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8/7/2010 12:42:10 AM

Reach- female vs. male spartan... who will u choose??

everyone knows halo reach has the new female and male spartans with an actual noticeable visual difference. comment on which you will choose with the advantages of female spartans looking slimmer and smaller targets while the males are big, stronger looking and what most halo fans are used to. take a look at pics of both if u havnt seen them yet [url=]Female[/url] [url=]Male[/url] personally i think il try the female at first just to try something different. anyways post what you think Dangit, i should of added a pole :-P BTW everyone here should check out [url=][/url] for some cool videos and screenshots u cant find anywhere else [Edited on 08.06.2010 5:06 PM PDT]
#Halo #Reach

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Taeko I've always played female in games that allow it. They also look a smaller build, although this may not lead to smaller hit boxes due to balance issues, it could make it easier to take cover behind things due to smaller "visual" size[/quote] true true, very true. i didnt think about that

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Box Moulder sadly, i think i'll have to play the female spartan because her breathing on sprint isn't annoying. This is not something i want to do, but i just don't know how they thought the male sprint wasn't distracting.[/quote] personally i havnt heard the females sprint voice, if you dont like the males sprint voice just buy a female one because it is confirmed that you can buy different voices now and give them to your spartan wether or not it is a male or female spartan

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  • I've always played female in games that allow it. They also look a smaller build, although this may not lead to smaller hit boxes due to balance issues, it could make it easier to take cover behind things due to smaller "visual" size

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  • sadly, i think i'll have to play the female spartan because her breathing on sprint isn't annoying. This is not something i want to do, but i just don't know how they thought the male sprint wasn't distracting. [Edited on 08.17.2010 8:25 AM PDT]

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  • I think its funny how every guy who says there going to be male talk about how males are naturally stronger and faster and such, but this is a VIDEO GAME. nothing in it is like the real world to be honest so dont choose male because "guys are naturally born stronger faster and better tactitions"

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  • I would be a female but my friends or brother would say every 5 minutes or upon my death 'haa, you're a girl'. [Edited on 08.16.2010 6:52 PM PDT]

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  • female so i can have the 2 best things in life...women and video games

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Commando Santos [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] xxiNoSc0p3dJfKx Answer these question anyone. 1)Are guys stronger than girl. My Answer) Genetically born stronger so obviously. 2)Are guys faster My A) Look at top track times for guys n girls(either at ur school or Olympics etc, agian born with more muscle in legs) 3)Are guys more tactical? My Answer) Yes the best generals or military officials have been males, also look at anywhere in life (a board game,video games, paintballing, even playing a game of hide and seek) 4)Better in combat? My A) Obviously, look at any branch of the army.[/quote] Actually I know a girl that can out run any man on the tracks, stronger too. Hell, in a sport with mixed teams, she lead a team to victory against one lead by a dude and she's military aswell. Don't go generalising a gender.[/quote] But thats the whole point, of course their are females faster and stronger than some guys but the majority is reversed. Comon people its genetics not sexism. What girl wants to be stronger than males, the one that is duh? You guys are totally missing the point, partly because you feel defending them will get you them, which is totally wrong. How am i being ignorant?

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  • I'm a man and proud of it, hence I play as a man. My girlfriend is a female, hence she plays as a female. Anyone who is confused about gender/-blam!-ity may feel free to be whoever they like to be :)

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  • Obviously i'm going to choose male because i am male and im not gender confused.

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  • as long as the head is the same size idc ill prbly play male just because im a male

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  • I'm staying male, thats my gender.

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  • Female, tits FTW!

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  • I'm a guy but I prefer female avatars most of time so odds are I'll make a female Spartan-III.

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  • ill be a female model but idk why

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  • i think il just stick with the dude...cuz thats what i am

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  • Did anyone else catch any malware from his links? :( [Edited on 08.09.2010 5:25 PM PDT]

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  • It'd be cool to play as a female and actually notice things.

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  • Male. Might try out the female model at some point, but I don't really want some kid hitting on me because I'm using a female Spartan. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] xxiNoSc0p3dJfKx [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sladgen [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] xxiNoSc0p3dJfKx Since males are stronger, faster, more tactical, better in combat - for the most part- and since im male, i will choose male. I realize the game doesn't differentiate between the male and females physically like jumping and melee but still point made.[/quote] Sure is sexist in here... >__> I'm a guy and I'll be playing as a girl thank you very much, I just happen to prefer the female form over the male one..[/quote] Answer these question anyone. 1)Are guys stronger than girl. My Answer) Genetically born stronger so obviously. 2)Are guys faster My A) Look at top track times for guys n girls(either at ur school or Olympics etc, agian born with more muscle in legs) 3)Are guys more tactical? My Answer) Yes the best generals or military officials have been males, also look at anywhere in life (a board game,video games, paintballing, even playing a game of hide and seek) 4)Better in combat? My A) Obviously, look at any branch of the army.[/quote] You are either an ignorant -blam!- or a troll. I'm hoping for the later.

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  • Male, cause I wanna be Nathan fillion!! .... Don't judge me..

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  • I think that the male spartans might be able to throw a grenade farther. :P Joking aside, I'll switch every now and then. But this is a good summary: [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Grenades hurt G.I.R.L. Guy.In.Real.Life[/quote]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] PunchingAlmond umm im not bashing you or this post but why wouldent you choose what you are its first person shooter and you dont get to see yourself the only change is the voice of when you get hit the look is different too but its a FPS so u dont get to see it [/quote] Just the look i guess, i spend allot of time changing my armor in halo and it would be better to look a well semi-sexy female spartan. I have my reasons that iv'e shared and well a few others have share theirs and well i'll just say i'm not going to judge.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The Farting One [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BxR Twister Female because I've always dreamed of being one.[/quote] [i] Uhhhh, [/i] transvestite much? JK. I can imagine why.[/quote] lol yeah, thats kind of weird to say that BxR, i mean coming from some one that is going to play as a female just for -blam!-s and giggles thats a little weird. [Edited on 08.09.2010 5:04 PM PDT]

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  • Female. I am tired of sausage fest in games... Lol.

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  • umm im not bashing you or this post but why wouldent you choose what you are its first person shooter and you dont get to see yourself the only change is the voice of when you get hit the look is different too but its a FPS so u dont get to see it

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  • I will probably choose to be a male.

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