweet business Merciless.

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        • Not really. I have hundreds of old friends from D1 over 3 years. Unfortunately, D2 isn't able to keep us playing anymore. You can only do just so much of the same crap over and over and over and over, till it becomes insane and ridiculous for everyone involved. D1 in year one had people grinding for exotics and the perfect roll weapons all the way up to the first DLC. D2 gives everything to you so fast, that it killed the game. If you really like your friends, go get another game and play that with them. Quit asking them to help you and play the same public events over and over. You may find your friend's list get smaller and smaller.

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        • Today I learned my clan has already won the endgame.

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        • Edited by MindExergy: 10/7/2017 12:44:40 AM
          Funny most of the people I played d1 with except the busy dads that don't have much time to try it all even play this game anymore. My friends list was lit up for like 2 weeks. Now maybe 4 or 5 are even playing. Hell all the people I made memories in the old raids and even my own gf who played d1 religiously are bored with this game and she's only 280. I asked her to run the nightfall with me the other day and she has zero interest. "What's the point, all you get is tokens or a gun with the same roll?" LOL I'm in shock we went from all that was d1 to this. Did they not know their community. Should've been evident when rise of iron dropped and everyone played out the content in a week that this community needs a shit ton of content. Hell my favorite streamers on twitch seem to have less viewers than they did at times d1 was dry. Total flop of a game. This game needs taken king like expansions and a hell of a lot more than the heroic public events we got at launch for people to have enough to keep em busy. Also dynamic rolls. Something to grind for.

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          • Lmao. Was waiting for some poor sap to make this exact post. Thanks for being predictable.

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          • Deej will you accept all friend requests?

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          • I feel like you really do have to pay people to be your friend. $60 is a bargain for you.

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          • Can i join

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          • Evil Activision got Bungie hooked on money. Now they freebase money. That's why they need so much. Sad.

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          • People need to take games less seriously

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            31 Replies
            • A lot of Destiny veterans with combined play hours exceeding 3500 are just burned out. Especially these so-called hardcore players. Hardcore. Heh. Anyway, newer players and those not addicted to the previous Skinner box, love Destiny 2. Sorry Bungie took away your meth but it's for your own good, kiddos.

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            • Edited by Willie Killigan: 10/6/2017 5:13:15 PM
              I'd be upset too with what Deej tweeted if I was an entitled 34 year old with Stockholm syndrome. I don't think I've laughed so hard about a forum post. Deej is my damn hero.

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                That paragraph is a bunch of bull

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              • Paid*

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                  I didn't see the tweet what was it?

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                  • Wow, you've never dropped that much on a night out with the guys/ gals? Yall are ridiculous lmfao. Wait, did ya moms buy you D2 with her card? "I don't know why you play such violent games sweetie, but if it makes you happy.."

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                    • In a way they are kind of saying. In lieu of us making a game worthy of your hard earned dollar, we are counting on the community at large to generate the value. People we don't even know and haven't vetted will open their arms and you will feel the warmth of their loving embrace. Salty sam is just a scary story told to frighten the children.

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                    • If it weren't for the clan i joined I would've quit a long time ago.

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                      • I mean he's not wrong.

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                      • So are we regretting the Pre Order yet?

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