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8/3/2010 4:33:36 AM

New Halo the Fall of Reach has Canon problems

In the new version there it states that reach comes under attack at 2542 and not 2552. the battles for Sigama Octanus and Reach are now 2542 Cole is now a Fleet Admiral in 2530 Admiral Stanforth is now a Vice Admiral 700+ ships attacked reach [Edited on 08.03.2010 1:53 PM PDT]

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  • But John... You ARE the 700 ships

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] paulmarv Anyways, at least this disaster might give them a hint to try harder with the next two books they will be redoing. They ought not to screw those up.[/quote] Well, I thought the encyclopedia and the reaction to that might get them to try harder, but apparently they still don't understand the purpose of an editor. I'll accept the 700 ships as a retcon, even if I think it's unnecessary and pointless(If they really want there to be 700 ships at Reach, fine, but there's no good reason to make the change) but they leave other massive inconsistencies untouched(Hey everyone who insisted that the Spartan numbers in TFOR weren't canon anymore, what do you have to say now?) and introduce a massive typo in the version that was released to fix typos and small errors. I hope they increase the number of ships at the Unyielding Heirophant in First Strike, because there's going to be some problems there if they don't...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] FleetAdmiralBob [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] anton1792 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] paulmarv [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] urk Anyways, at least this disaster might give them a hint to try harder with the next two books they will be redoing. They ought not to screw those up.[/quote] [i]Oh god![/i] To be honest that would probably kill off this forum. :P[/quote] They can do whatever they want to The Flood. I've never once seen anyone who said that was their favorite of the books. [/quote] Ugh it's actually my favorite...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] FleetAdmiralBob [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] anton1792 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] paulmarv [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] urk Anyways, at least this disaster might give them a hint to try harder with the next two books they will be redoing. They ought not to screw those up.[/quote] [i]Oh god![/i] To be honest that would probably kill off this forum. :P[/quote] They can do whatever they want to The Flood. I've never once seen anyone who said that was their favorite of the books. Screwin' with First Strike'd cause some problems, though. So long as they don't touch Ghosts of Onyx. The internet would explode if so much as a font change occured to that. [/quote] Amen.

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  • seriously? Why was there a rewrite IN THE FIRST PLACE. What was so wrong with the FIRST Fall of Reach? I wasnt even aware of a new one coming out..which is shock a to me. I dont see why Nylund would rewrite it..ive like, lost all faith in Nylund if hes going to start doing this crap. UGH.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] FleetAdmiralBob They can do whatever they want to The Flood. I've never once seen anyone who said that was their favorite of the books. Screwin' with First Strike'd cause some problems, though. So long as they don't touch Ghosts of Onyx. The internet would explode if so much as a font change occured to that. [/quote] Oh, if they do something to GoO, i'll burn their company up. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] A HAM5TER [url=]The new flood cover[/url] [url=]The new first strike cover[/url] 1: Why the hell is Master Chief wearing Mk IV armor in the flood and first strile? 2: Why the hell is Master Chief using SMGs in the flood?[/quote] Exactly what i was discussing in a thread before the first book was published. [Edited on 08.04.2010 2:09 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] anton1792 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] paulmarv [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] urk Anyways, at least this disaster might give them a hint to try harder with the next two books they will be redoing. They ought not to screw those up.[/quote] [i]Oh god![/i] To be honest that would probably kill off this forum. :P[/quote] They can do whatever they want to The Flood. I've never once seen anyone who said that was their favorite of the books. Screwin' with First Strike'd cause some problems, though. So long as they don't touch Ghosts of Onyx. The internet would explode if so much as a font change occured to that.

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  • I knew it, they will end to ruin the franchise, i knew it.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] anton1792 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] paulmarv [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] urk Anyways, at least this disaster might give them a hint to try harder with the next two books they will be redoing. They ought not to screw those up.[/quote] [i]Oh god![/i] To be honest that would probably kill off this forum. :P[/quote] If they continue at this rate, I think it will actually knock some sense into the plebeians of the forum and show them what I've been forecasting for 343 all along. Really, does anyone actually consider the new TFoR canon over the old one? I don't think it will be too different with the next two. But it certainly ought to be better.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] urk Nerds! ;)[/quote] You know you love us to defend your baby!

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  • [i] This is unprecedented... Unacceptable!...[/i]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] urk Nerds! ;)[/quote] Takes one to know one! Checkmate.

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  • Hmm... I wonder if the'll give us a free copy to those who bought it once they fix the mistake.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] urk Nerds! ;)[/quote] This is how you respond to my PM Urk. You cut me deep big guy. You cut me real deep. I should have known better than to come to you with my concerns next time I'll ask Shiska. :P [Edited on 08.04.2010 12:48 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] CB Visco My question is, why can't they just create a universe and stick to it. The more they build to the halo universe, the more they break it down. A fiction universe should not have to be redone time and time again have the story atlered just so that it can fit the "new released" stories. That is just ridiculous. Also even if you are going to change some thing to make the story fit, then do it right. Its like they are giving us pieces to a puzzle, but now that we are halfway through the puzzle, we realize, "Hey, this picture isn't logical or even right." Then to make it worse, they take pieces from us and replace them with new pieces which don't even fit. Come on halo! this puzzle isnt looking any better, and the pieces you are giving us just arent fitting. Quit -blam!- around, we obviously can and are doing a better job than you and we aren't even getting paid for this.[/quote] Because Halo is a video game owned by a giant software corporation. I am constantly baffled when threads like this pop up. They make up -blam!- to sell to you. It's a franchise with many licenses sold off to other companies by Microsoft that then get not so talented writers attached to them. If you are looking for a consistent story that is the brain child of an extraordinary storyteller then you are [i]really[/i] looking in the wrong place.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] paulmarv Anyways, at least this disaster might give them a hint to try harder with the next two books they will be redoing. They ought not to screw those up.[/quote] [i]Oh god![/i] To be honest that would probably kill off this forum. :P [Edited on 08.04.2010 2:02 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] urk Nerds! ;)[/quote] Yes urk, but you just had to point it out... :) Anyways, at least this disaster might give them a hint to try harder with the next two books they will be redoing. They ought not to screw those up. [Edited on 08.04.2010 12:37 PM PDT]

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  • Nightmarish inconsistencies like these are why I am sort of glad I never read past TFOR. I knew I would just end up getting confused and frustrated. At least the games are consistent.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] urk Nerds! ;)[/quote] Out of my forum, urkie-pooh. (But thanks for the wink, I'll meet you on Sunday by the pond.)

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] urk Nerds! ;)[/quote] Too late urk, the tread already has a mass of people quoting each other. Anways, do you think 343 can manage the Halo universe?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] urk Nerds! ;)[/quote] 2 rite!!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] urk Nerds! ;)[/quote] You know you love it.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] urk Nerds! ;)[/quote] Oh you love to tease us. :) Edit: I see you're off diaper duty now, gratz. [Edited on 08.04.2010 12:17 PM PDT]

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  • Nerds! ;)

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Lord Snakie See, the difference here is that these edits were made [i]solely[/i] to fix canon issues and they just made it [i]worse[/i]. In fact, they bloody overwrote their [i]own[/i] canon that [i]they[/i] put in place![/quote] Mmm, well if it was their intention to fix errors and they end up producing more, an ultimately end up not fixing what they set out to do originally, then to me it just sounds like unadulterated incompetence. I'm not sure which is worse. Does Frankie not check everything before it goes out there?

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  • It is one hell of a blunder but I am glad that is has been confirmed to be a typo. Of course it would be a blunder..... phew. The carelessness of it all is quite alarming though. I wonder what the next careless typo will be; "On the crashed remains of the Column of Winter the Master Commander wielded a Battle Cannon in each hand and aimed at the grotesque head of the Headcrab Zombie. His best buddy in the world, the AI Carolina, was stored on his ipod which was set to disk mode in iTunes. They needed to escape the Death Star before it was too late tbh!"

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