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originally posted in: I don't find timed nightfalls fun
Edited by Darthdad969: 9/16/2017 11:27:27 PM
I agree with you. I get that they don't want teams to spend 45+ minutes just hiding behind rocks shooting a boss's foot the whole time but there has to be something in the middle. Any area where you can forge ahead without killing anyone, you have to. But if you get sniped out of the air, get ready for an extra-long respawn timer because your fireteam will likely be ahead of you and either can't come back to revive you or doesn't dare try to in order to avoid being killed themselves. On this Nightfall, I got ambushed at the % timer and died. I had to respawn up above where the drill security Cabul guys get killed. My fireteam had made it through to the gears but when I dropped down again I was killed by a Cabal drop pod. Officially, killed by the Architects but it was an empty Cabal pod. All while time is ticking away. That would be no fun even without a timer. But its plain frustrating watching a timer tick down while my fireteam asks where I am.

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